As the fleet gets closer to the Vault and (presumably) the other fleets part ways to make room for his Coreship, Alpha-Alpha sends two pods - one smaller than the other. The Smallest one carries Alpha-Alpha himself in one of his newly-regenerated Avatars, the other? It carries Troops. Chassis manufactured in the core dimensions of respective DC AI Cores and minds programmed with Slave-AI processors, built upon memories and thoughts of departed mortal beings of multiple races. They mimic personalities and faux emotions, but their primary purpose is to serve the AI Core that created them, whether manning a cannon, powering a system or interacting as lesser diplomats on behalf of an AI Core - the actual citizens of the Dimensional Collective.
Driven equally insane by Alpha-Alpha's sudden lust for power, these AI-slaves are combat-prepped and armed with a variety of armors and weapons. They are similar in color and theme, and some look exactly alike to eachother, but this 'boarding party' all has a purpose, because Alpha-Alpha tries to prepare for anything.
Oblivious to whatever is happening in the Weave, Alpha-Alpha wordlessly orders his Boarding party to take formation...