TheLastBeacon well now i have been mining for a while and i dont know what is going on. anything new?
albin_xl yes... iIN MY TRUuE FOOooORM I CAN SUuuMon MY ARMYYYyy
albin_xl We got sent a message about a vault, but aside from that, nothing else.
youre potato form and you can summon youre dust army?
TheLastBeacon ok nothing important happening just a normal day. ask me if you need my help
albin_xl You receive information from an unknown source. The screen if blank, but the recording is perfect. It says... "Come to the graveyard of ships, if you don't want to mine all day."
albin_xl No. My Harbringer form and I can summon the Chimera.
for me its your potato form with your dust army.
albin_xl It is your army that will be dust, when I nuke it!
well use your dust bombs against me
TheLastBeacon my coordinates bank doesnt know any place called graveyard of ships. explain
the last picture would be so laggy
albin_xl Mk AHAHHAA
albin_xl Sends coordinates You will see why it is named that...
TheLastBeacon well warming warp drive. im there in about 1 h
stop trying to make your dreams be real. you should follow you dreams except if you are this guy
albin_xl hehehe