... as the freighter moved further away from the station, the three TMD ships at the borders of the system suddenly became active again, all systems started up within a few moments and then...
...they were suddenly gone, just to reappear a few hundred metres behind the freighter, using what seemed to be a sort of spatial fold jump-drive, leaving behind the mobilesuit stalker...
...two of the ships started flying around the freighter in a wide arc, while the third approached it more obviously from the back...
...several transmissions were sent forth and back though spectators of the scene were unable to find out what they contained, then, the sides of the freighter suddenly were detached revealing an array of plasmamissile launchers which instantly started firing an entire volley at the following ship, while the freighter accelerated...
...as the missiles hit the TMD ship it just took them to the face without any significant damages, it then started accellerating, following the freighter seemingly without any notable effort, another few transmissions were sent from both sides started by the TMD vessel...
...apparently to no avail, the transmissions stopped and a multitude of orange glowing beams were fired from the edge of the ships hull, targetting the weakspots of the freighter with unmatched precision, taking out it´s weapon systems and the engines within a matter of seconds...
...regardless the bridge of the ship seemed undamaged, unlike most of the other remains...
The three TMD ships surrounded the remains of the freighter and another few transmissions were sent forth and back...
Then the Station was contacted, once more it was Alarian...
/Transmission Start/
Greetings Omagalight station,
I´ll get straight to the point, do you have any use for this man, or do you want to lock him up yourself?
(He showed a holographical profile of a man called Haswin Varfax, with a brief overlook over his qualifications, his past...and most notably a variety of crimes including trade of illegal chemical warfare agents, assassinations, trade of endangered and dangerous species and more...)