alf7979 Gonna try to once I got my next week off.
Blood Cult (0.15.7/8 Update)
Well, read above, not much else to say, rest of the info is in the opening thread.
Drakador_Chaos Finally!
Thanks you for doing all that coding, updating Bloodcult for 0.15 probably was equal to re-writing it.
Updated for 0.15.3
-adjusted EoD and some other minor things in the main mod
Also this mod has been my favorite since the start
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You should add in a new weapon it’s been a while since we had a new weapon it could be called bloody shifter like a weapon that’s big but cost less than the primal hunter just an idea I understand if it would be to hard.but I hope it is something you like
Drakador_Chaos can you help me I just started modding I would just like some basic stuff to start of for my mod like parts and weapons I’m fine with doing ships on my own
There is a modding discord for cosmoteer in the official links of the main server, as of currently there are no part 'blanks' yet.
Drakador_Chaos are the spelling errors in the mod intentional?
False_God The spelling errors are from the original creator.
Drakador_Chaos you're just maintaining the mod?
False_God Correct.
Drakador_Chaos well cheers. thanks for maintaining basically the only still active difficulty mod
Super Op god killers, Yay
Drakador_Chaos ok thanks
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False_God I agree not a lot of mods that add in enemy ships or a new difficulty I have tried to beat the bloodcult difficulty never won most likely because I doomed myself because went after two ships they wrecked me like let’s say a piece of grass me grass them lawnmower
Would it be ok if I show you some ship designs and you could maybe add them in in like a new fleet in 15 days because I have to remake them
I´m just maintaining the mod as of currently and in any case I do not know how to mod bounty hunter anyways.