- Edited
Celestia/Cordelia-Waifu's ABH Bounty Mod
While incomplete, this mod boasts 110 new ships which will replace the vanilla ships you would normally encounter, as well as increasing the amount of threat levels from 5 to 15 and adding two factions - the Triarchy and the Dregis. The only mod it requires is ABH 0.4.8+ for v0.2.0
-New Planet Types-
- Single Ship Bounties, with three difficulties and special enemies
- Triarchy Fleet Small
- Triarchy Fleet Large
- Dregis Fleet
- Lagfest HUGE SHIPS areas marked with warnings <- avoid!
- Three new Bounty Hunter difficulties
- Two new Bounty Hunter starter ships
- Regular threat levels are harder and become more expensive faster
- 11 new planet types
- 21 ship tiers (mainly for specific boss ships)
- 14 Dregis Ships
- 7 Triarchy Ships
- 89 random bounty ships, all with ABH weapons and components
This version of the mod is considered unstable and will likely contain bugs and imbalances.
v0.0.9 Download Link : https://www.mediafire.com/file/6d4ag6rdgxfl3ve/ABH_Bounties.Celestia.rar
New Update: v0.1.0
-3 new ships: Scythe, Beta Strike and Goliath
-New planet type
-fixed crashes on Amateur, Professional and Veteran planets
-minor improvements to some ship designs including the MacGhriogair ship
-fixed a couple of planet icons
v0.1.0 Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/11aj2wdb5bdk6ez/ABH_Bounties.Celestia%200.1.0.zip
New Update: v0.2.0
-14 new ships! (and possibly more that I haven't counted)
-3 new campaign difficulties
-a whole bunch of crash fixes
-2 new ABH starter ships
-now compatible with Cosmoteer 0.12.12
-Ship folders for Dregis faction and Triarchy faction
-Balance tweaking
v0.2.0 Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/653bv9xg9fp6bpa/ABH_Bounties.Celestia%200.2.0.zip