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Wait, also, is it actually worth it to mess with crew behaviors? I see the Shield Techs and was wondering if that actually helps the ship.


    Crew assignments are not that difficult or complicated once you understand it well, and can drop your crew requirements by 10-50% depending on how badly you made it. It also teaches you how much crew you should have for each part; once you learn it, it will help you massively with your ship design as well.

      6 days later

      Can someone improve this:


      dodo_bear remove the explosives to start with

        dodo_bear also the bottom of the ship is very vulnerable and also, where the hell is the back thrust?

          May The Power Of Christ Compel You!!


          (pls improve me : D, please keep the actual design in one peace, requires kroom's forge, normal armour extention and my Bits 'n' Bobs mod)

            BritishSpuds Link to the Bits 'n' bobs mod, please.

              I have a challenge friends. Do you all think this ship can be improved, without any energy weapons or Shields? I've been having trouble keeping it in the price range while sticking to ballistics and explosives.

                • Edited

                Saesee_Tiin This should be quite an upgrade. I've switched out the PD for some more practical weapons (standard cannons) and protected the railgun with armor. I also brought the number of reactors down to one since that is all it needs. The railgun has been separated from the reactor and CR (control room) by a layer of armor so that the ship doesn't die when the rail is destroyed. These upgrades have made it a little more expensive, though I'm guessing you are trying to keep it under 200k in which case it fits.

                Oneye I applaud you sir, that looks majestic by comparison... I don't think it'll work for what I need though. I'll need to test it, but that railgun is probably not powerful enough to take down the ship its going to be pitted up against. I also went with PD because cannons just can't hit some of the fighters this thing has to be able to engage.

                This is the ship of the opposing faction, the Phobos Light Frigate. I realize it's not a fair fight, but that's why I'm having so much trouble.

                  Saesee_Tiin Looks like 0neye's refit doesn't have the speed to close range to it and use the small cannons. And because of no shield the railgun is pretty explosed (sic). Even then it usually wins against the Phobos in the tests I ran.
                  Made a design that I think can win quicker. Sacrifices small cannons for another railgun so it doesn't have to get close to use it.

                    Oneye Hatter Wait, it actually worked? Well snap... I wasn't expecting railguns in any combination to pull it off. Thanks to both of you!

                    This is what I ended up going with. I took notes from both.

                      25 days later

                      NinjaNerd33332345 Modded or vanilla? How do you want it?

                        Super_Mapper It is vanilla and i guess i would want it to be less vulnerable because it gets destroyed easily by anything and mostly missiles but i have no place for the defense for them.

                          NinjaNerd33332345 You want me to add modded stuff when I improve it?

                            Super_Mapper Nah i'm trying to keep all my stuff vanilla or at least the ships i use for multiplayer with my friend because he doesn't trust the mods on here.


                              Well, he should.

                              Tell him that this comes from a guy who has installed a lot of mods.

                                Super_Mapper Yeah will do i have a few mods installed to.