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the wanderers have joined
I-is this thing on?
"yeah, see the green light?"
oh ok. (cough cough) captain teerian here, we've just gotten the biggest order since we started our faction! apparently those 6 sun people have gotten stuck in a war, strange... anyways they want us to deliver some ammunition to them ASAP, but the quickest way is through pirate territory

were flying in standard convoy formation and we've got a light cruiser at the front just in case on an atta-
"sir! we've lost contact with one of our nearby outposts!"
thank you for informing me. attention convoy! we've lost contact with an outpost, so were going to investigate. as standard we will secure the entrances and scan the outpost for life.
"preparing the ships sir!"
end transmission

CaptainDude1000 Welcome!

    CaptainDude1000 So, do you get involved in the war? and Which side will you support?

    You should probably make a thread about your faction in Lore, ya can put in all your ships and backstory for that faction there...well I guess you already know that when you´re trying to join a war but whatever. Nice ships btw.

    Jesus3747 were a trade faction, we've got some fighters but not enough for a whole fleet so we just act neutral.

    CaptainDude1000 ok 😉

      "Phi Scebeta X"
      A fleet tries to take the planet, but a blockade of the Empire prevents any ship from entering or leaving. The K.O.L is very desperate to bring food to the people of that planet, but first has to break the blockade.


      The cruisers try to landers reach the planet, which is why they distract the enemy ships, but something is not right, one ship of the Empire has a different color and the other is something they have not seen.
      / Incoming Transmission /

      I am Commander Natasha, the Sixth Sun, your attempts are in vain, as you may want to save others, if you can not even help yourself.


      The blockade remains on the planet, people die, and those who are not, are enslaved.

      /Transmission Start/
      You say you are trying to help people and you blockade their planets and starve them. You call us hypocrites. If you will not lift your blockade, at the very least give them what they need to survive.
      /Transmission End/

      Tickytickytango /Trasmission Start/
      I will fulfill your request

      /transmission start/
      this is captain teerian, we've been captured by a pirate gang lead by a striker ship
      I believe the pilot is a former crewmember because of the patterns on the ship. if this transmission goes through then please send a rescue party. my location is encrypted in this mes-
      /transmission end/

      The Protectors will send a Sword and its fighter entourage to help Captain Teerian


      / Incoming Transmission /

      Hold on, we're on the way, a nearby patrol is looking for them.


      /transmission start/
      we were carrying enough ammunition on our ships to arm a whole fleet and still have extra, if they figure out the code to the storage bay there might be pirates fighting in the war if there isn't already.
      when you reach us the code is 5831283.
      /transmission end/

      CaptainDude1000 Looks Nice!

        /transmission start/
        this is the leader of the Wanderer faction reporting, pirate activity has increased around our small borders. we've lost 20% of our faction to pirate gangs raiding and hijacking ships. our BDP( Border Defense Protocol ) has activated and is now holding off, this is only temporary

        BDP carrier releases swarm of fighters against pirate hammerhead

        if you are entering into Wanderer territory please deactivate weapons and wait for scanners to confirm your identity. our borders will be closed until captain teerian and his convoy return.
        /transmission end/