ClassicJam until the roof turrets mod!
Wow, that was a true trailblazer wasn’t it?
jbox1 I was there when Kroom discovered it. In the same Direct Messages. Of course, I actually contributed almost nothing to the discovery, but It was being researched for Akinata and I.
ClassicJam Modding is like commandblocking.
Abusing every aspect of the game to try and give the illusion something new has been added.
MegaNikiGaming I have no plans to do any of these features, either because I can’t, or because they aren’t “Drones ++-ey” enough.
ImTired Additional weapons mod ... doesn't have a roof-turret.
I added my first roof turret to the mod about 2 weeks ago..
You can't do an auto large cannon? Why? jbox1
jbox1 because I can’t, or because they aren’t “Drones ++-ey” enough.
Canoneer I can, I just don't want to.
jbox1 I just don't want to.
Canoneer aren't “Drones ++-ey” enough.
Canoneer sigh pls stop spamming
Any idea when the 0.13.8/0.13.7 compatible version is out?
Pr3h1st0r1c Is working now on the new version
Pr3h1st0r1c Mrowte Drones ++ is compatible with the latest version (for once) 😛
Hm.. a Minigun to drones?
jbox1 I Know i just saying to Pr3h1st0r1c that the mod is now working to the new version
Mrowte oh
Is it possible to add custom sensors that can extend controller range?
TurboTwinky28 I do plan to add larger controllers