- Edited
So...I made a faction a long time ago, and sorta abandoned it after a while, with life and such, and the thread is so old that decided to make a new thread to make my faction more known, which brings us here. Enough rambling, lets get started.
The NTR was once the most powerful faction in the galaxy, dominating over all others. It's battles were easily won and it's foes mercifully integrated into the Republic. Almost all systems in the galaxy were under it's control, and the Republic gave them no reason to rebel, supplying poor planets with resources and maintaining the lives of the rich. Their fleet was rapidly expanding with all of the new recruits. There was only one problem. This was in an alternate universe, co-existing with the universe all of the other factions reside in. This was happening temporally alongside horrible wars that tore through our universe, and each side was blissfully unaware of the other. Some time ago, a small smuggler ship had traveled to an un-owned system to partake in an illegal trade with local pirates. When her ship arrived, the pirate's ship was utterly destroyed, only a few scraps of structure remained, bodies floating through the vast emptiness of space. She turned on her scanners, only to find millions, maybe billions of unknown contacts surrounding her ships. She jumped out of the system as fast as she could, and found refuge at a nearby Black Star Fleet station, terrified of what had just happened. The entire fleet had ended up in one system somehow, and the NTR isn't ready to admit how...yet
Ah, the backbone of every faction, it's ships. It is nothing without it's ships (mostly).
DISCLAIMER: I did not design all of these ships. Proper credit or a disclaimer like this will be included before the description.
These are the smallest and lightest ships in the fleet, ranging in price from 10,000 - 25,000 credits, with one exception.
NTR Drone V-1LMG/RFL/GLZ/ASH/AHL 'Molecule'
Wow that is a LOT of ships. They're all almost identical to one another, with varying weapons, and the GLZ, ASH and AHL variants have one crew member inside to man the weapons. These can't function without a control center for long, and require proximity to it in order to function properly.
NTR Drone V-2 'Flash'
The only other drone in the fleet, it is capable of short-duration independent functioning, able to scout out unknown sectors before the rest of the fleet warps in, but to make it a viable investment, it is unarmed, but it's tougher than it looks.
These are the next step up from drones. They can function independently in a system because they are manned, but have no means of leaving independently, so they must rely on motherships to jump away.
NTR Scout V-1/1H 'Fairyfly'
These are the most used scouts of the Republic. They are cheap, expendable, and reproducible. The only thing about the Heavy version that makes it special is that it can break apart. One side only has LMGs, while the other has highly potent proton torpedoes, making it a matter of priority for smaller ships to determine which one's which.
A proposed prototype for the Scout V-2 that was ultimately rejected by the Republic. A disposal crate full of these ended up with the fleet, so now they have them.
NTR Scout V-2 'Wasp'
This scout model focuses on defense, so it has two internal shield generators capable of shielding it from light fire.
NTR Scout V-3 'Hotdog'
This is a culmination of all of scouting technology, incorporating defensive shields, LMG's, Lasers and Proton Torpedoes.
These are the next step up. They fall under similar classifications because of their common name. All vessels from this point on have FTL drives (except for the V-2 Drone).
NTR Fighter V-1 'Cannonship'
A smaller vessel, it's the first to use turbolaser tech, allowing it to inflict massive damage for it's size. in addition, it has 2 LMG's as secondary weapons.
NTR Fighter V-2/2H 'Backward'
These fighters are some of the most versatile ships in the fleet. They're small, fast, deadly and tough. Because of this, this ship is a common choice for pirates to steal.
NTR Fighter V-3 'Zoom'
This is mostly a light hit-and-run fighter, meant to engage in short battle with larger ships, while it can also engage in battle with smaller ships. It's huge engine-to-size ratio make it extremely fast and hard to hit.
NTR Starfighter V-1 'Pulsar'
This starfighter is considered a support vessel by most. Using the experimental Thunder Ray, this ship can swiftly and deftly take out shields from afar.
NTR Starfigher V-2 'Duality'
This ship has a strange and asymmetrical design. It's main weapon is the XX-9 Green Turbolaser (patent pending) attached to the right side. For most small fighters, encountering this vessel spells certain death.
NTR Starfighter V-3 'Artillery'
The Artillery class starfighter is not meant for close-range combat. It's only weapons are the two large Mass Drivers (Menera's Additional Weapons Mod) that can fire from a long range away, and while it does have a decent defensive shield, that can break. The heavy version fixes the problem of self defense by incorporating machine guns in the back of the craft.
These are the middle ground between the weak and the powerful. They pack a punch, but other same-sized ships can destroy them, if they know where to hit.
NTR Corvette V-1/1H 'Hammerhead'
DISCLAIMER: This design is ClassicJam's previous Pursuer Class.
