Hal simply nodded in response to Gils remark, he also watched the Replicants enter the plaza and didn't make any more comments on them, it seems for now it was enough of a proof of trust to him that they did not simply wait on plaza.
"I would argue that if we did something wrong we likely would not be standing here, one way or another."
He continued to watch with faint signs of tension as the Replicant approached the pedestal, the hand reaching towards his back, or more precisely the hilt of his sword, without actually taking it.
Touching the pedestal seemed to be all stimulation it needed to activate, as the Replicant eveidently didn't get to do anything else before the shook and he rociled from teh pedestal, pushed by an unknown force, the obelisks seemed to be shaking and then, much like the monuments before fell to dust, carried away by an immaterial wind in all directions, out of the sight of the group...
The earth continued to shake, the pillar of laight began to concentrate back into a thin string and the presence seemed to intensify.
A mute yet deafening roar, unable to be defined, numbed their minds, as the pillar of light tore the pedestal apart and ripped open the skies...
Then, as sudden as thinsg had began... silence.
Calm, serene almost, the presence faded, the line split and opened to a elliptic shape...
Beyond the shape was darkness, complete and perfect, yet moving almost a mind on its own, just for the fraction of a moment, then it... blinked?
...and the hollow ellipse turned into a portal.
Descending from the portal came a figure, clad in black and red robes, slowly floating to ground...
It was the Herald.
Hal reached for his sword but apparently wasn't quite sure what to do, eyeing his fellow captives warily.
As the Herald descended, he clapped a couple of times, slowly, deliberatly, until he came to halt on the ground, between the fragments of the pedestal.
"I applaud you, seekers, wanderers. You did better than expected."
He smiled thinly, with an expression that was hard to read, then briefly looked at Hal who was still holding the grip of his sword at the ready, the expression dropping for visible disapproval for a moment before it returned to the former one.
Hal let go of the sword and approached the man, the Herald continued.
"I suppose, you have earned yourself a key, each of the groups, or each one of them?"
He seemed to ponder, for the first time, the Heralds presence could actually be felt, there was so much power behind it, it was outright oppressing, preventing them from speaking up or even thinking about doing such.
"Yes, yes, everyone will get a key, it will be more entertaining that way."
He raised his hand and select few of fragments of the former pedestal rose.
"Go ahead, take one, though keep in mind the journey will not get easier from here on out."
He turned, towards the leading replicant, apparently addressing him directly this time.
"As for you and your friends..."
He paused.
"...do you, have any strong desires, any wishes, that are distinctively your own and not those of your masters?"
The oppressive aura faded, they were able to move normally again, albeit, a bit shaken.
Hal moved to the group taking one of the shards without a word, whilst he kept an eye on the Herald.