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Jenwuf Nice ships i really enjoy the look to them and their interesting design also i like the paint job its works really well with designs keep on making more ships and we soon may become allies one day also don't worry about the "few mods" one of my older factions had like 15+ mods lol also this is my faction

Jenwuf changed the title to CNF & Civil Shipyards.

    Jabenyezaa Hi, sorry I didn't reply until now, I spent the last day or so fixing the post to make it a little more presentable. Also the designs are based of a ship I made ages ago that was supposed to be a replica of the Farragut battle cruiser from Elite: Dangerous, although over time it has deviated from it quite a bit:
    As for the Faction itself, I am unsure whether to make a separate lore page or do as you have and move mine over to the lore section and continue from there.

    Jenwuf its fine, also i understand what you mean i was just fixing my post the other day, but yea i like the designs of your ships and the inspirations for them, also for my Lore I included it with my Faction Ships and such page but having a seperate page for lore has been kind of popular recently but I don't know, I'd probably do Lore on the Same page ,so its less maintenance, but that's just my opinion

      Jabenyezaa Yeah that's what I was thinking, having two separate pages seems unnecessarily way too much work to update. I'll most likely change the tag and add various things soon.

        Jenwuf changed the title to The Tau-Confederacy of indipendent worlds.

          Added lots of lore and various changes such as moving to the Lore section instead of ship designs.
          Thinking of changing the name but I'm not sure at this point

            Jenwuf the vengeful scavengers would like to ally!

            I would like to buy 20 instagator Fighter 15 Raid ac Corvette 10 Legion AF Corvette 5 Raider Suppersors and 1 Deck Class

            lord_drageon upon consulting The council, The Tau-Confederacy would be happy to Ally with The Vengeful Scavengers, and will be happy to assist in any future conflict.

              May_the_Harpy Due to a current fleet reshuffle and a exess of Ships in storage, The requested ships are available for purchase and CNF military & civil shipyards Corp can comply in full.

                Jenwuf We thank you

                  [transmission start]
                  Current headlines:
                  18/01/7_AFT: Fleet reshuffle means Old CNF naval vessels to be sold on to other factions and High ranking citizens. However the restrictions against [REDACTED] in the Tau system are still in place.
                  We will attempt to answer all queries as soon as we can, Please note however we are now selling our New CNF ships and no restrictions will be put in place during peacetime
                  [/transmission end]

                    Jenwuf we will also buy a underdog 4 type 1 and the hauler aswell as Tau class ecms destroyer and a terror line and a Tau class destroyer

                      May_the_Harpy We will be able to fulfil most of this request. However the process of converting the navy is underway, meaning we won't be able to supply the new vessels (tau-class ECMS and terror-class) immediately however they will be sent as soon as they can. The new CNF shipyards should be able to supply the older classes of vessel as soon as possible. Best regards, The New CNF Shipyards.

                        Jenwuf thank you

                          Jenwuf changed the title to The Tau-Confederacy of Independent Worlds.

                            That face when you realise the name had a spelling error...

                              /Transmission start
                              Current headlines:
                              19/01/7_AFT: The Mega capital-city ship "the council" has been launched after 7 Year Cycles in production The massive vessel is unarmed but houses a Huge hangar bay at the "aft" of the ship, its purpose is for diplomatic meetings and to house many Confederacy citizens. The Tower on the port side of the ship is the outer section of the New High Tau-A1 Diplomatic HQ. Various other facilities dot the exterior of the asteroid, and hundreds more belowdecks.
                              /Transmission End
                              (i know it doesn't have thousands of crew i just didnt want to kill my pc)