For players who want to try my ships out in BHM(I built them according to my BHM experience so there is not much of a need to do so), the Egg is the budget starter ship, albeit with EXTREMELY low offensive capabilities.
Once you got some credits(provided you do not use mods so your starting funds is only 25000 credits: I use no mods except the community ships mod), proceed with the Riptide(fun fact: I gave it a considerable surgery to make it less "fat": before it was like the Power Lagspike), Power Lagspike, Skywing ModVer. Blastaway, and the Pincer. You should be able to fare enough for the Pincer II, Firebox, Artillerizer and finally, the Furious Sinner.
Testing in the creative mode is not a bad way, but I prefer to keep things real while I test them, and its actually a fun way, since you have to kind of control the credit count.