Subject Description
Falcraan 12 Yagza 2 is debated to have the most severe affliction of the entire F12 series, despite it being entirely known and understood. Y2 lacks the vital ability present in other Qunits to adjust the speed of her perception and cognition. Instead, she is locked in a low reaction time. Because of this, it is estimated that for every second that passes, Y2 experiences roughly 3 days, relatively. Efforts have been made to restore this functionality, though they have always been stopped in some way by Y2 herself. The reasoning for this is unknown.
Her glacial perception means her memory logs are overwritten at an uncontrollable rate. She displays an inability to recall most events that took place more than 3 months ago at any given time. While appearing as long term memory loss, the implication is that she recalls at least 60,000 years of her own immediate past. Despite this, she appears to recognise individuals she encountered often beyond this timeframe. This was displayed when Doctor Koriil returned to her containment facility after his 5 months paternity leave, she seemed pleased, and seemingly intentionally displayed such.
Another Qunit of the F12 generation or above is required to actively communicate with her. An attempt was made to communicate through F11Y13 experimentally, though he said it left him exhausted and he found it difficult to keep up with her sentence structure and speaking pace. It is often necessary to re-teach her Karrashta or Standard as her previous lesson may have exceeded 3 months ago. Most accounts describe her as apologetic and quietly spoken, yet extremely curious. If she does resent her condition or state of being, she does not express it. Instead she appears to accept it for what it is, which implies that she's fully aware of it.
Incident Y2C1
On [#data error/#], attempt number 4 was made to restore her perception adjustment. Subject’s chamber was filled with Y2NR17, a specifically designed anaesthetic for Y2, and appeared to succumb to it. When a pair of guards entered to retrieve her unconscious body, she immediately awoke, and subsequently dismembered both guards. It is unknown whether she was feigning vulnerability or recovered from the anaesthetic faster than anticipated, Y2NR17 has been discontinued regardless.
The doors to the chamber were automatically sealed by the facility’s systems, and an evacuation order was issued. Subject then approached the door and successfully broke through after 2.3 seconds. Slowed down security footage has revealed she did this by repeated punches to the seam lines of the sealed door, approximately 12,600 impacts, though this number may be the result of the camera’s frame rate. The mechanism for breaking through appears to have been the excessive heat generated from the impacts, rather than direct structural failure of the door.
Following this, the subject crossed 32m of hallway and broke through a similar door to the observation area in 2.6 seconds. It is assumed that the scientists within were focused on preserving data gathered, thus were still present upon her entry. The entire observation team consisting of 26 scientists were then assaulted, leaving all dead save for one in 1.2 seconds. Doctor Koriil has since retired, and still requires extensive life support.
Subject stood in the middle of the room until a security team, backed up by F13Y1 and Y2, arrived. Subject made no effort to resist and peacefully co-operated in being escorted to a temporary containment chamber. The time taken between F13Y2 waking up and the death of the observation team took 6.1 seconds, leaving 27 dead and 1 critically injured.
Subsequent perception adjustment restoration efforts have been indefinitely suspended.
Containment Details
Study of incident Y2C1 has led VSA High Command to conclude that not only were the doors of F12Y2’s old containment inadequate, but she could have broken through any of the walls, the floor, or even the ceiling given time. As such, her new containment facilities are to meet or exceed these new specifications.
The entire facility is to be constructed in a zero gravity environment, as the lack of reliable friction will slow any subsequent breakouts. There should be at least 2 separate containment chambers. Subject is to be rotated between these chambers once per month, vacant chambers checked up and repaired of any damages. Subject is to be transported in a scaled down version of the primary chambers, and another Qunit of generation F10 or above is to be ready on call should any deviations from standard procedures occur.
The walls of the chambers themselves are to be constructed of at least cruiser grade armour, and layered with hardlight if possible. No windows into the chamber are permitted; any observation should be done with remote equipment. Similarly, any communications are to be done remotely; no face to face contact must occur. Any Qswitches brought within 1 light minute of the subject are to be monitored closely, as the subject retains the ability to remotely interface with such technology.
Current Status
F12Y2 is currently undergoing transport to a new containment facility located outside of VSA space, exact location classified. The chamber itself is aboard a modified cargo vessel, and is escorted by 2 corvettes and a destroyer.
The fleet is currently undergoing maintenance, as the Frigate reported inconsistencies with its quantum scanner 53 hours ago. Whether this is the work of the subject or not has yet to be clarified.
(Aight so basically there's a fleet stranded in unclaimed space with a comatose entity on board, what could go wrong? Certainly no-one with anti-VWP leanings would take advantage of this...)