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The point defense net is strained indeed, popping missiles one after one as what seems like a wide, spaced out wall of flak and plasma form between the forces, detonating and melting missiles as they come on. But the wall isnt enough. Where the APS fire lets up to allow allied fire through, a handful of ASMs are able to slip through, too close for interceptor missiles to take care of, they thud into the hulls of the Moonlight dancer, cracking outer layers of armour and taking off a couple smaller point defense turrets. One ASM that gets through crashes into a dorsal railgun turret, melting the barrel and side to where it becomes dysfunctional and has to be evacuated and sealed off from the hull as the turret itself, being unrepairable and unusable, is ejected off the hull of the Dancer, the connection to the hull being severed as it floats off.

But this doesnt stop the second volley of railgun rounds, and now that the two fleets are in MUCH closer engagement range, the new volley of fusion cannon bolts. Due to this new engagement range the VWP rounds begin to get too hard to dodge and much harder to intercept, the close range CIWS blurting off insane amounts of bullets, but still failing to catch some of the rounds...

A shell slams into the side of the IDS Follower of Sin, one of the two frigates, sending a handful of turrets careening through the void as the hulls below the turrets are automatically sealed by the AI of the ship. The Coilguns on the Follower of Sin and her sister, IDS Deed of Good, fire off HE rounds at the smaller VWP ships, the crack-crack-crack of their automatic fire rate sounding within the walls of the ships.

Infil Team

"Move in and check your corners, we have the entrance."

The team slowly moves in, checking their corners with guns drawn as they move farther into the airlock. Once all of them are in they shut the airlock and go through to other side, into the main body of the ship...

The battleship closes fast, and fires yet another volley from its positron cannons. The cruisers continue to close, and begin firing from their two 220mm triple positron beam turrets.

    10 days later

    The hail of HE rounds dealt a fair number on the shields of the VSA ships, fragments of hardlight splintering off and decaying amidst the vacuum. The ID railgun rounds started punching through the now fractured shields with relative ease, having small success in piercing the hull armour. However, the sheer amount of redundant systems built into the legacy models ensured that it took a large amount of saturation on an area to noticeably degrade its fighting ability. A second volley of ASMs launched from the armour seams, now much further within the defensive grids. The Taroka also launched out another volley, taking advantage of the confusion where they can, even squeezing out a few cheeky autocannon strafes at their lumbering targets.

    From what little the infiltration team knew of Karrashta, they were able to make out the rough direction of the cargo hold. Getting there proved to be another matter, as they began encountering technicians and crewmembers milling about their tasks. They weren't noticed yet, but it was starting to look like only a matter of time.

    The armour is considerably less resistant at this range, turning white hot and even melting away some layers in places. Some of the volleys of shells and missiles are redirected towards the Gamilas ships.

    If anyone was watching the outer edge of the system, if they even had sensors capable of picking it up, they might have noticed another ship Qswitching in. The ID Platinum-Class immediately detected a new radar signature approaching; the sheer speed led the computer to classify it as another missile, yet the apparent size seemed more in line with a fighter.
    "This is Disband. Targets sighted. Engaging."

    The Wall of Flak and Point Defense fire focuses upon the incoming missiles as they still swarm in, the sustained fire straining the grid even more as increasing amounts of missiles slip through, shields being forced to fire up small walls of plasma to try and protect from the blasts while CIWS send of their bursts of fire. A small swarm of missiles slips through the grid from the numerous ASM volleys being fired out, the missiles crashing into the side of the Moonlight Dancer as the armour it hits singes and buckles, cracks forming on the outer protection layers as deep dents form, even bucking supports in some areas.

    In the core of the Moonlight dancer its Spinal and Subspinal mounts begin to slowly build their charge back up, the stores of particles being loaded up as they begin to come online once again. Railguns; Coil-Autocannons; and Fusion Cannons alike across the fleet all continue their firing sequences, focusing mostly on the VSA Destroyer and trying to aim for the most damaged spots where possible. Meanwhile interceptor missiles flare up in their housings as rockets burn, sending volleys of the missiles streaking towards the Tarokas in a bid to remove them from the combat.

    IDS Moonlight Dancer - Bridge
    "Prepare Interdiction to come online! An FTL sig just dropped out on the edge of the system and need to stop anything else from showing up!"
    Captain Jaco commands the bridge as people rush around, clicking at holographic keyboards and physical ones alike, sending out commands to their respective districts of control while the frigates receive their orders...

