Arkavi ...great leader Lucy receives a transmission, the source could not be tracked it seemed to vanish between the dimensions at some point... as it played she saw a man with long hair, bloodred feathered wings on his back...
/Transmission Start/
???: Greetings. (he bowed) I am currently not within Cult space but I picked up your transmission at some point, I´m the Warlord of the Hunters-Cult and I can tell you just as much as I told everyone else: We will accept your offer for alliance, however you should consider this might worsen your relationships to other factions, we do not need any of your resources, but in case of war you will have to stand by our side.
/Transmission disconnected/
The message abruptly ended but there seemed to be nothing else to say anyways...
The Great War
/Transmission Start/
Permission granted.
/Transmission End/ the war started to reach it´s peak the scanners of a few ships cought the signal of a slight anomaly in time-space, however it disappeared again a few moments later so the capatains and commanders deemed it insigificant...
OokamiKageOur information is stored by the Druids, and they are organic beings.
- Edited
Well you´re the empire of the 6 suns and I suppose your new sub-faction is for secret and/or special operations so..maybe the Azure Moon Fleet instead of Blue Star?
Drakador_Chaos I will have it in mind
The Ark has sent ships to help us.
Jesus3747 You could call it the Dwarf Star Fleet because dwarf stars are blue-ish.
- Edited
Ships Sent:
Five fleets of:
8x Falcon Fighters
1x Unicruiser
1x Supply Ship
1x Falcon Carrier
2x Thor Support Ships
You are about to trespass onto NTR territory. Please withdraw, or we will show no mercy in our defense. This is your first and final warning.
Playing message:
We of the Draconica Empire wil join this war we will help the IMPERIUM OF SUNS in their conquest will sent ships and supplies to help please respond....
-For Mother Draconica
end of message
/ Incoming Transmission /
Thanks any help is appreciated, if you need something just ask, thank you.
-For the Emperor!
ScapeCore47 Who are you talking to when you say that?
Gatekeeper All participating factions.
ScapeCore47 what the NTR have anything to do with this war? You want to say that we are fighting on/near your territory?
creeperindustry Finally a new ally to us in combat. Us as Domini Naturae may need our help after our dumb decision to come in like a wrecking ball made of... That weird edible substance humans call... "Jell-O"?