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Is there a list of which features are included that are not in the final demo version?
Aside from the graphic overhaul and the single player campaign? Or is it a surprise for everyone who wasn't in the closed test?

I am so excited for this date, Walt. I have loved your game for years and it is only getting better. Thank you.

Very nice!


    Just found this Friday on steam's list of new releases and have put 20 hours in since then (so much for weekend chores!)

    I've gotta say, this game scratches a particular itch I've had for years that I could never quite satisfy. I'm SUPER excited for this launch!

      mre16 scratches

      That sinking feeling when you misread "scratches" as "crashes".

      Glad you enjoyed the demo!

      5 days later

      Hey, nice to see a Release Date for Cosmoteer.
      I really didnt played it in the last 2 or 3 Years, but had al lot of fun with this game already in the earlyer days. Now i just watched into the Demo and i am absolutely excitet aboult all the features i didnt know so far, the grafics, the music! Also with the direction the developement tooked so far, with the ressource- and fleet management.
      Cant wait for the release and the campaign! I will immediately buy it, and i dont care about the price. I mean, in this game is already much more developer effort and community input, then in the most early access releases anyway. Its gonna be great:-) GG Walt!

        I've been waiting years for this. Cant wait!😆

          So excited about this game! Do we know how much it will cost on launch?

            finally a nice roof turret😍

              How much will it cost? I want to load my Steam wallet asap...

                Max_Tyberius Most likely $20 (Look at the post Walt made titled MY PLANS FOR THE FUTURE OF COSMOTEER, should answer a majority of your questions)

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