Railgun ships!:

standard MK3 Dreadnought class
a large sized ship made to be an all purpose railgun carrier
+armour fins to stop Railgun penetration reaching engines
+side shields
+quite decent frontal shields
+quite powerful rails for its size
-only two missile racks as extra armament
-If one Railgun blows up so does the other (sometimes, im not quite sure)
-only one command room

Modified MK3 designated Dreadnought MK3-B
A modified MK3, altered to be practically invunerable to small rails from the front
it cannot easily be insta killed by Indifference's X railgun.
+highly shielded front
+retains some side shielding
+lighter than standard MK3
+electrobolts to disrupt shields for rails to pass
-apsolutely no secondary armarment
-shielding can chain explode
-shields usless at an angle

A small railgun defence platform
move it to location you need it
press 1 to select the four explosives (or manually select)
detonate them, then tell the ship to rotate so the side with the Red arrows (top)
is facing towards the small red dot on the bottom right
Repeat that a couple times every now and then
and bam! spinning Railguns!
+good shields
+can recharge while spinning
+better fire rate, as fast as it spins
-single use
-weak rails
-cannot aim properly
now... i know it isnt below 1 Mil... but still:

what happens when you improve the MK3 for hours and hours
A huge, armed and armoured behemoth
+8 Rails
+2 very high power rails
+2 command bridges
+lots of missiles
+decent front shields
+quite manuverable for its size
+front PD arrays
-awful exposed Missile factories
-lack of side PD
-less turn speed
-slow to come to a stop or reverse
Edit: found better way to spin things:

detonate explosive holding armour peice by center,
target it
this works also to make it not single use any more!