(Since i have been doing a lot of interacting with other factions I'm posting alliances and Enemies in the Varangian Guard Expanded post)
Northerner As I was swamped with IRL stuff (It's gotten a little better), feel free to respond to RandomCommander at your leisure - they're not going anywhere.
(Some factions got really nice flags, i like them so much i made my own flag. #ProudViking #TrendingNotTrending)
Northerner Love your flag! Kinda reminds me of mine... just a bit...
ImTired Thanks! and I like your flag as well, but, its not really, REALLY, German. You might something more like this for a German faction here is an example.
Northerner That flag is excellent! Unfortunately, it is much more Kaiser German style (Pre-WW1), we don't really agree with the idea of a "Kaiser".
ImTired gotcha
ImTired Actually that's a Nazi flag... didn't know that... maybe should do some more research on flags before i suggest them lol google is LITERATELY filled with nazi flags all i wanted to do was find some modernized old world flags when Germany was still divided and all i can find is "secret" nazi flags. bs
Northerner That little sprite thing in the upper left hand corner is an emblem used by Kaiser's Germany in WW1 on most of their flags, look up "WW1 German Flag" and it should appear.
ImTired Right i knew that, but what i didn't know was the symbol in the middle is called a "Black Sun" which is a Nazi SS symbol. Mind = Blown those crazy Germans and their occult shit. Anyway what i was looking for here.
Northerner So... what about them? They seem rather... simple.
ImTired yes, true, but they are not secret nazi flags... i hope...
ImTired Okay last time i spam you about a flag bc i have shit i needed to start an hour ago but ive been too busy looking for flags, anyway thoughts on this.
Northerner Wow, nice flag! Don't really like the red on top though, would look better with a grey probably, but other than that, extremely good!
Northerner Do you like my faction flag? (Btw yours are great!!) (I dont make it 😛)
ImTired If you want to use that flag i could modify the colors for you
DarkPearl In general i don't like black flags but this isn't bad
Northerner I quite like mine, but thanks!
ImTired np!