FORUM RULES - Please read this before posting!
Walt Are other languages allowed since you can’t monitor foreign languages?
KrankysFirebrand48 Yes, languages other than English are fine. If you see someone breaking the rules in any language, please flag the post.
yoyoyoyo2001 Please do not request features in this thread. This thread is only for discussing the forum rules. If you want to ask for a new language, you can do so in Ideas & Suggestions
ok sorry, i have trouble with english it's according to the google search i found on the forum, sorry
Important update about posting ship designs:
Walt When posting in Ship Designs, you are automatically giving Walt permission to share your ship on social media such as Twitter and Facebook. If you do not wish your ship to be shared, please say so when you post your ship and Walt won't share it.
About necroposting: what about commenting on a mod that's being actively updated, but the last reply was a year ago? It's not a bug report or something... just a question
ResExsention Can you give an example?
ResExsention Yeah that seems fine.
Walt Thanks.
ProntoManagement What about copyrighted franchise names? ( Aka. : Is the mouse gonna kill me? )
Yo @ProntoManagement u think you could just like
completely delete every single one of my existing discussions
Minty_Kee2 Well it's a risk that you're taking, my advice is not to. However I won't ban you for it. If it does become an issue your content will be removed, it's very unlikely your account will be terminated.
- Edited
You have around 4,500 posts that'd be a lot of work so I won't remove the content. If you're trying to terminate your account I'd hate to lose all the posts you've posted I'd be willing to get your password & email changed upon a formal request and change the name to something unrecognizable and profile picture if possible. (No promises) However it doesn't seem as though you want your account terminated. If you'd like we can delete your account.
If it's due to your previous postings I would just move on it just shows you've progressed as a person.
ProntoManagement Just out of curiosity, how/where would one send a formal request to change a username?