added another interview
added more alchohol... we got a shipment of it... this is not gonna be good...
Good Morning Cosmoteer! (interviews and weather reports!)
GoodMorningCosmoteer The Chancellor is always ready for his interview
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GoodMorningCosmoteer Twinky looks up from meterological reports and planetary Environmental statuses, tired and exhausted
O, dis gon be gud.......
we said no, but we can offer a drink.
GoodMorningCosmoteer and why? (I did not know)
well we can always get one of our other hosts to do it.
GoodMorningCosmoteer Jake: Gimme here!
Jake grabs a bottle and downs it in a gulp
Jake: Oh boy, this is good stuff!
jbox1 from down the hall and very faintly heard, slightly drunk
Twinky: cheers to that!!
complimentary of the manager!
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further down the hall, from the managers office.
i eint haf no dirnks, ine finee... i an pef... perfict... perfintmaly fime... I-
The Vidachos Quorum would like to see about an interview.
upgraded staff list
you might need to wait a bit, sorry, waiting room is just over there.
GoodMorningCosmoteer we're back and ready interviewingz
GoodMorningCosmoteer Hey, I would like to join the staff, I want to get free alcohol I want to help you guys.
I can, uhm, cleans the camera lens?
I'll be your camera-lens-cleaner.
Let me know when I can enter the bar if I am hired.
Kind regards,
reading job request
GoodMorningCosmoteer Mabey instead of using “code” tags, you should use “quote” tags. It’ll look nicer and be easier to read.
GoodMorningCosmoteer May I be the head chef for the GMC? I see you have a whole pantry here with food lying around...perhaps it’s time to spice things up around here.
Thank you, I’ll be here all week.