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Ultranova nice mod 🙂

classic-capitan because all the mods I use are for 14.6 and I'm not going to do a mod and world purge for better graphics

Maybe you misunderstand modding or installing mods. If the ID of the mod remains constant and you have the same set of mods, save games will still be compatible and will still be able to load.

No one is going to keep their mods updated for old versions because it's useless to do so. It's better to keep it up to date with the latest version, because it's likely that the older versions might not support the types of things people are trying to do.

hey UltraBlast
You want to add new guns like for example roof canons?

Ultranova I still keep the old automation++ versions on the post, so people can still download it.

    Emperor You want to add new guns like for example roof canons?

    I'm actually working on a massive 6 x 6 roof cannon that puts all of the other turrets to shame!

    Catelyn I still keep the old automation++ versions on the post, so people can still download it.

    Good to know my Helix AI ships can still be built.

    Ultranova hoooo naice

      Ultranova But it will be the strongest weapon of the MOD?

        Emperor Not sure, maybe. For 6 x 6 it'll be rather powerful either way.

          Ultranova well put it against four large turrets and see which wins and you should get an idea of how its doing

          Hey UltraBlast I can not defeat the UPA dreadnought you have some hint to give me?

          Emperor get more capital turrets and fight it on the edge of their effective range.

          Emperor Read some building guides and design some effective flankers. The AI rarely targets anything but the largest/strongest ship and with the new turret behaviour.... (it won't even aim the other guns at anything smaller.)
          Alternatively you could cluster as many weapons as you can fit, add some layers of shields and call it a ship.

            Ultranova Sorry, mister. Want me to build you something even stronger as compensation? You'd probably have to paint it yourself tho.

              CursedPh4nt0m Oof, only saw this today.

              The short answer is 'nah', but the long answer is 'well... maybe'. The reason I'm not leaping to this opportunity is that I don't want ships to be invincible in the Rebel or R-UPA campaign, but I'm quite happy to have some strong ships for the Hall of Fame campaign (which is coming soon, as in a while).

              Ultranova Guess you wouldn't mind me donating some ships then?
              I've got way too much free time to fill it with outside acivities, so...

                CursedPh4nt0m Go ahead! The more the merrier.

                I have a friend who finds it problematic that none of the projectiles in this mod are intercepted by the Flak Cannons, is that intentional?