kieffer5101 no... what engine thing? i was talking about auriellas thing
albin_xl oh when i saw the 'Aurellia' part i thought it said kieffer5101
- Edited
May_the_Harpy ABH mod battle cannons
me and my brother built this baby together he did the guns and i did the rest she is hms triumph ddg-2006
purplguy00021 phasers?
on the front
DarkPearl i am playing cosmoteer
DarkPearl on the front of the saucer
purplguy00021 oh lots of it! Seems a cool by the way
DarkPearl heres the phasers:
DarkPearl she has also big torpedoes
DarkPearl ABH mod
DarkPearl i made a server
albin_xl no she doesn't
purplguy00021 you should put more torpedoes in front ..
Gladiaxa theres not a lot of space
Gladiaxa i mean theres is