    Escort Frigates
    Having seen the signature Qswitch in quite some distance away the frigates fire up their spinal assault interdictors, one prepping to send a corridor of anti-FTL towards the direction of the yet to be identified qunit, while the other aims to block the freighter from leaving. The silent and invisible energy shoots out, manipulating spacial gravity in the area as to mess with FTL of most kinds, the slight distortion of gravity throwing off any and all calculations needed to get FTL drives to work in that small corridor of space...

    But the Qunit is still on approach and needs to be identified and dealt with soon lest it tear the fleet apart...

    Infil Team
    "Alright Squad, move to secure the asset."
    The Infil team rushes around corners and avoids sightlines to the best of their ability, almost getting caught multiple times as they finally make it to the room with the holding cell...

    "Bravo, try to get a good look at the room, use your cloaking and use the sparing seconds it gives to get what info you can."

    "Roger that Alpha, moving in."

    With a slight shimmer the experimental device covers Bravo with a field of wavy and shaky 'invisibility', allowing them to remain unseen so long as no-one looks in that direction for too long and they stay still as possible. Bravo moves around the corner slightly and tries to take in the sights of the room...

    A transmission is sent from the battleship, in a tense voice.
    "You have your asset yet? We may have a problem here, and I dont want to stick around for too long. Anything we can do?"


      "Roger that, asset has been located and the team is preparing to engage extraction soon, we will inform you when they have made it off-ship. For now try and disable the engines on the Freighter while we keep the VSA ships distracted."

        6 days later

        "Of course. Ghale Gamilas."

        As the commander spots the signature his eyes widen.
        "Bashuk! No no no no no."
        He then turns and shouts orders to the crew.
        "We may have an Eater type craft, turn toward her, arm the missiles, and prepare for impact."
        _The battleship turns and opens fire on the craft, desperately trying to shoot it down. _

          The railgun rounds finally burst through the thick hull of the destroyer, right through the area still sizzling from the Gamilas' attack. Turrets in the area buckled for a moment, shortly before the ammo cookoff began and their burning husks shot out hurtling into the void. The armour itself blasted outwards in other places, plumes of incendiary gas forcing their way through. Despite the no doubt critical damage, the rest of the ship almost entirely ignored the proceedings, continuing its relentless barrage of railcannon fire. The only real acknowledgement was the ship turning its now damaged face away from its adversaries, still able keep two thirds of its guns within firing solutions.

          Taking advantage of the split attention, the corvettes moved closer to the Dancer, unloading their own railcannons at max RPM into the shields. The Tarokas use the opportunity, flying behind the defensive areas the corvettes projected, CIWS sniping the interceptors out in no time.

          Whatever the craft was, it speedily zipped between the positron beams shot at it. Turns so sudden and drastic were taken that, were there a human pilot on board, they'd be little more than mush. Strangely, the radar signature seemed to start expanding, apparently ballooning out to the size of a small warship, before it abruptly disappeared altogether. All the sensor officers could do was stare at a blank screen in the deafening silence of the dozen empty seconds that followed...

          It eventually re-appeared just as quickly as it had vanished, but instead of relief this only brough panic. The craft was streaking towards one of the ID escort frigates at speeds in excess of 6km/s, and was a mere 21km away. Before the CIWS and other defensive measures could even bear on target, the signal split into a dozen more, the resultant confusion lasting just a moment long enough to close the gap. Entirely unknown and anomalous projectiles cruised through the Frigate's shields in less than a heartbeat, continuing on to carve through the armour like a hot knife through butter, piercing all the way through and out the other side of the hull.

          The largest of the signatures identified slammed into the hull itself, and weapons systems began blinking offline at several by the second. A brief glimpse of whatever it was got caught on an external camera, before it too went offline. Another Taroka, the design radically different to its contemporaries, and ripping off one of the primary railguns by the barrel with its claws.

          F13Y1 smiled to herself from within the cockpit. The entire attack had lasted barely 8 seconds.
          "Disband. Target neutralised. Proceeding."
          Her custom-built Taroka leapt from the hull of the irreparably crippled frigate, and rapidly began accelerating towards the second. The anomalous projectiles curved around, apparently unphased by the impact, and followed behind.

          Blissfully unaware of the chaos outside, Bravo gets eyes on target without a hitch. A large metallic box about the size of a studio apartment sits in the center of the room, accented in industrial red and fastened down to the floor. A squat but wide mechanical door is set into one side, electromagnet locking mechanisms apparent. A holographic interface is located next to the door, currently displaying what one can assume is a camera view of the box's contents; a lone Vaiaelon female sitting in the center of an otherwise white room. Bravo gets an odd impression from the video feed, as though he was seeing several clips randomly stitched together, given how the girl seems to teleport around the room and into different positions.

