- Edited
Seems to be a rather violent radio broadcaster...
But that explains where the money from all the ads goes...
Seems to be a rather violent radio broadcaster...
But that explains where the money from all the ads goes...
hey they attacked first!
I didnĀ“t state anything else.
A small fleet jumps in-system.
++Hello this is major Kamen, to all agressors in this sector, cease fire, we have notified the Solaric empire and a battlegroup is on its way to this location, any agressors still in combat when it arrives will be destroyed. Kamen out.++
The hijacked HQ's turn towards the security ships and begin to detonate their reactors. Just before the ships break in half, though, a single, untraceable burst of data goes from them. What could it have been? Why risk all those capital ships just for data??
mobile HQ's were attacked, now being salvaged and rebuilt.
++Alert! War is breaking out in the Solaric Empire++
GoodMorningCosmoteer Still an Epic Faction!
we have done a broadcast.
i agree and the guy who attacked you is an A.H.
Not necessarily an asshole. It's called RP and there's a reason for it from the attacking faction's viewpoint. Why go to all the effort of building their own HQ when they can just steal and modify the ones already there?
Sorry if I upset you, @GoodMorningCosmoteer.
it's fine, still kinda lowdown for them to attack a civilian owned company.
(even if we do have military grade ships as security...)
I just think its one thing to attack someone, thats fine, it is rp after all, i just think automatically winning is a bit tryhardy:
LeftHandofGod The attacking squadron turns to engage the security division while the borders fight their way past the news personnel onboard the HQ's, leaving a trail of carnage all the way to the command decks. Once there, they spin the FTL drives and jump, leaving the original attacking ships behind. Those ships then begin suicide ramming runs at the security ships.
and all this in one post? seems a bit unfair to say that you have won without the other guy being able to fight back.
no offense tho as i have made similar mistakes in the past and i dont neccasarrily think your an A.H.
The idea here is that it was more of a blitz attack that mostly caught the defenders off-guard and accomplished the primary objective above all. The point wasn't to win the battle, it was to steal the ships. Notice that when the crew finally rallied to try and take the command deck back, the commando's destroyed the ships rather than fight a losing battle. (which it would've been, not even mentioning the fact, that the security division followed them.)
im guessing the signal was either the blueprints of the HQ or a tracking thing.
Wow! Wasn't expecting you to figure that out quite so fast. Bonus cookies! It was the blueprints, and if you head over to the UG, the mass that jumped in was several shipyards and the material to build more HQ's.
As kudos for figuring it out, have this ship! Go ahead and repaint/redesign as wanted, just credit me if the base design is still recognizably mine.
i dont need the ship buy YAY! COOKIES!
also yeah i figues it was blueprints since the UG had to fight the enhanced mobile HQ.