"I swear I saw something! It must be them, nobody else would try and find us!"
The Sec-Officer is a bit paranoid about every ship movment that he sees.
The Leftovers of war
"Calm down, it may just be another person picking up the signal, I'll try and get a read on who they are."
Scans of the system and a generic message goes out across the system
"This is the IDS Gleaming Metal of the Infinite Dominion, State your identification if you are hearing this message"
The message repeats a few times
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It seems that in the last few days tensions have eased in the colony. Even the people who are more watchfull think it's over.
The life of the colonists is rapidly getting better and better every day, due to the help of some other Faction although they have been pretty silent recently. The visitors are slowly pulling back their forces for no reason. The colonists cheer and wave as the last of the ground lander leaves.
But there still is 1 vessel in orbit holding overwatch, probably to cover the pull back.
An hour later the orbit is empty other than one ship.
The colony seems stable enough at first. 1/4 of their new city is build with the help of the other faction, but now they have to build it alone. That shouldn't be the worst part since their now have a somewhat stable industrial complex with a few mining vessels and 2 factories.
Now the colonists can live in peace... but, there still is this feeling... that tickle down the spine... maybe they aren't alone...
AstroDaFloof The nameless soldiers belly crawl to the edge of a bluff some kilometres overlooking the town. The more superior marksman of the four soldiers slowly props up her larger sniper rifle with a silencer attached. The main optic of the rifle is linked to her helmet as she watches the townspeople walking back and fourth. Her fingers stayed off the trigger as this was a data collecting mission.
The other three soldiers, who’s armour made them look more robot than human layer beside the marksman. Also gathering intel.
The colonists were very happy about finally sorta building up again.
They had a small festival for officialy finishing 1/4 of the blueprints of the first city.
Children were playing around, adults were eating at tables. Of course there were some guards there, but they were rather chatting as they think they are safe. New things are getting revealed by the Sec-Officer like the new mining vessel and some other stuff. Everyone was quiet happy.
AstroDaFloof The team continues to watch the town. Gaining an interest in this mining ship they relay the information to the prowler in space through an encrypted channel.
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AstroDaFloof @ONI
*After some days investigating the system, they return to the planet, landing as vehicles for construction exit out with materials, helping to build up the city and industry. They report that they found no signs of these people they talk of, and decide, with permission from high command, that these ships will take permanent residence with the colonists as a sort of expeditionary team. The large freighter is filled with supplies, and even has a couple prefab structures, One being a very small military base fit with a slot for a single AA weapon, a small garage, Command Centre, and Armoury. There is also a prefab greenhouse and prefab housing unit, the greenhouse being the largest and most fragile of the structures, taking a few days to set up and begin planting the first crops. Later on a single assault ship warps in, but instead of being filled with legions of troops, it has construction and transport vehicles, engineers and construction crews, as well as soldiers, lots of food and supplies, and some military vehicles such as a single Silverhawk, 2 Attack helicopters, and an MBT. It also carries the plans to put together a small airfield. After it drops off all these supplies and vehicles, it lifts off and leaves alongside the freighter...
Military Garrison:
3 Small Platoons of Marines (60 Marines
Ground Vehicles:
3 APCs
5 SV-22 Gecko MATVs
Air Vehicles:
1 MR-23 Silverhawk Multirole Fighter
1 TH-75 Cyclone Transport Helo
2 AH-33 Havok Attack Helos
Surprised the Sec-offcier looks at the ships that enter the atmosphere.
"Twice the charm, I guess" he thinks to himself.
When the ships land the colonists knew some of securing procedures that they got thought.
The soldiers slowly approach the vessels, even though they knew who they are.
"You never know who you are approaching, even if you do." is what they got thought.
After a brief chat the other non-combat colonists follow up and help with setting things up.
The Sec-Officer is very gratefull that they get so much help.
kola2134 AstroDaFloof
One of the recon ships returns to orbit and stays there, communicating with the Imperium
//IDN Seer-Class Recon Vessel//
"Understood, We've got the area covered, some lost colonists aboard the planet, we've been permanently stationed to help them out until further notice."
The ship begins doing routine scans and investigating anomalies within the system, planning to map it out for future expansion
"We believe this system will prove of use in the future, we are going to begin a landing operation."
the flagship beeped as response to the allied ship. They enter orbit over the colony of @AstroDaFloof as the large hangers begin to open wide upon the vessels. A number of craft began to exit from the hanger, their engine noise loud before silent as they entered the vacuum. Beginning their decent upon the planet looking to aim upon the edge of the colony.
The adrenalin of most soldiers in the colony start rushing through their bodies.
"Th-those aren't the ships of our guests..." says one of the soldiers.
Without thinking they take on defensive positions as they see the vessels approach the colony.
The Sec-Officer immedialty contacts Brank "Uhm, we got ourselfs a little situation. There are unidentified vessels approaching the edge of the colony. They totally outnumber us, requesting back up... just in case.."
The soldiers load their weapons, ready to fire once the vessels land... obviously only after they turn out to be hostile...
AstroDaFloof @kola2134
"Hold your fire, theyre a friend of ours.."
AstroDaFloof Brank
Some large platform like objects descend with the dropships. Lowering down a distance from the colony, each platform a 100x100 meter square. Being lowered as the trees and ground under them seemed to be crushed and cleared by it. Leaving now large metallic platforms like the foundation of a base. Some large dropships touching down upon the platform heavily, large doors on them dropping down.
The Sec-Officer screams: "Oi you fucking idiots! Watch where you are landing, we need those trees!"
Obviously nobody in the vessels could hear him, the only thing visible from the bridge is a old man waving and shouting something at them.
The Sec-Officer then screams into the comms to @Brank "Oi! Tell those fuckers to land SOMEWHERE ELSE!"
He is very mad at the fact that his trees are now gone.
AstroDaFloof @kola2134
A transmission goes to the CI requesting they land somewhere where no trees are present
It was not a gigantic ship, but infact multiple baseplates that leveled the ground under them to form a large foundation of multiple km area. A large landing area was assembled with a large ship landing in the center, it was a weird square before its seen expanding rapidly outward to the edges of the large square shaped base forming a wall around it. A swarm of landing craft being viewable vanishing behind the wall into the base.
AstroDaFloof Construction and expansion slowly continues as the airfield is finally finished...