They are greeted by a slight breeze and the sounds of waves crashing against the shore. Their landing site, located on the beach at 4°W and 17°S, was on one side circumscribed by the sea and on the other by a about 20 metre tall white cliff face. On the other side of the cliff there seemed to be vegetation, but due to the angle only the tops of some trees could be seen.
Looking about, the two noticed something. It was cold. 5°C would be a decent estimate, and added to the coldness coming from the sea a thick fog prevented the sun from shining through.
Along the beach dead wood could be seen, as well as a break in the cliff face where a flood or something akin had broken the stone walls and made it much easier to climb. In the other direction the cliffs made a turn and thus disappeared from view, being replaced by the sea.
Having reached the rickety bridge, it was to be noticed that the forest had went entirely quiet. No bird coule be heard, no chirping insects, just silence.
..But forwards, in front of them in the woods where the path continued, a distinct clanging of metal could be heard, as well as the steps of a singular person. The speed seemed to be of walking pace, and the steps sounded light off the damp earth, coming ever closer but norhing being distinguishable through the fog..