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the station's docking cameras saw what happened.
a little later a pair of station security come to investigate why the pallet was thrown out.
they mostly ignore the merchants, but do ask some questions.

sec guard 1: " 'scuse me, could i ask why that pallet was thrown away?"

sec guard 2: "did you see anyone push it out?"

    ok, just complete this short form then hand it back.


    Sceduled Time:______________


    Faction / Group Name(optional):_______________

    GoodMorningCosmoteer Name: Hayden aka emperor of the Galactic Annihilation Force
    Scheduled Time: 3:50pm
    Faction: Galactic Annihilation Force
    oh here is the form back

    thank you sir, it will be a while till you scheduled time comes around so you may leave, or you can stay and enjoy what we have to offer.

      (sorry for being delayed.)
      question one, what are you thought on the weather?

      GoodMorningCosmoteer well its raining molten rock so bad

        question 2, what are your thoughts of the cosmolord returning?

          final question, what would you recommend to do about cosmolord?

            GoodMorningCosmoteer kill it shoot at it till it turns to soup

              sir, we are a group that provides news for civilians, we do not need information on the law unless the laws breaking itself.

                GoodMorningCosmoteer yes i understand but would you like some different news of full time criminals on planet n-789