          A pair of thoroughly disinterested guards sit just in front of the door, some sort of board game sat between them.
          "Dolta wa pronehiis?"
          "Te vfase, dolta wa waaroi tur biiva."
          "Hmph! Te reitak."
          They haven't noticed Bravo just yet.


          IDS Moonlight Dancer - Bridge
          "Sir, Plasma Reserves at 30%, after that we cant set shields anymore!"

          Captain Jaco Holds his head in his hands
          "Fire the Particle a-"

          Blaring Alarms go off as the projectiles launch from the new taroka, explosions blasting out on the Follower of Sin as it is ripped to shreds...



          Jaco is enraged and distraught, one of his escorts gone in a flash...

          Overall battle

          The Follower of sin is torn to shreds, explosions ringing off as debris begins flying, ammo racks hit and causing a massive explosion after the Qunit shredded through it. The Two remaining ships try and get a lock on the contact with missiles, interceptor and antifighter alike, launch in attempt to ward it off as CIWS and flak begin to focus on it. Meanwhile the Dancer and Deed continue sending streams of plasma out as walls of shielding between them and the VWP fleet, the plasma burning and slowing shells while setting missiles off prematurely, shells then being shot down by CIWIS. But the shields will only hold for so long. A Handful of shells from the Corvettes slip through and crash into the Dancer's armour, shearing off plating and crushing corridors as bulkheads seal off the small holes in the hull...

          Infil Team

          Bravo looks over the scene and pulls out their rifle, seeing an opportunity...

          The Rifle is an M1-Empyria, Outfitted with a custom black paint job, then equipped with a barrel suppressor, Small red-dot holo sight, and a forward grip.

          With this they quietly flick the safety off and turn the gun to 3x burst fire, aiming at the closest of the 'lons and signaling for Alpha to also get their gun out. And thus they do waiting for Bravos shots before they turn the corner...

          Bravo pulls the gun to their chin, and then a quiet, but not unheard, crack-crack-crak! sounds out, three bullets flying towards the first 'lon as they both turn and let out yells. But its in vain, as the three bullets crash into the First lon's head, killing him instantly. With that Alpha turns the corner and unloads two bursts of fire from their gun, the first burst crashing into the second lon's chest, throwing him down against the wall, then the second one hitting against his neck and chin, killing him as well. Then the whole squad jumps around the corner and clears the room, promptly releasing the Electro-mag locks and opening the door to Y12F2's Cell...

          His eyes widen, then narrow. He turns to one of his officers, and speaks one word.
          His officers eyes widen, then understand. Suddenly, a beam streaks out from the front of the battleship, into one of the cruisers. It...reflects to the other, then reflects again, the beam scraping across the hull of the Vaiaelon ships, first the corvettes, then the reflector array on the first cruiser turns, and it hits the destroyer. Having observed the destruction, he speaks another word. Fuize. Missiles pop out from ports on the battleship, and fire, streaking toward the moonlight dancer.

          He comes back on the comms, with a slight smile.
          "Don't worry, we have dealt with...similar problems before. Just, try and get your asset out before something happens."

          17 days later

          Brank ZendikaroftheWest
          The unidentified bogey disengaged from the wall of flak heading its way, flying away for a heartbeat before disappearing once more. The target reappeared a good few kilometers away, not attacking for now, but turning at angles in excess of 90 degrees with seemingly no loss of speed in order to evade anything thrown at it. The warship grade sensors mounted in the Taroka's head swiveled around to observe the fleet and look for an opening, just in time to catch the shield missiles set up their barriers. Curious devices, a little probing couldn't hurt. The array of burst lasers mounted on the back folded forwards, colossal things miniaturised from a battlecruiser's spinal mount, 3 on each side. The high intensity beams of photons began crashing into the projected shields.
          "Show me what makes you tick..."

          The corvettes were caught of guard by the Gamilas' attack, damaging a turret face of one and crippling the engines of another, leaving the vessel almost stranded in ID firing range. The standard Taroka compliment shifted their attention, streaking towards the Gamilas warships with what was left of their ASM payload. The Destroyer was better able to take the damages, but not by much, another bank of railcannons being sheared off. Of course, from any turret still functioning, the hail of fire continues, unrelenting.

