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GoodMorningCosmoteer -15kg of fruit and veg
-35 ration packs
-90 sandviches
-217L assorted alcohol
-143 high class rations
-70 loaves of bread
-132 steaks
-128 potatoes
-213 cookies

Why is the pantry always at this amount? I mean, at the rate we drink this alcohol, its sure to be much less by now, right?

Iantech we totally don't have a hidden moonshine operation, that's all I can say.

No but really, we don't. I'm pretty sure that list shows how much we have at one time. we get paid in food from some of our sponsors

Iantech Well, since I am head chef, I am planning on creating a whole grain loaf of bread infused with alcohol with medium prepared steak and a side of chopped and seasoned potatoes.


Reusing is good for the environment, they say

it doesn't need to look like a station to function as one.

    cool idea, but i don't really feel like that would work lore-wise

      pantry stocks updated to current time

      Cool. We will have a check every day. One problem. How long is a day for us? Because we are all from different systems! Some of us don't even live on planet. Some of us live here, in the HQ.

      added 3 more GMC mobile HQ ships

      Which is...
      (what about UT , universal time, set in the richest planet that currently exists? Or maybe just use the time from the TA, which is based around earth. Earth's time is 24 hours, a nice convenient time!)

        Iantech I did not actually intend on featuring star systems/planets/sectors created/used by other forum RP posts. That is why the planets/sectors/systems I've mentioned before are actually randomly generated. However, I can accommodate your star system and hopefully come up with some interesting lore. Suggestions/custom weather accepted but no garuantees

        discord in my forum profile

          @GoodMorningCosmoteer We need an interview badly. We are loosing viewers!
          (But everyone is too drunk to.. to zee re... thud)

          ok, lets start one then.

            GoodMorningCosmoteer Can you do my faction? tomorrow?