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jbox1 So... are you ever going to reply?

I wish if there was atomatic fire extinguisher or automatic ammo loader!

    Canoneer For a while I have had plans for “curcuit breakers” which act like drone cores, but cannot provide control, and need to be within the powering radius of another drone core. However, I had feelings that this may be to OP. However an upcomming feture will be a transmitter, which will extend the radius of the drone controller to a whopping 20 tegships (2km), and cause heaps of lag in the process 😃.

      how about signal Relays wich are dronecores wich need a controller to work so you can relay a signal with a ton of drones?

        May_the_Harpy my problem with that though is that drones could bounce back signals between each other indefinitely, even without a nearby controller, leading to some interesting circumstances.

          oh thats interisting

            Bubbet Gimp still has layers!

            This mod is currently very unbalanced. Here's why:

            Take any credits sum and role and compare the two. In my attached example, I have two ships at 80K cost. One is a drone with AI module, the other a crewed ship.

            Vs the crewed ship, the drone receives:
            2x large rear engines and 2x medium retro thrusters vs 1x large rear engine.
            9x cannons vs 6x cannons.
            Additional armour.
            2x anti-missile vs none.

            Drone always receive the following advantages vs crewed ships in any design:
            - Fire cannot spread.
            - Weapons always fire at 100% fire rate, (as they cannot suffer ammo shortages or crew death).
            - Modules cannot be cut off due to no walkable path.
            - Modules receive instant power delivery.
            - Credits saved on not having any doors.

            Due to the AI Module, the only achilles heel of drones is negated. Furthermore, the range of the "Transmitter" module is so far, that any drone control ship doesn't even have to include itself in the battle - it can sit far away.

            Modules need repricing to reflect the advantages that drones have over crewed ships. As it stands, any larger, (say, 200K+), design has no reason to continue using manned weapons. You only have to make up a 20K control room cost. A missile battery, for example, can consist of drone cores and auto-missile launchers at a large cost saving - even with 1 core per launcher. (33.5K for launcher, factory, crew quarters vs 15K for auto-launcher and large core).

            This post factors in the future release of all weapons in an automated/drone form.


            Watsong This seems like it could be fixed by correcting the prices on parts to more accurately reflect what they replace.

            I don't think the parts themselves are 'broken' (unlike, say an invincible shield or a super weapon) but just are seriously under priced (some parts probably should be close to double current cost).

              Watsong Equalizer I will certainly take these changes into account in version 0.6.I have started work on some new weapons, but I do agree with how under priced they are.

                My calculation on the base game cannon, at 100% fire rate, comes out as:
                Cannon: 3000, Ammo Factory (Half of output): 2500, 3 crew: 3000, Crew Quarters (Half of output): 250, Doors x2: 400, Reactor (Fraction of output): 50, Corridor x1 (Airy figure): 100
                Total cost: 9300

                It will be difficult to get a good specific price for drone weapons, due to "airy" considerations like how many corridors a crewed ship may have for any given component group that makes up a weapon system. It will also be difficult to accurately price in the drone advantages vs crewed ships. If the prices are too high - drones have no purpose. Too low - crewed ships have greatly reduced purpose.

                Perhaps a good way to differentiate drone weapons vs crewed weapons would be to make them rather explosive on destruction? This strongly encourages the putting of a lot of armour on drones. Perhaps even around every weapon - giving them more distinctive designs and a need to add additional engines to deal with the increased ship mass. These weapons have integrated munitions production, so it makes sense both thematically and functionally. It would also raise the trade off issue of spreading out components and using more drone cores vs risking chain reaction internal explosions.

                Watsong I have plans to make the cannons cost as much as a factory + a cannon, because they essentially are a cannon + factory. On the same note, they will be as explosive as a factory + cannon, so no harm done there.

                  5 days later

                  btw idk if it is just my mix of mods but trying to remove any ship with these components crash my game

                    I'm not getting this mod yet but will in the future, as I have a carrier ships that have around six "Drones" but.. manned drones... yea... these "Drones" of mine are inefficient, and currently not worth the price, even if drone parts are made to be double price, Im sure it'll be far better than my current ones..

                      6 days later

                      For some reason, large drone cores go offline at random. Is this a bug or is this normal?

                        G4L4XY Bug, I need to fix that. However, just so you know, as far as I am aware, this will only happen for newly created drones, and should stop after a minute.

                        SHIP DESIGN COMPETITION

                        Hello there ladies and germs! Believe it or not, I have been at work on version 5.2, which will include a few new fetures I am sure you are all dying to see!

                        Crickets chirp

                        Anyway, a new feature of 0.6 will be a ship library, where the best community made drones will be admired apon by the future generations of Drones ++ enthusiasts! You can submit your designs in this thread or on the Drones ++ discord server! The only rule is vanilla and Drones ++ parts only, and that it should be reasonably sized. You can also fiddle around with drones that use other mods until they use only Drones ++ parts.


                        Also, a note to all moders, I would like some help with a particularly troublesome Electro Bolt, and if your willing to have a hand at fixing this bug, message me on the Drones ++ discord server, so I can give you access to the laboratory.

                        Anyway, have fun droning!

                        The bug has been fixed! Version 0.5.2 is comming along smoothly!

                        Remember that you can submit yo ship designs!

                        jbox1 What about this baby, isn't she beautiful?