Von Richthofen shrugs slightly with his shoulders while taking the napkin off his plate and neatly folding it before putting it next to his cutlery.
"Zhat is hard to say for us because ve were... beaten. in a war against zhe Vaiaelon War Pact as well as TIE and a few others about a year back. SInce zhen ve had been lived pushed back in a different galaxy, rebuilding, before coming back a few months ago to retake vhat is ours. As far as ve can observe, zhe British Empire and zhe Vaiaelon War Pact has filled zhe vacuum zhat zhe Reich left and now are some of zhe most powerful factions in G-S16. Furthermore, TIE has been fully eliminated and zhe remnants vere reformed into vhat is called zhe "Undying Empire", vhich is currently dying due to zhe Vaiaelons and zhe British running zheir shit into zhe ground."
He puts some kind of steak as well as potato mush onto his plate before taking his cutlery in hand..
"Ve have for now not been bothered by zhem. Please, help yourself."
Von Richthofen gestures to the food and takes a bite.
Steinfeld closes his eyes and holds his head with one hand, thinking for about half a minute.. then looks at Ezekiel.
"You cannot win a two-front war against both zhe Vaiaelons and zhe brits. not right now, not even if ve sent everything ve got.. You need to make peace vith zhe british.. at least for now. I dont know if ve can aid in zhese negotiations, since zhe british and us are not on zhe.. best terms."
He closes the hologram and takes out what seems to be a simple dark green remote detonator with a flip-up cap and a red button below it. Zhis is zhe detonator for zhe bomb. You first need to couple it to zhe bomb, vhich ve purposely have not done yet for safety reasons. To couple it one of your men or yourself has to go to zhe control panel on zhe bomb and plug in zhe detonator, wait for zhe small green light to blink up at zhe detonator and zhen pull zhe detonator out. At zhat point zhe bomb vill prime itself and vill be ready to eradicate anyzhing in about 5 kilometres radius. Zhat is zhe approximate radius zhe atomar bomb itself vill be damaging.. Zhe shrapnell of zhe Kreuzverdammtium vill fly different distances before being slowed down vith nanomagnetics programmed for different distances. Zhis vill disrupt any scanner in a large radius and vill do so for zhe next few million years unless someone physically removes zhe Kreuzverdammtium. Zhis stuff vill first cause sensors to flicker and have outages farther out, before zhey completely shut down. If zhe technicians of zhe enemy vould try to restart zhe scanners it vould probably cause zhe scanners to kill zheir fuses.. And zhat should be everything you need to know about zhe bomb. Zhe hole punched into zheir network should be great enough for you to slip through before zhey understand vhat is happening, but be aware zhat your own scanners get shut down too. To prevent damages to zhem maybe shut zhem down yourself beforehand."