After some very confused comms officers compiled a report of the message and brought it to the local station garrison commander, he decided that this would either be a waste of time or something very important.. Since he did not want to waste the time of High Command, but also feared the repercussions, should it be an important meeting, he first opens himself several beers to think more clearly.. and then decides to personally investigate the matter instead of sending an ambassador, keeping the whole thing as a local matter.. for now.
About half a day passes before there is a return message, then a short transmission is sent on a little used frequency to the small ship.
//Transmission: Local Code//
"Zhis is zhe commander of zhe local garrison. A ship vill be sent out to meet you vhere you are at zhe moment. Do not power up your weapons, if you do, ve will open fire, since zhis whole situation seems... very suspicious."
"Vhich nation do you represent?"
//Transmission End//
A singular destroyer is dispatched and moving out of the gate, making its way towards the burguny and gold ship..