These corvettes are no longer in widespread active service, as it's easy to penetrate it's armor and shields, being replaced by later models. They ended up here in a similar way to the V-2X.
NTR Corvette V-2/2H 'Stubby'
The Stubby version of corvette is best at demolishing fleets of small ships, but is horrible at basically everything else.
NTR Corvette V-3/3H 'Rebel'
These ships are some of the toughest corvettes out there. With average offensive and excellent defensive weaponry, It can easily take down ships it's size.
These fall into a similar category as corvettes, only they're bigger and have more guns. What did you expect?
NTR Battlecruiser V-1/1H 'Broadsider'
These fell prey to the same fate as the Hammerhead corvette, being utterly inadequate foruse later on, and being phased out of widespread use (This has happened to 3 ships in 3 different classes. We need to calm down.)
NTR Battlecruiser V-2/2H/2C 'Asgard'
Aside from the V-1 drone, this vessel has the most forms in the fleet, having a normal, heavy, and carrier version. The carrier version is capable of deploying and reconstructing 2 Fairyfly scouts on command.
NTR Battlecruiser V-3/3H 'Havoc'
This ship has a strange and unconventional design that allows for the two batteries of turbolasers to cooperate or take on separate targets, allowing for flexibility in battle.
NTR Battlecruiser V-4/4C 'Variety'
On one of these ships, there are 7 separate types of weapons, not to mention that this C version acts as the fleet's drone controller.
Now this is where things start to get interesting. These are much more powerful than battlecruisers and are much more durable. Their batteries are stronger and larger, and they are just more imposing overall.
NTR Battleship V-1/1H 'Imperial/Imperial II'
Based on starships from the Star Wars nonagtility (9 movie series) and have the firepower to match. These are only meant to take down small ship fleets, and are usually found escorting larger ships into battle.
NTR Battleship V-2 'Solarica'
DISCLAIMER: This ship design is not mine.
This is the largest battleship in the fleet, but size doesn't always mean strength. While it's batteries are impressive as well, they be too spread out to successfully focus on a specific target, and it's backside has almost no defenses at all.
NTR Battleship V-3/3H 'Mulnir'
These ships use extremely large and expensive 3.5 m Quad-cannons (Capital Ship Weaponry Mod) that penetrate deep into the enemy ship, and then explode, causing massive damage in unshielded vessels.
The only thing mare powerful than these are the Flagships themselves. They are massive and heavily armed, sporting large weapons arrays and thick shielding. Beating one of these is considered a badge of honor.
NTR Dreadnought V-1 'Imperial III'
DISCLAIMER: This is made by ClassicJam
All of the cannons along the sides fire explosive rounds, meant to incapacitate large fleets of fighters and corvettes.
*NTR Dreadnought V-2/2H 'Providence'
DISCLAIMER: This is also made by ClassicJam
Can you say berserker? These models are great and quickly destroying ships, but cannot sustain battle at it's full potential. The only difference between the two versions is that the heavy version has armor.
*NTR Dreadnought V-3 'Demon'
This ship is one of the largest in the fleet, yet it is not as expensive as the first flagship. It utilizes Plasma Beam technology and Gatling Laser tech to quickly kill enemy ships.
We've finally made it here, to the top of the command chain. These are the best of the best, the toughest, the bravest, the strongest of the fleet, culminating at the very top. These are the most expensive ships in the fleet, some capable of planetary destruction, and if one of these sets their sights on you, there is only one thing to do, RUN. FOR. YOUR. LIFE.
NTR Flagship V-1 'Annihilator'
DISCLAIMER: This is not my design
This was the first type of flagship to command the New Terran Republic, leading them to victory in the War of Ukkaj and the Skirmish of Eniottat. Even if it is outdated, it served us well for the longest of time, and is the iconic flagship of the fleet.
NTR Flagship V-2 'Venator'
DISCLAIMER: This design belongs to ClasssicJam
This is the next generation of Flagship, being stronger and more powerful than the V-1, it has replaced the Annihilator as the primary flagship of the Republic (ironic, no?)
NTR Flagship V-3 'Ragnarok
Ragnarok. The event in Norse mythology when the gods would perish and the world would end. This ship fulfills that prophecy. Only 3 were ever made, because they only needed 3 of them. They fire a beam of pure destruction out of it's nose, and if you're caught in that beam, not even God can save you now. Planets have fallen to this starship, and entire fleets have been wiped from the universe with but a swipe of this ship. If you see this, your only hope is to jump the system, and pray it doesn't find you, for if it does... YOU. aRE. DEAD.
This thread is not done yet. Expect Ships and more Story in the future.