BUGS begins work on 4 Gnats Cost: 135,600C 3 Flies Cost: 140,850C 2 Beetles Cost: 115,200C 2 Bees Cost: 108,300C 2 Wasps Cost: 118,900C 2 Mosquitos Cost: 101,400C 2 Moth Cost: 130,600C
Start Fund: 1,000,010 Total Cost: 869,450 End Fund: 130,560
Tickytickytango /Transmission Start/ Sorry about the accident. We were attacked by the Moira, and our ships were either all sold out, undergoing repairs, or off defending a client. Let them RIP. I am not a crook, so here is your grand total of...erm... $20? No, that can't be right. Welp, have an extra $100 dollars if you promise not to sue! /Transmission End/
/Transmission Start/ Agreed. /Transmission End/
+100C = 140,880C
Gov't funding provides 10,000C for BUGS. Zzak donations and fundraisers provide 220C for BUGS.
Start Fund: 130,560C Funding: + 10,220C End Fund: 140,780C
The IronClad legion sends a scout fleet(2 scouts, 1 corvett) to Zzakazz space.
Casual_Owl /Transmission Start/ Greetingzz. We are the Zzakazz. We are peazzeful. For what purpozze have you come to our zzpazze? /Transmission End/
/Transmission Start/ This is Captain Foras from the IronClad legion, we give you 3 options. Retreat Surrender or Die /Transmission End/
Casual_Owl /Transmission Start/ We apologizze for any way in which we may have offended you. Zzurely there muzzt be some way that we can work this out non-violently. /Transmission Start/
Tickytickytango /Transmission Start/ You have five minutes to decide Retreat Surrender or Die fighting like a real empire /Transmission End/
Casual_Owl /Transmission Start/ We do not dezzire a war, but we do not intend to be pushed around by any faction that wantzz to do zzo. We will not abandon our zzpazze and we will not zzubmit to your tyrrany. We will fight back.
a fleet of 3 corvetts and 2 destroyers enter Zzakazz space
Casual_Owl 3 gnats, 1 fly, 2 bees, and a wasp approach the enemy fleet but keep their distance and do not attack.
BUGS begins work on 2 Bees Cost:108300C
Start fund: 140,880C Cost: -108,300C End fund: 32,580C
Tickytickytango /Transmission/ 2,000,000 C have been transferred from the IronClad Legion To the BUGS, to pay for potential damages /Transmission End/
The IronClad Legion engages the BUGS
a single gnat survives
Casual_Owl Since this faction tracks its funds, in the future, please also tell me the cost of repairs on any ships that survive.
I believe that's 1,130C
Casualties: -2 Bees -1 Wasp -1 Fly -2 Gnats -1,130C
Tickytickytango The cost of repairs is 1,132C
Casual_Owl I'm rounding to the nearest 10
The IronClad Legion fleet moves deeper into Zzakazz space
Casual_Owl @Mc2 sends aid. "No one can confirm it, but there are legend, about ships which came from nowhere, destroy everything, and disappear without tracks. Some says, that it are not ships, but animals, but no credible witness who can confirm it."
Matirotris destroyed
4 Corvettes and 1 Destroyer remain Cost of damage to surviving ships: 32,728C
Tickytickytango i read several times, that corect results came only from batle helper under ai control:
it looks more better for the bugs future 😃