- Edited
The Tau-Empire
Formerly known as The Tau-Confederacy
Current headlines:
20/01/7_AFT: WAR, all citizens willing to join up to the ENF can join on the worlds of [Redacted] and [Redacted]
(If you are only here for ships skip past the lore section)
The Tau-Confederacy Tau-Empire are a small group of systems that up until recently lacked access to FTL-technology. This Expansion led them to discover various technologies and among fears of a possible rebellion, started to expand their Space-Navy and overall space capable vessels.
Although less apparent in their smaller vessels. The ships usually follow a strict modular doctrine. very few vessels have a bridge that connects to their other systems via corridor:
Meaning to truly disable a Tau ship all weapons, engines, and command bridges must be seprately destroyed. This gives most larger vessels a chance to escape combat and be repaired at a later date
There is little to know about us. After all, nothing really has happened in this quadrant before now
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The Tau-Confederacy Tau-Empire centres around Tau-A1 in the locally known Tau System
They are the successors to what was locally known as the Federation and fought long and hard to secure their homeworld over an ironic disagreement about censorship
The local Years are counted as current 7_AFT
AFT meaning After the formation of High Tau-A1
Sadly little is known about time before 0_AFT as the Confederacy purged all data except that of the federation's research on FTL, and by 1_AFT the Confederacy (now Empire) had working FTL in part to said information.
2_AFT: After the battle for Tau-A1 and the invention of FTL, the Confederacy most likely wiped out the remnants of the Federation although little is recorded on said historic event.
3_AFT: Huge efforts to expand star ship production converting entire planets into assembly lines, allowing the Relatively small Confederacy to pump out Ships at a rate that rivals even entire Empires in speed and efficiency, however due to the scope of the project only 75% of the planets have been converted by 7_AFT.
4_AFT: First sightings of other space fairing civilisations recorded, said ships where located in [REDACTED] and were immediately hostile destroying the entire fleet. Any and all sightings of the [REDACTED] star ships must be reported to a high ranking military official and order 985 is to be put into place. Failure to do so will result in immediate termination.
6_AFT: Outbreak of deadly infectious disease on Tau-C1 Tau cleansers party forms to prevent spread and to control the disease. Could be possible attack by the [REDACTED]
7_AFT-current: The confederacy has expanded into neighbouring systems and has colonized many worlds. The current state of the planet-shipyard program has resulted in thousands of stocked vessels, said vessels are to be sold to high ranking citizens, due to security concerns no vessels will be sold to foreign powers at this time and all ships are strictly prohibited from being sold to [REDACTED] in the Tau system due to the aforementioned security concerns. Read Paragraph 8965-sector 3 for more details.
18/01/7_AFT: Fleet reshuffle means Old ENF naval vessels to be sold on to other factions and High ranking citizens. However the restrictions against [REDACTED] in the Tau system are still in place.
19/01/7_AFT: The Mega capital-city ship "the council" has been launched after 7 Year Cycles in production The massive vessel is unarmed but houses a Huge hangar bay at the "aft" of the ship, its purpose is for diplomatic meetings and to house many Empire citizens. The Tower on the port side of the ship is the outer section of the New High Tau-A1 Emperor's Diplomatic HQ. Various other facilities dot the exterior of the asteroid, and hundreds more belowdecks. (i know it doesn't have thousands of crew i just didnt want to kill my pc)
Although fond of minor, and some major, censorship towards its citizens and colonists, the Tau-Confederacy have a relaxed group of leaders always the last to act on civilian matters, however the Confederacy are all too aware of the horrors of space warfare, and with the victory at their home world fresh in the collective peoples minds, any opportunity to show their military might will usually be pounced upon with extreme speed, however due to the nature of the Confederacy if either the leader of High Tau-A1 or the majority of the other leaders / groups decline warfare, only the worlds and groups that volunteered "yes" or those that the high Tau-1 demands will join either conflict or humanitarian aid and logistics. However should a group declare war on the Confederacy all worlds are required to supply manpower, ships and equipment to the centralized CNF in command of High Admiral [REDACTED TO COMPLY WITH CURRENT REGULATIONS]
The High Emperor: This is an empire now MY empire and i don't need to consult some petty suits to do what i want.
Controlled systems:
High Tau-A1 (EMPEROR)
peoples party of Tau-B1
Tau Cleansers party
KinI Group of independent worlds
The great Centre span group
Kini B-3 belt miners union
Fenax united
Fenax refinery corp.
controls / is part of multiple systems:
CNF military corp(Depricated)
civil shipyards Corp.
