Quarantine Then I'm pretty sure you're not searching the correct folder.
Operation: No Mod Still Not Left Behind (0.14.2 Mod Upgrader)
- Edited
Walt the only other folder is strings and that only has one document
Edit: Hey, I really dont want this to be seen as lazy or rude in anyway (i love this game to death i dont want to insult you) but please could you help me find the ID's? I have the link for the download for the _upgraded_upgraded version.
Upgraded using both upgraders
Quarantine In microammo_factory.txt
you have a line that says OtherIDs = [ammo_supply,microammo_factory]
, which is conflicting with the vanilla ammo supply.
- Edited
Walt ohhhhh, so should I take the one in the microammo_factory out?
edit: yay 100th post in this discussion
Quarantine Yup, just remove it and I think it should work.
- Edited
Walt Thanks!
Walt I removed the ID, but when I tried to install it, it gave me this error message:
Edit: when I tried to install it, it gave me an error message.
Error loading mod MicroTech v1.1.0_upgraded_upgraded: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\vaughana\Documents\My Games\Cosmoteer\Mods\MicroTech v1.1.0_upgraded_upgraded\mod.txt'.
File name: 'C:\Users\vaughana\Documents\My Games\Cosmoteer\Mods\MicroTech v1.1.0_upgraded_upgraded\mod.txt'
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path, Encoding encoding, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path)
at Halfling.ObjectText.OTFile.Parse() in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\ObjectText\OTFile.cs:line 293
at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModInfo.TryLoadMod(String modFolder, Boolean isBuiltIn, ModInfo& modInfo, IList`1 errorList) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModInfo.cs:line 143
Quarantine Could not find file 'C:\Users\vaughana\Documents\My Games\Cosmoteer\Mods\MicroTech v1.1.0_upgraded_upgraded\mod.txt'.
Walt I was trying to fix the issue, but I found that when I rezip the folder to put it back into the Mods folder (It was unzipped so it could be upgraded.) everything inside the zipped folder is put into an unzipped sub-folder of the same name. The strange thing is that I can't move anything out of the subfolder when it is zipped, and if I unzip the folder, take everything out of the sub folder, then delete the sub-folder, then rezip the folder, everything is put back into the sub-folder.
Quarantine That's why you should use the built-in mod packager, it makes sure the zip file is structured properly. Open the mods manager, right-click on the mod, and you should have an option to create a mod package from the mod.
Walt alright, i got it installed, but now it is saying there is a duplicate of aux_cockpit.
Quarantine Same problem as ammo_supply
, find what's using that ID and remove it.
Walt Holy crap! It works! Thank you so much!
Quarantine Where is the link?!
RedAndCosmoteer oh sure lemme get it
Walt I decided to try to upgrade C+, again.
Here's my crash when attempting to update Cosmoteer Plus, with the upgraders (used both upgraders). What seems to be wrong?
System.Exception: Error loading mod: Cosmoteer Plus ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The node at path '<E:\GAMES\Cosmoteer\Cosmoteer (game)\Data\ships\terran\ion_beam_emitter\ion_beam_emitter.txt>/Part/Components/Weapon/Emitter' must be a {} "group" node or file to use an Overrides action on it.
at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModOverridesAction.ApplyAction(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModOverridesAction.cs:line 24
at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModInfo.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModInfo.cs:line 70
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModInfo.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModInfo.cs:line 75
at Cosmoteer.Assets.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Assets.cs:line 325
at Cosmoteer.Assets.LoaderThread() in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Assets.cs:line 290
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
11/20/2018 03:14:09 | Logging successful initialized.
11/20/2018 03:14:09 | .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.42000
11/20/2018 03:14:09 | Running as a 64-bit process.
11/20/2018 03:14:09 | Local: en-US
11/20/2018 03:14:09 | Language: en-US
11/20/2018 03:14:09 | Cosmoteer version 0.14.4
11/20/2018 03:14:09 | Microsoft Windows 10 Education 64-bit 10.0.17134
11/20/2018 03:14:09 | Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8 logical processors)
11/20/2018 03:14:09 | 16322.0 MB RAM
11/20/2018 03:14:09 | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 ( (1/22/2018)
11/20/2018 03:14:09 | 4095.0 MB VRAM
11/20/2018 03:14:09 |
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Loaded app settings.
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Mixpanel Distinct ID: 41C154DBBD8D0184760B71E48BF392A9
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Process is now DPI-aware.
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Setup default cursor.
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Using display adapter 0
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Created DXGI factory.
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Adapter #0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Output #0: Generic PnP Monitor (3840x2160)
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Adapter #1: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Updated Windows form configuration for resizable windowed.
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Created Windows form.
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Direct3D Feature Level: Level_11_0
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Created Direct3D 11 Device.
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Created swap chain: 3840x2068.
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Created window.
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Created clock.
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Created graphics manager.
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Created XAudio2 device.
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Created audio manager.
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Created input manager.
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Created default font.
