how do you measure the ship
purplguy00021 just put corridors on the side from one side ti another and use the select tool (shift+select blocks) and see how many there are
mine is 244 wide and 330 long
- Edited
purplguy00021 3 hours and a lot of lag only sw mod and achons plasma mod
Mrowte mine took 3 days and 2hours to build and a little bit of lag
Mrowte SICK!
trolled (but this was my mothership for a long time during bounty hunter mode)
good guys are going to have bigger:
I have this
Now while i would build a mothership, it would cause so much lag just building the thing...
Gladiaxa well i just built a big ship
purplguy00021 where is that gun from??? the big one
Here's a 'cruiser'
Aurellia amazing