it all works now you all dont need to worry now
ABANDONED MOD (no download links)
Ultranova One of my hybrids crashed once, crewmember walked into the hybrid from behind the armor part
remove the door behind it
Ultranova how do i send a save file? mediafire or something?
Ultranova here it is, i copied the beam cannon off the claw and it didnt save but you can do your own tests
it just does not work for me
mah_dispenser What happens when you try to run the modification?
Also put the crash log (if you have one) into pastebin or something, so it doesn't take up 10 screens worth of text
annoying and small the chihuahua is a dog ship to be reckoned with when in high numbers
Try seejng if you can do alloweddoors
chief_chaman478 realized after the reactor is facing the wrong way
amei esse mod mais no modo campanha ta meio dificil mas tirando isso belo mod!
quick question: who else downloaded this?
chief_chaman478 Maybe @CaptainRedstone? Idk who else though
Ultranova i probabaly did a test download but totally forgot but i was just curious. btw hows it going with that?
chief_chaman478 not much progress so far
chief_chaman478 Ultranova Yeah I think I downloaded that. Didn't see anything wrong iirc
ultrablast i highly recomend you nerf my perma burst beam cannon. it is op against any large ship that can't flank the beam. seriously though it is quite strong.
so I downloaded the newest 14.6 version thinking I could just have better textures, but now I think they merged and now I can't uninstall the mod to install the new one. help
classic-capitan May I know why you're on 0.14.6?