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Initial app state is 'MainMenu'
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Initial application settings:
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | LastGameVersion:
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | InitState: MainMenu
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Language:
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | LockCursor: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | EdgePanMode: Analog
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | EdgePanSpeed: 15
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | KeyboardPanSpeed: 15
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | KeyboardZoomSpeed: 10
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | KeyboardRotSpeed: 90°
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | EnableMouseWheelZoom: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | InvertMouseWheelZoom: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | MouseWheelZoomSpeed: 1.12
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | MouseWheelZoomAtCursor: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | StickyFocus: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | DpiScaleMode: Dpi100
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | AnimateBackgrounds: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | FancyParticles: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | UncompressedTextures: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | AllowShipDeselection: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | CtrlSelectsParts: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | EnableCollisionAvoidance: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | PreferBlueprintMode: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | BlueprintAutoPause: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | ShowInvalidBlueprints: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | BuildAutoFocus: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | BuildAutoRotate: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | BuildAutoInteriors: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | PaintAutoFocus: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | PaintAutoRotate: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | PaintAllowOverwrite: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | PaintMirrorEnabled: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | PaintMirrorAxis: Vertical
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | RepairAutoFocus: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | RepairAutoRotate: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | BuildAllowOverwrite: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | BuildAutoDoors: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | BuildEnforceCrewAccess: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | BuildMirrorEnabled: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | BuildMirrorAxis: Vertical
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | RowsOfParts: 1
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | GrabLeavesCorridors: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | RepairAutoDoors: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | AutoHireCrew: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | PartToolTips: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | AutoSave: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | AutoSavesToKeep: 10
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | QuickSavesToKeep: 10
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | AutoSaveInterval: 600
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | SaveLostShips: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | LostShipsTokeep: 10
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | FtlAutoSave: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | ShowOnShipIndicators: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | ShowZoomedOutBlibs: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | ShowOffScreenBlips: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | PingNearbyEnemies: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | AutoPauseOnLostFocus: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | ScreenShake: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | ShowMidpointFocusWidget: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | VersionCheckMode: Stable
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | EnableMetrics: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | PreferBorderlessWindowToggle: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | MasterVolume: 1
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | EffectsVolume: 1
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | InterfaceVolume: 1
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | ShowTutorials: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | AutoFtlJump: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | PaintSchemes: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Cosmoteer.Ships.PaintScheme]
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | DefaultBuildTool: Grab
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | DefaultDecalTool: Grab
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | TutorialPageStates: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,Cosmoteer.Tutorials.TutorialPageState]
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | PlayerColor:
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | EnemyColor:
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | NeutralColor:
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | MiniviewInCombatMode: Auto
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | MiniviewNotInCombatMode: Auto
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | MiniviewLockRotation: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | MiniviewSize:
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | ShowInteriors: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | AlwaysShowCommandWidgets: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | PreferShipRelativeAttackAngle: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | PreferWorldRelativeFollowAngle: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | ShipLibraryLargeIcons: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | AdHocFormations: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | BreakFormationToAttack: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | DisplayAllShips: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | ShowAdvancedCommands: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | EnabledMods: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String]
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | DeleteFileOnStartup:
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | DefaultGameMode:
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | DefaultCreativeModeMapSize: 0
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | DefaultBountyModeDifficulty: 0
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | DefaultBountyModeMapSize: 0
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | DefaultBountyModeStarterShip: 0
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | WarnOutOfDateGpuDrivers: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | MPShipColorMode: RandomPerPlayer
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | MPBlipColorMode: FriendAndFoe
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | MPShowDamagePoints: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | CustomRulesets: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | AutoPortForwarding: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | DisplayPublicIP: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | PreferLAN: False
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | DefaultServer: 0
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | ShowNewsOnStartup: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | ReadNewsArticles: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String]
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | ShowNewsAlerts: True
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | HiddenNewsAlerts: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String]
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Starting main game loop...
11/20/2018 03:14:10 | Enabled mods:
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | zergRush99.Bloodcult
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | bubbet.placeholder
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | FireShredder24.CWP
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | deco_mod_N.deco_mod
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | jbox1.drones++
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | zergRush99.EoD
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | Northerner.GiF
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | Red.CosmoteerPlus
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | Memory usage at time of crash: 591,704,064
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | Application state stack at time of crash:
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | Cosmoteer.Assets
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | FPS at time of crash: 29.81628
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | Running processes at time of crash: AppleMobileDeviceService, ApplicationFrameHost, audiodg, browser_broker, BtwRSupportService, Cosmoteer, csrss, ctfmon, dllhost, dwm, escsvc64, explorer, firefox, fontdrvhost, GameBar, Idle, lsass, MBAMService, mbamtray, mDNSResponder, Memory Compression, MicrosoftEdge, MicrosoftEdgeCP, MSASCuiL, MsMpEng, NisSrv, NVDisplay.Container, OriginWebHelperService, PnkBstrA, Registry, RuntimeBroker, SearchIndexer, SearchUI, SecurityHealthService, services, SgrmBroker, ShellExperienceHost, sihost, smss, spoolsv, Steam, SteamService, steamwebhelper, svchost, System, taskhostw, TeraCopyService, vmnat, vmnetdhcp, vmware-authd, vmware-usbarbitrator64, wininit, winlogon, WmiPrvSE, WUDFHost,
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | System.Exception: Error loading mod: Cosmoteer Plus ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The node at path '<E:\GAMES\Cosmoteer\Cosmoteer (game)\Data\ships\terran\ion_beam_emitter\ion_beam_emitter.txt>/Part/Components/Weapon/Emitter' must be a {} "group" node or file to use an Overrides action on it.
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModOverridesAction.ApplyAction(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModOverridesAction.cs:line 24
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModInfo.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModInfo.cs:line 70
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModInfo.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModInfo.cs:line 75
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | at Cosmoteer.Assets.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Assets.cs:line 325
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | at Cosmoteer.Assets.LoaderThread() in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Assets.cs:line 290
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
11/20/2018 03:14:15 | at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Actual data hash: b396d2120d2ade4766b696b23ce7d695
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Expected data hash: b396d2120d2ade4766b696b23ce7d695
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Director received exit call.
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Disposed default font.
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Disposed XA2AudioManager device.
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Disposed audio manager.
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Disposed clock.
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Disposed input manager.
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Disposed graphics manager.
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Disposed swap chain.
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Disposed Direct3D device.
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Disposed DXGI factory.
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Closed Windows form.
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Director received exit call.
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Disposed window.
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Disposed platform interface.
11/20/2018 03:14:19 | Closing log output file...