Sombreroman Why thank you, if you want to see more go to my faction page
The Great War
One day, on a Supernova...
An officer is off-duty, and is playing Cosmoteer, a game that recently came out.
Then then he got a I-Mail (Imperium mail) that was titled: "The K.o.L have surrendered!"
he was really exited to get off this ship, so he opened it, and then his browser closed itself. Then his file maneger opened for no reason, and messages opened saying, "Are you sure you want to delete this?" And then the files deleted themselves. Luckily, it stopped after it deleted 5 or so files of junk. Since it was obvious that this was a virus, he opened his antivirus and clicked the option of "search and destroy". But then his antivirus deleted itself. then he open his browser again to search how to get rid of a virus. he tried every thing. he was so muffed that he went on the the Imperium of Suns website and I-mailed the tech supervisor. That was a mistake. The virus got on to every computer in the network of the Empire. That's the computer that controls the ships, the drones, the factories, EVERYTHING. The virus set the ships A.I. to barbarian, then to normal, so every Imperium ship was fighting all the other Imperium ships. within a few hours, the navy practically self destructed, and all that was left was a few heavily damaged Supernovas, which the virus set to "Self Destruct." but when the virus encountered the file of Project Sun Crusher, it sent it to the Fighters of Freedom.
Wanna surrender now?
Seriously? I just finished setting up the ships for a battle to clear the blockade near around Zzaka.
Tickytickytango you can still do that . It actually was just the Core wold fleets that were destroyed.
Once it's done, would you like to attend my PC's funeral?
Amazing_Goob The only thing you could do with that virus would be to put my drones against me.
Although it was very fun XD.
I think I will change my PC for an organic PC made by Blood Cult XD
Jesus3747 it hacked into the controls of the ships and made it so only it can use them.
Tickytickytango I'll give you the sun crusher ship.png in a few minutes
Amazing_Goob Wow, I guess I'll have to mass-produce more ships.
Good thing that new ships (with a good Antivirus), were finished.
Even so, you would not want to end my allies, tell me what you will do with the Blood Cult?
Jesus3747 Make a REAL virus.
Amazing_Goob Like a organic virus?
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New Bouldron Elite Flagship! The Broken Scarab. 20 have been made and sent into the war zone.
Jesus3747 Magnificent...
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Battle for Zzaka
/Transmission Start/ Source unknown, destination unknown
???1 Is the package ready?
???2 Affirmative.
???1 It's time.
/Transmission End/
It's a normal day for the Zzaka Blockade
When suddenly a trio of PoI modded swords and their fighter entourages jump into the system.
The blockade ships try to report the attack to their superiors, but they find that their transmissions are jammed.
The Battlestar releases it's fighters
Despite the lack of reinforcements, the blockade is winning the battle until 2 more swords jump in.
The blockade begins to overwhelm the reinforcements...
...Until more appear.
Under heavy fire, the Battlestar begins to fall apart. But an Imperium victory may still be possible.
Or maybe not
The blockade ships are simply overwhelmed. There was no other way it could have ended.
The blockade was completely destroyed. Any survivors have been captured and are treated well in POW camps. The Zzakazz Republic has been liberated from the Imperium of Suns. The Swords leave the system and are replaced with a full defense flee of 10 modded Shields, 100 modded Pages, 100 modded Squires, 100 modded Knights, and 100 modded Questors.
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Tickytickytango Wow. I can't imagine how much that must have destroyed your computer. So many ships!!! Also, yay! A victory for us!
If I kept my computer cool, played the battle at 1/4 speed, didn't do anything, and nothing was happening, I was occasionally almost able to achieve 1fps.
Tickytickytango oh God, rip PC!
Now, I would like you all to join me in a moment of silence for my computer, whose valiant sacrifice made this victory possible.
Tickytickytango Rest in pieces... my Wrong XD Rest in Peace