          The door slowly hinged open, servomotors struggling against the slab of steel, before being thrown wide open with a shriek of tearing metal. The target was apparently no longer within, and some may have briefly gained an insight as to why 50cm walls were necessary to contain her. F12Y2 seemed to flit in and out of existence, only being seen staying in one spot for mere moments, inspecting whatever was there, before reappearing somewhere else. None of the squad were actually harmed, aside maybe the bruised pride of Charlie when his gun disappeared from his hands, apparently having been disassembled in entirety and laid down in neatly arranged pieces in front of him in less than a heartbeat. Finally she settled down, having had a few days (from her own perspective) to satisfy her curiosity, and was now hanging upside down from a ceiling girder, looking down at Bravo with a smirk.

          Soundbust11 ZendikaroftheWest Brank
          An unidentified craft comes out of warp using an unknown signature, coming from an unknown sector, it stays only briefly, releasing a harmless electromagnetic signal to detect it's surroundings, then leaves, bypassing the Anti-FTL wall surrounding the system.

          21 days later


          "Bring us in closer to the enemy fleet!"

          "Aye sir!"

          The ID Vessels make a full burn past the broadsides of the VWP fleet, getting in much closer than before as 'lon munitions tear through the cruiser, a handful of guns destroyed and a small subsection of the ship totally dysfunctional, fires being fought by the crew and internal systems alike, the weak armour of the ID vessels not putting up much resistance, with APS and Shield systems doing a majority of the work.

          The ID ships begin another huge volley into the destroyer, Railguns and Fusion cannons alike being fired en-masse towards the 'Lon vessel, autocannons on the escort firing with their incessant pop-pop-pop as the bright flames of engines shove the vessels forwards through space, the small fleets passing each other, broadsides opening up as the bright lights of CIWS streak through the stars, crashing against 'lon projectiles in bids to protect the dominion vessels as plasma shields continue sending up their small waves of defensive barriers.

          Infil Team

          Charlie stumbles backward in surprise, their hands waving around as they search for their gun, just to see it disassembled in front of him.

          The Rest of the squad aims their guns at F2, as Alpha calls out to them
          "You! I don't know if you can understand me, but we need to Go! We're getting you out of here"

          She waves her hand behind her, motioning for F2 to follow them, as charlie cautiously begins to collect the pieces to his gun, warily looking up at the 'lon in the cell

          11 days later

          As the lasers impact, the shield stiffens slightly, dispersing abut 10% of the lasers power, letting most of it fly through, just missing the battleship. As the fire from the Vaiaelon ships comes in, point defence mounts swivel and open fire, energy blasts streaking through space. Some of the missiles are intercepted, but about 50% hit the battleship, explosions blossoming across it's shield. The physical shells are another matter, and most of them hit the shield, causing clear strain in the generators. The cruisers, however, are another matter, as they are less heavily shielded then the battleship, and one of them takes a direct hit, the projectile smashing into its lower turret, rending it inoperable. The cruisers then begin to break off, still firing beams at the Vaiaelon ships. The battleship begins to move to take cover behind it's deployed shield, making a sharp turn and accelerating.

          (I'm going to ignore that, since all of that post is just you ignoring damages. Also, the laser fire was directed at Brank's ships.)

          (That's... not how things work.

          By now the VSA shields were all but depleted, only offering small bursts of protection here and there to stop the oncoming onslaught. Bringing the smaller caliber weaponry into play proved to be a largely fruitless endeavour, since the only places they could pierce through the strong plating were where larger guns had already punched through and weakened the armour, whatever lied beyond likely already rendered inoperable. Granted, said big guns found greater success at the closer ranges, however one could not help but wonder if the risk was worth it, given the outcome. At these ranges, the inaccuracies that plagued the older railcannons' of the VSA ships were almost completely eliminated, bringing a new hail of tungsten crashing down on the ID hulls. In particular, the primary turrets and the areas surrounding them were targeted. Neither side would escape this broadside unscathed, as the explosions wracking both clearly displayed, but who would emerge worse for wear...

          Wordlessly, Y2 leant back and fell from the girder, gracefully falling through the hangar, before flipping around at the last moment, landing on her feet with loud clang. The impact left the floor looking like someone had gone on a joyride with a jackhammer at it for hours, yet the Qunit was no worse for wear and seemed to not even acknowledge it. Though none besides Charlie even noticed it, as she passed him, a message in perfect Arial font was scratched onto the corner of his visor, simply reading "Hi : )". She walked over to Alpha expectantly, the whirr of internal motors barely audible.

