He began to slowly lower the blade to the floor.
"Now I don't want anyone getting hurt or anything. We weren't trying to scare or hunt you. We were just hunting and you came up at the wrong time. Look we even got the basket you were carrying."
He seemed to kick the sword away ounce he placed it on the ground.
[Event] With Fire and Sword
The girl looked at him warily, eyeing his sword for a few more seconds, seemingly becoming more tired with each second before extinguishing the firey ball in her palm and collapsing to her knees.. "Hah.... I hope you say the truth.."
After breathing heavily for a few seconds she regained her posture, slowly getting up with a groaning sound.
"You have to excuse my wariness.. There have been raids in this area in the last summers and I feared.. you were part of those."
The crackling of the two fireballs filled the room with a warm aura as she walked over to the shrine, sitting down on a ledge.
"But please, tell me at least, who are you?"
The cart driver laughs heartily.
"Not a problem at all, friends. I drive this road everyday."
The cart rolled along the stony and uneven road at a slow pace, but still, it beats walking, right?
The fog had mostly cleared out here by now as the cart moved away from the coast, and the forest was alive with the sounds of birds and insects, lit up by the warm rays of the sun breaking through the canopy here and there.
The Captain riding in front turns his horse towards her.
"Nay. We were just on a regular patrol, heard no such thing about a routed unit, its good to have ye back though. Hop on the back of one of the horses, we'll bring ye back to the barracks."
One of the soldiers rode up to her and offered a hand down towards her.
//Transmission: Local Code//
"Zhis is an open contract, and because of zhat zhere are other parties involved, and ve do not vouch for zheir behavior towards zhem. Ve do not care vho brings us zhe head of zhe traitor, as long as he is off zhe planet quietly. I hope ve are clear about zhe last part.. By zhe way, as long as you do not disturb to local planetary political and cultural ecosystem, zhere is no repercussions for fighting it out vith other bounty hunters about zhe bounty. If you are still up for zhe job, good luck and Waidmannsheil."
//Transmission End//
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//Transmission Resume//
"Hope you keep your words till the end, we will be joining the hunt as well. We shall return once we refit ourselves with more adequate equipment."
//Transmission Terminated//
The cruiser turns around and leaves the system.
They return to their safe house instead of rushing towards the planet, stuffing their stomach with some MRE and cleaning themselves, as well as swapping their ride to a slightly smaller corvette. Ralmia swapped out her laser blasters with more kinetic weaponry, opting for a pair of daggers as well as a foldable DMR inside her leather sack, with a silencer of course along with some food and water, while Ao...
"Hey check this out!"
The clattering of metal pieces echos as Ao waddles around with slightly too-large full body armor.
"...may i ask why?"
"Well what are the middle ages famous for?"
"the black death?"
"No...Its knighthood! Imagine all the privileges...."
"But you are a female...we are both females."
"Being female doesn't matt...oh you right."
Realising the big blindspot that she had failed to notice, Ao's shoulders slumped down, and the two arm pieces immediately detach from the rest of the armor.
"Don't worry, we can still make this work"
Soon enough, a corvette clean of any markings return to the research station, and hails through the same channel.
//Transmission Initiate//
"This is the privateer previously with the cruiser, we are ready to we just land wherever we like or is there a regulated landing area?"
As they go, flakken takes notice of the crossbow, as well as the anxious way that he holds himself.
"You said you have been having trouble with... raiders. Can you tell me more about these? I have been away from civilisation for many years and have not had the chance to catch up with local news lately."
She nodded a thanks and reaches her hand, of which appeared gloved, up, pulling herself up onto the horse with the soldier's help, and prepared for the journay.
"Aye, thank ye for the assistance. I shalt keep a lookout for my lost men." she replies, a well-faked tone of sadness in her voice
As the guard was dropped and the atmosphere seemed to calm he let out a heavy exhale. His own tense body relaxing. The white haired girl was quick to slip from the room to then appear within the entrance walking in. Taking a position behind the man.
"Ahh, well sorry, we're new around these parts. So raids have been hitting the local area? Bandits then? Anyway I'm going off topic. Well this is my companion Sabrina, and I am Jango. And you are?"
He tried to speak in a friendly toan, Sabrina seemingly to stand cautious behind him but giving off a more protective of him vibe.
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kola2134 Brank ZendikaroftheWest
On this side of the planet the evening begins to dawn as the sun grows weaker and its golden rays illuminate the landscape. There is a distinct glow in the air due to the sun rays lighting up dust and pollen afloat, and the cold air blows along, making the drop in temperature feel even more distinct.
//Transmission: Local Code//
"Velcome back! Zhere is no regulated landing site but ve would suggest you start your search close to or around coordinates 2° W, 17° S, as in zhat area ve believe zhe Target to have operated. Zhere are several other bounty hunter teams operating, do vhatever you like, but stay inconspicuous.
.. Waidmannsheil."
//Transmission End//
"Ye. Those barbars have been a pain in the arse in the last months, even more so than before. We never know when they might be coming, all we hear is screams from the village nearby, sounds of fighting, and when we come there, everyone is dead or gone.."
He shudders a bit. "Feels unnatural if you ask me. Witches work!"
"Aye, we will send out a search troop once we are back in Kar. Hiya!"
