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  • juanTNT Launchable Drones mod (V3.4) (Mindustry T1 units)

StaticMask Fixed it, try the new version
(sorry for so much wait for so little content, procastination and roadblocks i cannot simply ignore happens)
i really should just release my main mod some day
or end up like skipydog and not do it, ever

    6 days later

    Another update wouldn't hurt right?

      janiTNT changed the title to juanTNT Launchable Drones mod (V2.9).
        19 days later

        Updated the mod again (twice), have fun with the new features!

        GIF: Rubber BFG's

        3.0 might include 5x7 launchers, (or bigger) with bigger drones, but that could take a while

        Fun fact: Ion Beam Prisms can accept shots from beam drones, altrough they can only shoot a split second, its still possible

          Gonna check this out when I have the time, I feel like the large green glowing ones will be good for plasma weapons

            a month later

            Its been a long, long time...

            how have you been?

            (i have been advised to use this thread even if it is post-one-month old)

            This update brings:

            The Huge Drone launcher:

            4x7, Gorgeous.

            Holding two types of drones:

            Warcruiser (Laser spam shooter + BIG SHOT enjoyer)

            Bomber (Can hold both EMP's and Nukes, but can be set to only hold one of those.)

            And the Chassi and Hull factories needed for them.

            Kroom's Forge range improvement buff can now apply to drones.
            Small changes not worth mentioning

            • ONI likes this.
            janiTNT changed the title to juanTNT Launchable Drones mod (V3.0).
              9 days later

              Wake up babe, a new Jaun’s drone update is out

                ONI Hopefully you have a lot of extra space on your ships for them, these use a lot of space

                • ONI likes this.
                6 days later
                janiTNT changed the title to juanTNT Launchable Drones mod (V3.1).

                  I really need to stop adding content

                  Added conveyors and storages, hopefully your ships dont have terribly explosive modules, and you can put the actual factories deep in your ship, protected from fire.

                  This also allows for way easier complete automation, (i belive) its even possible to use automation++ to make a fully automatic... drones drone???

                  oh... yeah, it still needs one or two crew to man it, i'll see if i can ask permission for using assets to make it compatible with the mod

                    janiTNT idk what assets you need, but you can reuse auto++ code as long as you give credit
                    Edit: ask before giving credit because I didn't write all auto++ code as some old part like the weapon controller are mostly unchanged and still working after several years

                      Worked on it, Drone launchers are now auto++ automatable
                      I need to work on atleast one feature before doing that though, I'll see what I'll do
                      Thinking of tiny drone swarm or incoming fire shield drone

                        10 days later
                        janiTNT changed the title to juanTNT Launchable Drones mod (V3.2).

                          Buffed Conveyor speed due to customer complaints
                          Added Shield drone, It protects your drones from incoming PD and Flak
                          Added MK3 Combat drone, a better version of the tiny Combat drone, but only launchable from large launchers. Easily Launchable in salvos

                          You can now use Automation++ to control drone launchers

                          -w- i got tired and didnt make another Huge drone... sorry
                          oh well, time to make the BFG 10000 on my other mod

                          have fun!

                            17 days later
                            janiTNT changed the title to juanTNT Launchable Drones mod (V3.3).

                              Added bridge conveyors
                              reworked conveyors
                              Added "routers" (glorified overflow gates)
                              Added mini stell tanks (very slow and basically drives on the "background")
                              All drones now bounce off enemies as well.

                              most DRONES NOW WORK IN MULTIPLAYER i hope

                              got exausthed of modding, will take a while to something new to come out...

                              7 days later

                              hey that green torpedo looking weapon hitting the circle what weapon is that

                                wardoctor28 BFG 9000 drone, ...i dont think i need to explain further :>

                                  24 days later
                                  janiTNT changed the title to juanTNT Launchable Drones mod (V3.4) (Mindustry T1 units).