            In the midst of the chaos, a small transport begins to make its way towards the Freighter, waiting with its visual cloaking field as it matches the speed and heading of the 'lon freighter. As the squad approach the designated exfill zone, the transport docks itself to the airlock and a pair of shadow-marines begin to cut through the closed airlock, alerting the ship to it's arrival

            Charlie lets out another slight yelp, a bit nervewracked with how the Qunit was toying with him, but he did his best not to show it and simply grabbed his gun and returned to the rest. The squad guided F12Y2 to the transport, where Alpha pulls out a small holopad and shows it to Y2 briefly, the image on it showing the route to the transport of which had docked with the freighter. They arrived after some time, and the squad gets on save for Charlie, who stays with Y2 until they enter the craft. The pilot readies the thrusters to shoot off the moment they undock, plotting a course to the Infiltrator as they wait.

            The Ships continue getting ravaged by the VSA craft, tungsten ripping armour away and destroying another main gun on the ship, the armour being pulled away and shredded as the ID ship's burn begins pushing them back away from the enemy fleet, the broadside peeling them away after the short exchange, leaving both sides more decimated than before. With word of the asset nearly being ready to go, the hyperdrives begin to charge up, including that of the infiltrator, of which uses one of its multitude of supercapacitors to fire up all its systems to maximum, speeding up the hyperdrive's charge as it makes its presence known, torpedoes locked and ready to fire on the freighter as soon as the transports are away

              17 days later

              Much to the terror of the ID Captains, the bruised and battered hull of the destroyer began swinging around, the fact it could even move anymore was astonishing. Now firmly on the offensive, every still operational turret adorning the vessel began raining hell on the engines of its retreating foes.

              Irritated by the dispersal of the projected shields, F13Y1 instead opted for a return to established weaponry. The thin blades idly flying by her Taroka quickly snapped around, rapidly closing the distance to the cruiser. They danced among the stars, apparently having no regard for momentum or inertia as they weaved between CIWS fire and intercepting munitions, eventually crashing into the shields in one spot in an effort to punch right through.

              The squadron of Tarokas almost effortlessly evaded the retaliatory unguided defensive bursts from the Gamilas ships, the sum total damage amounting to a light grazing of the armour on one. However, by now they had completely expended their ASM payloads. While wondering how to proceed, their answer came in the form of another of the corvettes. The ship with the crippled engines had been devastated by the combined fire of the ID and Gamilas vessels, however its sister ship had escaped relatively unscathed. It now charged the Gamilas' ships, a last ditch hail mary, though a worthy adversary all the same. Its missile racks remained largely intact and quickly made use of that fact, a swarm of deadly munitions streaking from the hull, the sheer volume of which outnumbering any volley launched in the battle thus far. To make matters worse, the kiting Taroka began providing additional guidance, the missiles behaving as a coherent barrage that flew to distract CIWS as much as possible.

              Charlie could hear his own heartbeat as they waited for the signal, his mind racing to convince himself he wasn't in any danger. The noise of straining metal snapped his gaze to the walls, which were apparently bending and buckling of their own volition. His cargo was nowhere to be seen, though he wasn't sure whether that made the situation more or less terrifying. Again that perfect print-like inscription across his visor began appearing, this time drawing something. He quickly recognised it as blueprints, and specifically those of the very suit he was wearing, to a scary degree of accuracy. Once the details themselves were done, the inscribing switched to showing all of the weaknesses in the design, every location it could easily be pierced, or where application of high amounts of force would pulverise any flesh within. It kept on going, specifying at least 37 such spots in great detail, only stopping when the visor itself cracked from the rapid scraping away of its material. There she was, her face less than a foot from his, seemingly surprised at the interruption to her scratching. It also became apparent to Charlie that all of this had been done with just one of her talons, the highly sharp instrument now pressed firmly at the epicenter of the fracture. A wry smile played across her face as she inspected her handiwork.

              As the corvette closes, the commander smiles.
              ''A bold move. I see they have a disciple of domel among them.”
              He turns to his weapon officer.
              “Doshu Megovia. Al Darbam.”
              “But sir! The capacito-
              “Do it.”
              The battleship makes a hard turn, its bow now pointing toward the second cruiser. Suddenly, a beam streaks from its bow, reflecting off first one, then the other cruiser, impacting on the corvette. The cruisers begin firing missiles and torpedoes, streaking toward the corvette. However, they do not redirect their positron beam fire, instead continuing to barrage the destroyer. As the missiles close, point defense mounts fire, beams of energy streaking toward the missiles. On all of the garmillas ships, hatches open, and interception missiles streak toward them. Even through this, about half of the missiles streak through, smashing into the gamilas ships. The cruisers sustain medium damage, but most of their portside point defense and missile ports are destroyed. The battleship sustains relatively lighter damage, except for one of the 280mm positron cannons being destroyed.


