Massive Energy Spike (Ended)
The Nuro class ships suddenly charge the Omnitrix in the confusion, then detonate their main cores when they're right on top of it.
LeftHandofGod (you know the omnitrix can destroy the universe right?)
DarkPearl The Terran Alliance Loads up a freighter with some red matter, and shoots a small amount of it into the supernova to create a black hole that absorbs the energy of the supernova.
I feel like Spock lol.
Red matter was used by Ambassador Spock in 2387 to create a black hole to absorb the energy of a supernova which threatened the galaxy, by shooting a small amount of it into the exploding star from his small, one-man vessel. Source
Saving the universe is our hobby.
Kind regards,
This is a Voidborn Scout detachment of the 24th fleet, please explain why, we are trying to contain this errant power source.
They open a corridor in their line for the Zankaran ship to pass through.
We do not sanction unregulated energy absorption within these circumstances.
We may allow you to do so once the power is within safe limits.
Not sure how anyone is doing shit to the reactor/omnitrix seeing as the Voidborn are shielding the shit out of it.
(They do not know what it is)
Undated_Abyss DarkPearl
/Transmission Start/
str Advise = "Override of protocol";
void Born("Please realize that"):
Power.readings = point.reached("Destruction of universe is possible");
if (Bomb = "Not stopped soon")
Advise = "There won't be a point where these unknown crystal ships can safely absorb energy";
str Message = "To the Zankaran:";
//Advise HELPING the Crystal ships instead of HARMING them.
str Reason = "They might actually make your job easier"
/Transmission End/
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The Zankaran ship opens comms again:
Collective. Voidborn. Well, since everyone is here we might as well introduce ourselves better. We are the Blackwing Section. We are... a part of the Zankaran, but we dont respond to them. Now, i will ask one more time, Leave the device alone! We had a hard time to get it, and we dont need our enemies, aka you to take it off!
TheUnleashedPiraat (it didnt melt down yet boi)
DarkPearl Suddenly a Research-Type Subcore enters within vicinity of the Large Scout Squadron.
/Transmission Start/
"A part of, but don't respond to? Are you... Rebels!?"
/Transmission End/
More Rift-Signatures are detected, more ships slowly trickle in. Something must have triggered either the Subcore or the Core-AI, perhaps both...
Might as well consider us part of that lump sum of "enemies". Here's an offer for you, though. Surrender now, and the Vidachos Quorum will refrain from annihilating you on our path to galactic dominion. Refuse, and face our wrath.
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We will not hand over this device to anyone without proper authorisation due to its supposed power, however we will allow interaction with the device provided it's no removal. This Blackwing and @RandomCommander the dimensional collective may interact with it in this manner.
Outgoing encrypted transmissions are detected from the scout detachment, presumably to the 24th fleet which they are part of
The Imperalis scout continues to sit around cloaked, making passive scans of the area and all ships within it
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Undated_Abyss /Transmission Start/
"All Logi-- I mean... All Trader-Class AI capable of handling this situation are presently occupied at the moment - the Collective are unable to interact with it. I think we suggested that the Crystal beings drain its power to acceptable levels first - just... trust us on this, okay?"
You know these crystal beings?
You have seen them before?
"Well... Fortress Alpha had encountered them before. They were trying to absorb the star of its energy - causing it to decrease in mass. Due to the importance of the star in that system, the Assault-Class had to intervene, but we think they can do the same here."
"Just get out of the way and let them do their thing - it's better than forcing the Blackwing to take it and... gain a powerful artifact to use against one of our possible allies. But we're just assuming things at this point - there's no guarantee that Blackwing is malevolent, but there's no guarantee the Crystallides are going to be successful either."
"Like I said, just trust us!"
/Transmission End/
Very well.
We will hold you responsible if this goes wrong.
The Voidborn ships part in their line to allow
@Al1ce Crystallides to absorb the enrgy, with a gap in the containment shield to allow their access.