more than half of them died to the mega boats, despite the hilariously derpy flying the AI made them do. all 4 of them were obsessed with one in the back, one flying smack into the middle of the munchies...
still the missile output on those little things left a mess..
then the Mothership, which was also flying at max derpyness and lagging way behind came up..
the one it enguaged died in the first barrage. at that point, 1 pac man remained that had little damage having flown off to chase the rear end of a otherwise dead boat, and one that was half dead already and still fighting the lone surviving mega boat.
after that the last pac man was annilated by a swarm of missiles bigger than it was.
i did it again and managed to get a good recording with fraps... i will get that up soon.
i was one of the few people who tryed to argue against a missile buff >< i think that was even of my first posts....
they were crazy before now its just insane.