The captain of the watch spurs on his horse and rides forward, the others gallop behind, the setting sun in their necks.
She looks up towards him and straightens herself a bit.
"Freya. Nice to meet you.. Listen."
She pauses.
"..What I just did there... You can't tell anyone that. Promise me you wont?"
In her eyes is a worried look.
He nods, noting this information may be important.
"Has there ever been any survivors?"
//Transmission Resume//
"Copy that, we are going in."
//Transmission Terminated//
The shuttle proceeds to enter a shallow dive into the atmosphere, while making slight maneuvers so the meteoric trails that the craft makes mainly reside on top of the vast ocean, to both reduce the impact for the locals, as well as to prevent raising much attention for other competitors.
Settling the shuttle under the water near the delta of the Kiri river, Ao and Ralmia take a small peek above the water and avoid any direct contact before emerging from the sea, slowly waddle up the banks inside a rather cumbersome environment-proof suit which somehow makes them resemble Michelins with the puffy outlook.
"Sigh...this is why i dislike these cumbersome..."
Ao immediately takes off her's as soon as she left the muddy coastline while Ralmia keeps watch of the surroundings, then vice versa until the two are free from it. Ao, with a traditional villager maiden dress, stash her deflated suit in a hidden front pouch of the dress, while Ralmia stashes her's inside her sack, who opted for the appearance of a little girl with a light dress. The two decide to follow the river stream and traverse south towards the road between the border and city Kar after concealing a small number of proximal warning devices around the site just in case someone comes for their shuttle.
They gave each other a slightly confused look as the girl seemed to give her worried reply.
"We wont. Whats so taboo about it though?"
He seemed to single to Freya where what seemed to be a magic circle of an orb of light began to form in her hand.
"Is there a church or something thats against magic?"
"I- Yes. The government has banned the use of it because the church... well they say it is demonwork.."
She shudders slightly.
"Its not like it was my choice!.. I.. we were born with it. A gift.. a curse, however you want to put it.."
"Not that it matters to you.. I've never seen you before, you must be outsiders. And soon you will probably disappear again, to the freedom of wherever you came. ... .. what brought you here, anyways?"
The Kiri river was wide, and seemingly in the distance there could be ships spotted, exiting and entering the delta through the main shipping lane to and fro, most likely coming towards Kar.
Soon enough the two would be able to find a riverside path that led them towards the city, which was to be seen in the distance, built atop a hill, with the river going right through the middle, and protected by large stone walls and wooden gates reinforced with steel. Watchtowers were present as well, and upon coming closer, the machiculations of the walls were noticeably tall and with slits inside them for crossbowmen to shoot out from relative safety. The whole city seemed to be heavily fortified, with a large castle atop the hill in the middle, whose towers could be seen even from outside the city.
The small riverside path joined the main road, which led directly to the open north gate of the city, flanked by guards and watched by archers atop the battlements.
The evening sun bounced off their helmets as one stepped forward to examine an oxcart coming towards the gate.
"Seldomly, yes. There's one in our village, old man Rolf. Maybe if you ask him you'll find out more.
Speaking of which, here we are. Have a good one, you guys."
The oxcart stops in the village, not much more than a couple dozen thatched roof houses with a flimsy wooden wall around them. A large bonfire in the middle of the village gave off a warm light in the evening sun, and there were a good few people out on the muddy street, some looking at the new travelers.
The ride was without much interference, and in the evening they finally arrived in Kar, a large city atop a hill with a river passing right through it on the lower end, protected by strong stone walls and wooden gates strengthened with steel and towers of significant size. Passing two female travelers at the side of the road and an oxcart which was being held up by the guards at the north gate for examination the riders saluted the soldiers atop the battlements and rode on in.
The main street of the city coming in from the north was wide, with tall two to three story houses covered by shingles flanking the road and smaller alleys branching off the road. Somewhere towards the front a bridge could be seen, and the smoke rising from all the houses gave an impressive sight. The road was packed with people and carts travelling along, shopping and going about their lives, but the riders stopped right behind the gate at a house directly connected to the house.
"Here we are."
The captain of the patrol jumped off the horse and took its leash.
"Time to get inside, get ya warmed up and then you can tell us exactly what happened."
"Power crazed demon labeling churches, seen far too many. They simply fear the prospect of a simple person holding great power. Where traveling, uhm. Call us traders."
He said with a kind voice and smile.
"We're looking for a 'client' to discuss a 'deal.' he was said to be in one of the nearby cities. He spoke with a strange accent as well most likely."
The man tried to sound truthful but hid the true motive.
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Ralmia frowns, signaling Ao to kneel for a bit and hide in the bushes till the wooden cart disappeared from the line of sight.
"Well this is a converted mission, so no brute force tactics."
Ao looks Ramia in the eyes, who does the same simultaneously. After staring at each other for a couple seconds, Ralmia and Ao both shrugs.
"Eh either that or animals, whichever we come across first, worst case scenario we will just use some of our food reserves"
The two trace back into the woods, hoping to find some sort of local edible fauna or flora to help them disguise as villagers bringing goods for trading.
Thanking him for the ride, he begins to turn away, but then turns back.
"Could you perhaps point me in the way of this "Rolf" fellow you were talking about?"