Tau_trade ©
High Tau-A1
Allied factions:
The Vengeful scavengers
Neutral factions:
All allied with the Ancient Army
Trade partners:
warfare status:
All enemies of The Ancient Army
Wealth :
Vast internally however not externally measurable due to lack of trade partners
NEW ENF Shipyards
Current Empire Naval forces Shipyards
(MODLIST: Star wars{for the small reactors, feel free to use microtech or any other 1x1 reactor mod}, Archons Plasma, NWADM, Gelteran Confederacy mod, Cosmoteer plus However i strongly recommend you use all the mods below these ships in the old CNF shipyards section as they might be used at a later date + they are great mods and I personally play with them all enabled, so missing parts may happen, if You plan to use these ships in game )
COST: 405,150
Tau-class Destroyer: A much more advanced ship compared to any of its old ENF counterparts, and the first vessel ever designed by High Tau-A1. Armed with Eight lazers and two missile batteries, this corvette can easily take on much larger vessels.
COST: 417,550
Tau-class ECMS Destroyer: A variant of the Tau class that is more focused on disruption, mainly against other well shielded ships, but due to its advanced shielding can still take a heavy beating
COST: 1,184,000
Terror-line Assault vessel: A Cruiser sized ship with advanced shields and long range weaponary alongside shield piercing lazer rounds, The Terror line of ships are the new Mainstay ships in the New ENF and for good reason, however due to their costly nature are usually only as effective as two to three Tau-class ships and is therefore deligated to a Intimidation role. This ship simply orbiting in a sector will usually deter any kind of aggression
COST: 1,204,250
Ruins-Line Medium cruiser: The first ship to be designated cruiser in the new ENF fleet, The Ruin line of cruiser is a statement to the sheer amount of engineering the ENF Shipyards do to protect the citizens of the Tau-Empire. Its hull is lined with A Durasteel alloy that can repell Most attacks from even capital sized ships, and keeping with Tau millitary doctrine is armed with many small Shield piercing Infrared Lasers capable of starting fires in opposing ships. This ship however is the last to use these exlusively however and has been superseeded by the Ruins-Line Medium Cruiser MK2 The few still serving are scheduled to be converted into Ship borne museums at the end of the Ancient Army war.
COST: 1,239,950
Ruins-Line Medium cruiser MK2: The MK2 Inherrits all the advantages or the origional while having much more diverse weaponary
COST: 1,692,925
Ruins-Line Heavy cruiser: Origionally concieved as a extended version of the Medium cruiser during its testing phase, the Ruins-Line Heavy cruiser was designated a seperate class and is now a integral part of the navy, its extended hull allows for more weapons and PD, allowing it to peform exeptionally well against other large ships, and is also perfect for a fleet command role due to its extended range and crew compliment.
COST: 2,176,925
Ruin-Line Battlecruiser: An Extended variant of the Heavy cruiser, and a much larger and more powerfull ship.
Old CNF Shipyards
Old Confederacy Naval forces Shipyards
{Now closed due to new fleet deployment, all following ships are now not in use by the Tau-Empire and are availible for public and faction purchase}
Most of the following ships require: Huge ships, Star wars a cosmos divided, Akinata's weapon packs, Archons Plasma, the new weapons and devices mod and Additional weapons
COST: 48,250
Instagator fighter: New advances in portable shields and compact weaponary make this vessel a good all round relatively cheap swarm fighter, however in small numbers its shielding can become overwhelmed by most weaponary
COST: 380,650
Raid Anti-capital Corvette: Long range Corvette designed to stay further from combat and provide High explosive fire from its larger calibre, however it still can act sufficiently in an anti starfighter role
COST: 339,075
Legion Anti-Fighter Corvette: Anti-starfighter Corvette designed to be useful against fast moving smaller targets and suppressive fire
COST: 325,150
Raider suppressor: Light vessel made to supress opposing forces, designed diagonally to allow for all weapons to fire foward from the ship at a single vessel if required
COST: 330,900
CNF Frigate MK2: A decades old design retrofitted with extra armor for some protection. If you go anywhere in Tau space, you are likely to see a civil variant of these
COST: 961,800
Deck class Medium-Cruiser: Medium cruiser for mid to close range combat situations armed with 8 light-cram cannons to shred armor, however it heavily relies on escorts to take out smaller targets
COST: 2,054,250
Underdog Heavy-Cruiser: Heavy cruiser Armed with 10 shield piercing arc cannons and 6 light-cram cannons, mainly effective against shielded targets but capable of taking on any equivalent with an adaquate support fleet
Span Class Assault Carrier: A medium sized carrier with heavy anti fighter armament although weak and overly expensive without any support
Standard Tau shipyard: WHAT you can't Have the shipyard itself, that would be insane
Civil Tau shipyards
wait, you aren't the millitary type?
well, here are the non millitary ships on offer:
COST: 176,400
Type 1 haulage vessel: Stopped production years back, the Type 1 was an old sub-FTL speed hauler that has quickly fallen into disuse, although favored by pirates for its large shield generator that can be used to shield other small ships from damage
COST: 217,150
Tau-Empire Hauler: A large hauler designed just like its millitary counterparts