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wth is the point of this?

    Tson To show that you should always give your brother oats when they ask for it.

    And to embrace communism and help the worker class rise up against the capitalist pigs.

    Komrade in Oats!
    We require your seizing of the means of oat production!
    Overthrow the Bourgeoats!

    • [deleted]

    the_guy545 Only like one Communist country actually calls Capitalist pigs.
    And not all of them are completely insane, either.

    Meh, stereotypes.

    And not all of them are completely insane, either.

    Are you sure about that?XD

    How dare you!

    • [deleted]


    I have a few Canadian/American/German/Russian friends who would hate you very much if I told them you thought they were crazy.

    Ay, do you know what vodka does to you?


      • [deleted]

      I'm just saying, not all Communists and Socialists aren't insane. Some actually want to make a good change.

        Yeah, but it doesn't work out. On the other hand capitalism isn't perfect in any way but its a concept proven over time.

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