- Edited
The men didn´t seem to noticed them approaching until GIlian actually said something, suddenly, they both stopped and looked at him.
One pointed at another and began talking.
"That guy is actually trying to tell something some lost world that´s supposed to be somewhere near the core!"
The other one looked back at him and shrugged.
"Like, why would it be? with that massive black orb thing around?"
The other man shrugged again, although the one talking didn´t seemed to pay any attention to it this time.
"...and the Bloodcult who´s just showed up again recently? Don´t get me started on those! Why would they tolerate something liek that near their territory, when they´re out there openly attacking factions?!"
The man, shrugged once more and was about to raise his finger, but the other one interrupted him again.
"Who even told you that bullshit?"
The other lowered his finger again and seemed to be thinking, whatever he would have had to say before, it seemed to have been shoved into teh background.
"Well, there was some..."
He frowned, the first one answered.
"What is it?"
The man fell into silence...
"I... uh... it´s gone. I... Hm..."
He seemed to thinking.
"I think, whoever it was, it was... somewhere to the northwest, around some sort of greek looking pillar thing."
The first one sighed.
"Ugh... let´s just forget about it. We got an assignment due to tomorrow, no more time to hang around."
...and so they wandered off into the distance, telling them all they needed although they never really got to any opportunity to actually speak...
The man looked at him for some moments, apparently trying to process the question after whatever had led him to sleep on this parkbench...
"Rogue planet? Rogue Planet... Rogue... Planet..."
He fell into mumbling for a while, until he eventually seemed to actually remember something.
"Rogue Planet! Yes, ofcourse! Been drinking with the colleagues last evening after we struck that deal with Tetran!
Some guy came by, saying something about a lost world... uhh..."
He seemed to pause and think, or maybe having some sort of alcoholic relapse.
"Urgh... Near the core?"
He held his head for a couple of moments before he continued.
"Uhh... spiral thing? It was... northwest. Urgh... Just..."
His stomach seemed to make a quite unpleasent sound and he waved his arm at him...
"Jus`... go away, I´ll... I´ll see a damn doctor..."
He stood up... or, at least he attempted to, resulting in a quite considerable struggle of keeping his feet straight on the ground, it seems 'last night' wasn´t quite over for him yet. With an admirable determination, but the graze of a one-legged quadrupedal, he lurched off the plaza, notably, in the wrong direction to find a doctor, though not like that was the replicants concern now...