              Charlie is utterly horrified. He lets out a loud mix between a scream and a yelp as he tenses up, his muscles squeezing as he backs up the best he can. When Y2 finally stops charlie is simply shaking silently as his visor is cracked, her talon pressing at it. He lays there for a moment before Alpha calls out for him to get up, and walks over, placing her hand on Y2's shoulder in a gesture of 'get in the ship' as she gets to Charlie, pulling him up and bringing him onto the Transport. Once Y2 finally decides to get on, the transport disconnects and begins to quickly fly away. It begins its trek to the Infiltrator and sets down heavily inside the hangar.

              Moonlight Dancer - Bridge
              "Sir, Team is onboard the Infiltrator!"

              "Fire frontal weapons on the transport, drop interdiciton, and get us OUT OF HERE NOW!"

              "Sir Yes SIR!"

              Quickly, the frontal weapons fire a volley at the freighter, torpedoes loosing from the Infiltrator as the ships all collectively jump to hyperspace, a rumbling shake as metal is sheared off and an explosion in the lower decks of the Dancer as a railgun slug hits dead on. Missiles from Y3 tore guns off of the ship and destroyed an ammo hold, rendering the ship unable to fight, but the trio of ships finally made it away...

              Hangar of the Unseen Legend

              Quickly the transport's doors open up and a team arrives to retrieve F12Y2, a squadron of Marines. Ada turns to her team.

              "Charlie, Bravo. You two go with them and the asset."

              Charlie instantly protests
              "But ma'am-"

              "Corporal Silva, I ordered you to escort Yagdra 2."

              He stands there for a moment.
              "Yes ma'am..."

              The Quartet of Soldiers begin to escort Y2 elsewhere, as Bravo and Charlie follow them along.

                25 days later

                By nature as a military use vessel, the transport was equipped with a handful of CIWS and other defensive measures, thus was able to deal with the worst of the torpedo strike, only suffering minor damage to an engine section. The Destroyer stood in barely better condition than its foes; many banks of weapons completely sheared off, large chunks of armour missing, and several fires raging within, though the latter was being dealt with. One of the corvettes had been rendered salvage by the combined OBP assault, unable to move or fight, and lifeboats streaming out of its hull.

                The beam impacted the side of the corvette, and punched deep into its hull, knocking it slightly off course and damaging the engines. With what little power it had left, the corvette enabled full burn and started rapidly closing at the nearest cruiser. All guns were blazing, and it became apparent this was a collision course.

                Just before the marines arrived, Charlie bore witness to an event he could only hope he'd never retell. A pair Vaiaelon soldiers in superheavy power armour rounded a corner. This chassis was the kind designed to storm entire bunkers with just a handful of them, equipped with a pair of 51mm autocannons, a back mounted 116mm AT cannon, and armour thick enough to shrug off both. Both parties froze for a heartbeat, before the troops brought their autocannons around to bear. Charlie naturally ducked for cover, but only a few shots rang out before a new nightmare was carved into his retinas. His cargo once again disappeared from view, only for one of the soldiers erupted in a shower of blood and gore. At this point it's worth mentioning she had been in the nude the entire time, no armour or weapons of her own, yet there she was, ripping several tons of pack-steel in half and a soldier along with it, all with her bare hands. The remaining troop wasted no time in attempting to drive an armoured fist right through her skull. She effortlessly shifted her head to the side, and instead his gauntlet punctured the walls of the ship as though they were paper. He swung again, but this time she caught the crushing attack in one hand, almost ignoring the occurrence. Several dozen gigantic blades emerged from her flesh, glistening in the LED glow of the corridor, and quickly turning the caught punch into several slices of cut meat. The soldier could only scream as he was chopped to pieces, and the corridor received a lovely new crimson paint job, a few droplets of blood splattering onto Charlie's visor. When all was said and done, she contentedly walked back over to Charlie. She stood there a moment, before spitting out a whole polished vertebrae, and giving him a full toothy smile.

                Once again to Charlie's dismay, she was far more behaved and restrained in the presence of his superiors. She followed the soldiers futifully, though Charlie could swear one of her eyes was tracking him, and even thought he caught her smirking at one point.