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Well, I guess it's now finally time for the massive paragraph explaining everything...

So to start off, I'd like to thank a few people, especially @The_Bloodnaught for building Dreadnoughts and other ships my poor laptop couldn't handle for me, @CaptainRedstone for bothering to balance the parts I neglected, the other mod testers on the GCW discord server, including Valiantshade, Equinox, @jotech, Maestro and @Zachary. I'd also like to thank MacGhriogair for reminding me to implement Anti-spam methods indirectly giving me valuable feedback in his mod series and just generally getting people aware of the mod.

Even though I've long abandoned this mod, there really isn't any replacement. It took off and it really humbles me that it did. I have to thank each and everyone of you, the guys that loved the mod, the guys that hated the mod, the guys that downloaded the mod and forgot to use it, ya'll wouldn't know it, but ya'll helped me a lot. I never would have known how to sprite without the support I got, I never would have gotten invested into other areas of this game without this mod.

Alas, all good things come to an end. Even though it saddens me that I have to kill this mod, it's necessary. I don't feel the drive that I once did with this mod and it's become a chore. In the last weeks of the mod I barely had the motivation to release the last update. Demotivation kills projects and aspirations. But it was reasons beyond this mod that really killed it. They're very personal reasons, but I'd rather just move on and forget about those.

However, I will state here and now that I will not allow anyone to share any updated versions of this mod, here or on other platforms. Why? Because I just want this to go quietly. I've already stated reasons for this, but I quite simply do not want my future projects tarnished by the actions of someone else changing this mod in some way that destroys or maims my work. I am still going to be around, making my new mod, so I will still be here to see what's going on.

But on a positive note, I'm working on a new mod :D

Ultranova I understand that the drive is gone, But is there some way to keep the mod up to date for the current version. that way you dont need to work on it. but people who just found the mod can love it as we all have.

Oddie23110 No. I have said numerous times before that I want to leave this mod behind and updating it for current versions will not only suck up time from doing other things (and I already am low on time as it is), but also continue being stressful to fix. Added to that, I do NOT want to give this mod to anyone else to fix up for current versions.

    The problem is, even with mod upgraders and sufficient motivation, updating a mod can take several days, time which could be spent on other stuff, like a new mod or other cosmoteer unrelated things and as far as I´m aware there have also been personal reasons to abandon the mod, connected to the background of the mod itself, so if you want an updated version that badly, you´ll have to learn to update it yourself, and you´ll have to do so for solely private use, as uploading a fixed version would go against the creators wishes, for reasons you may not even fully understand.

    7 days later

    Alas, poor GCW, I knew it well.

    11 days later

    i cant download GCW 0.8.1 any one got a file i could get plz?

    fakehero14 what version of cosmoteer are you using

    fakehero14 unless you are using anything below 0.15 there is no version that is compatible with GCW as it has been abandoned

    Darknessry there was one but i cant download file no more

      fakehero14 well then it seems ultra has removed all the downloads. GCW dead anyway now

        Darknessry ya that suck hope some one has a file to share

          20 days later

          this may be long shot but any one got file with 14.4 for this mod plz?

            fakehero14 Not unless you want 90% of the parts missing, sorry. Some of the tech isn't even possible in 0.14.4

            CaptainRedstone that sucks

              CaptainRedstone i would still try it ifican get file lol

                fakehero14 Should be in one of the older versions somewhere. Ask Ultra if you can't find it

                  CaptainRedstone Just one issue:

                  Ultranova Download Links and other information have subsequently been removed.

                    17 days later
                    • Edited

                    Ultranova why the frick i wish i didn't delete my freaking mod of this i loved this mod so much i spent hours playing on it rping by my self but i under stand that you have a right to do this but really making so nobody can play it anymore if they don't have it REALLY at least make a request thing so people can get it back and have a little fun again also i remember making the single rebel machine gun op and able to shred the literal hell out of the heavy dreadnought
                    sincerely line sorry for the grammar im 14 with (assburgers the light version of autism also not funny) so it hard for me.

                    really auto correct aspergers isnt what i meant i meant assburgers

                      line i don't want a update i want the current version of the mod