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I was starting a new game and I thought "I need a good starter ship", so I made this then realized it doesn't have an FTL drive and thought "I need some help".

Hows this?



After applying a paint job...




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    I made some emergency modifications
    It died a lot

      This died less
      But still died a lot

      I gave up in that game

        Don't put a missile launcher up front, especially without a shield. I'm guessing your ship ate a lot of cannon/laser fire to the launcher then the missile factory blew up shortly after taking out the rest of your ship. Maybe swap it out for a shield and then add a couple more lasers/electrobolts to the side if you really want to keep that design.

        I've found that you don't really need to edit the starter ship much. The model 1 can clear all the level 1 areas.

        Though it is fun to create something right off the back.
        Meet the Indignari

          dieaready The missile factory didn't blow up cos I fled as soon as most of my weaponry were gone, fleeing was the only thing stopping me from dying much sooner.

            One thing to note is that you don't need lateral thrust on a small ship as long as you put your fore and aft thrust out where it gives decent turning torque. It only really matters when you're trying to attack from a specific direction, which is really only useful against large, slow enemies. That'll save you 3k on these designs.

            A second thing is that unless you're under space constraints (trying to squeeze a ship into 100% efficiency off a single jumpdrive or fitting behind a shield), smaller thrusters are cheaper per unit thrust. You might want to stick to paired medium thrusters for reverse because they're competing for space with guns, but for forward you could go to a bank of 10 small thrusters and save 3k while actually gaining 11% thrust.

            Also, you can actually cut your forward thrust down to 4 safely now that you can set a ship's flight direction independently of thrust balancing. Using 2 mediums for reverse and 4 smalls for forward would save you another 2k. You might have to put in more forward thrust for professional zones to catch ion frigates, but if you're mounting missiles you don't have to catch them.

            You can do quite a bit at this scale with an extra 8k.

              This was the first ship I ever finished. It started off as the Model-1 and then added more and more on until you have what you see today. Can easily clear level 3 worlds. I haven't gone on that save file for a long time.

                10 reactors... but why tho.
                You don't even have ion beams or a ton of electro bolts. There's no reason to have that many reactors crammed together

                  Rhyme keep in mind a built this a month ago and I was a TERRIBLE ship builder.
                  Also, I do have an ion, right in front

                    DeathReaper658 Not bad, but you can actually replace the 2 lasers up front with another cannon which is more effective IMO. Also that ammo factory up front is going to explode real well once the enemy ship blows through your cannon. I'd suggest shifting your cannon up by 1 tile and adding some armour behind it.

                      a month later

                      i did try to build some starter ships but this is what i got
                      they both use ABH mod


                      the last one was build as support because of its main cannonry 🙂 tough its slow 🙁

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