Jenwuf So you donĀ“ this is going to be fascinating.
The Second Tau Empire
oh god XD
do however, note that the STE is mainly run by a goverment like system
she is like the queen is to england
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Vice Admiral Tharix
A small shuttle, obviously of T.I.E. design, warps to the edge of STE space. Inside is a man with one blue and one sickening yellow eye. Nevertheless, he is quite friendly. He opens up the comms and sends a message to STE. "This is Vice Admiral Tharix of Thrawn's Infinite Empire. I ask for permission to enter into your territory." The ship's shields are not online, and nobody is manning the guns. He then speaks again, saying "I mean no harm, I just wish to speak with your leaders."
BTW anyone can reply tbh.
Random song spam:
...a group of TATC ships dropped into space at the borders of Tau space, a medium freighter and an escort consisting of two Lionard and a few drones, they send a TATC verification code and a transmission to the border control, they see a woman with black eyes and purple Iris wearing the typical TATC uniform...
/Transmission Start/
Greetings Tau, due to a current trade we require official permission for passage through your territory.
Trading convoy standing by at the borders.
/Transmission End/
affirmative, we will plot a course for you now.
(a few moments pass, ahead of you, many red lights blink on and off, before completely stopping emmitiing light)
Alright, ive got you a course cleared by command, do not deviate from it in any way, any damages you sustain by doing so, are not our responsiblility from here on out, and the STE are not liable for any losses taken by hostile Anhysbys, please read our guide under section 13 for our advice in dealing with Anhysbys.
shortly after, a small STE civvie police patrol ship arrives to escort you.
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after around twenty minuites, a ship exits Echo-Cruise nearby
quickly, the ship is joined by others:
well well, look who we have here...
i suppose i should at least speak to you
but no, you are not under any circumstances speaking to any of our leaders
what did you expect? coming here while we are at high alert of all times
and im not meeting you in person, we have lost people before doing that
and are not doing it again
say what you have to say...
pause transmission and await rep-
Three Tiark co Police ships have positioned themselves 1km behind the TIE fighter
presumably for security.
Vice Admiral Tharix
"Well, may I at least know who I am speaking to?" Asked he in a friendly voice. "Because I would like to he-" He was cut off by a mouse droid. There was a pause. "As I was saying, I would like-" And again he was cut off by the little droid."SHUT UP PHIL!" Yelled the Vice Admiral. "Now, as I was TRYING to say, was that I would like to help improve relations between our peoples." He paused again, this time awaiting a response.
haha, TIE doesn't remember me? how funny
well, i guess you would have never met me...
Im Akio, Used to be a TIE Fleet commander, now Admiral of the, -Cough-
The Defence Forces Of Her Majestic Empress
or in other words, the STE Main Fleet.
anyway... what do you have to say
Vice Admiral Tharix
Relieved that this is indeed a high ranking official, he decides that now is a good time to bring forth the first of his peace offerings. "Akio, in attempt to befriend your people, I have withdrawn 250000 Imperial Credits from my personal account. These credits are yours, if you wish to accept them, that is." He then states "If you accept, then I will take it to mean that war is not what you wish for. If you don't accept, then no harm done. In my own humble opinion, I believe that war is not the answer in this circumstance."
...the TATC ships pass the border and start following the police ship, shortly after another transmission is being sent...
/Transmission Start/
What would be the prefered ftl-travel method when passing through your territory?
/Transmission End/
hello! this is law enforcement ship A-92
and Echo Drive is currently our preferred mode of transport, but i am unsure whether you have that
so, just any beacon based travel, or practically any FTL, i must ask you to sublight past this... area, first i think FTL wouldnt react well to them.
The ship begins to accelerate again, and small round, spined objects can be seen bouncing off its hull-shielding.
(once through, it would be easy to use Beacons to travel, and i doubt you have anything like the Echo drive for slow, controled cruises via FTL, or TACT could just stay in that mode and ignore factions unless interdicted)
what do you think Maya?
well... i think it would be nice... for peace!
you know what, ok then!
ill take it...
hopefully, this can pave the way to peace
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Vice Admiral Tharix
After transferring the credits, he breathed a sigh of relief, and all crew aboard cheered. This could be the beginning if something great. "I assume that I still will not be allowed to enter into your territory, however, one of the two final peace offerings cannot be given via distance, and we would have to be landed, most likely."
... what would this offering be?
id rather not mess around landing, but if i have to sure, i will.
Vice Admiral Tharix
"You see, it is a delicate object, an object, that, in the past, held great power, but now it sits here, broken, shattered. If disturbed too much, it could become slightly dangerous, and I would rather it not come to that, therefor, landing, and gifting it that way would be the most stable and safest option." He paused. "As for the other offering..." He spoke, pausing momentarily. "Would be this." Suddenly a ship warps in behind him. It looks like a tie fighter, however, it appears to be made completely out of silver. "This is a T.I.E. fighter who's body is made from pure silver, and the wings reinforced with an osmium-silver alloy. I was going to give you 500000 credits... but half of that went into this. It is capable of battling, although it wouldn't last long. Its mainly a symbol of hope and peace."
hmm, alright, go to the Jarls Hope station in sector 4-B
ill meet you there.
His fleet, Echo Drives out, the Three police ships move in to escort you.
Vice Admiral Tharix
The two ships fallow the three police ships, and slowly make their way towards the station.