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cuz its in space

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Justice. Prosperity. Equality.


Pre-founding age
Little is known about the Brits home planet. Earth or Sol Prime or even sol III in the Milky Way was home to many civilizations. Britain was one of them. Britain was being pushed back by an Earth originating empire referred to as the “Holy Monarchy” today. These earth empires colonised their home galaxy, creating many distant colonies. Because of their distance and lack of communication, they grew distant from the central governments of earth. One of these governments, led by an immortal emperor who had founded the developed colonial block of Canthrianda, the Holy Monarchy, sought to claim the earth and the valuable biology on which the organic section of the colony had been based on. Britain, fearing for its removal on the galaxy, constructed and launched multiple worldships towards the planet and civilization rich G-S16 galaxy. As the Holy Monarchy was advancing on its capital. The worldships used the warp drive to travel to G-S16 within a 500 year period.

Founding period and golden age
The British Monarch State of Culture and Civilization was founded in G-S16 as an imperial totalitarian militarist state. The ruling elite consisted of the original founder of their individual colonies. They cloned themselves so that they would “love forever”. As the population could claim direct or indirect heritage to them, they were accepted into positions of power. The empire expanded rapidly with the technology they had already gained from old Britain. The military quality then also rapidly expanded with the pace of the empire. Most neighbouring nations who were at most early spacefaring nations were taken over and colonised. The nation was then renamed the Galactic British Empire. The GBE had alien nations within its borders and collected them like cards all in the name of the totalitarian elite and the superiority of the brit. Despite this it was a relatively prosperous age for the middle class. As long as they did not opposite the government they could enjoy a life in a nation built on the blood of slaves.

End of the golden age and the great uprising
Once the Galactic British Empire had hundreds of systems, dominating the sector with its superior technology. However the clone leaders and royal families opted for a new technology. Instead of cloning themselves, they would become part-machine, either preserving their brain within machine constructs or transferring their consciousness over to a computer. The leaders grew old and weary, losing a certain fire within them. Without the urgency that death created, there was nothing pushing them to achieve and move forward. They became stubborn and lost interest. The empire didn’t only stagnate, it rotted. Widespread poverty, constant famines, limited freedoms and a totalitarian dictator which ignored the cries of their people made the population’s miserable existence a nightmare. Crime levels rose with the high instability and unrest. Riots began and a spark of hope was revealed as surrounding factions, who had historically been robbed of their territory, handed paramilitary groups weapons and supplies. Groups organised miniature governing bodies in defiance in order to push change in their local areas. These bodies merged into larger factions who had control over individual planets. They cooporated with paramilitary groups. Revolutions spread across the empire and it was thrown into chaos, with different factions fighting each other as much as the government. Aliens governments seeking to liberate their species or take territory, humans attempting to defend their claims or loyalists defending the throne. Lokion, aided by mercenaries and sponsors from the GBEs enemies was an important human revolutionary leader, even though he fought the GBE regime he also fought the alien empires that wanted to tear the GBE apart and take it for themselves. He fought for a free GBE. A infamous group of mercenaries were the Winds of Liberty, a squadron of fighter pilots that wreaked havoc on GBE supply lines. It was on the brink of anarchy and the empire crumbled beneath its own weight. The miniature governors turned into warlords that formed territories which they battled over. The HMS Imperial, the greatest ship of the Quadrant was destroyed when thrown into the star of “Blazing Beacon”. The only law was that the strong rule, and the weak obey. But amongst the chaos, Lokion, no longer a human rebellion leader but an admiral, brought back hope once again. He united the little of what was left of the empire’s stable territories and formed a new democratic government after his insurgency on Anrillia. Lokion successfully took control of the Royal Navy in which he had previously served. He formed the Star corps. branch of the military which carried out merciless airstrikes against those who still wrought chaos on his new nation. The people were ruthless. They killed aristocrats mercilessly and bombed the palace on Anrillia killing the royal family inside. He took the royal navy and repelled the alien invaders, united with the warlords either through peaceful measures, or crushing them. New independent nations formed in the GBE’s old territory and colonies, distancing from it in time. GBE went into hiding, monitoring the entire galaxy with billions of probes. The GBE recovered their strength until their public reveal when the Bloodcult declared war on the galaxy later. After the shock government was replaced with the democratic one, the nation underwent a free thought campaign. After the first election the new GBE constitution was written and it stated that the nation would never have another authoritarian government. The constitution is considered the most important piece of writing in the empire. Everyone abides by the constitution like it’s a holy script. To preserve democracy, equality, prosperity and most importantly justice in the nation. Parties that are unconstitutional are considered extreme and removed. The constitution dictates when the GBE can go to war and when it can’t. It dictates how democracy will be run, through parliamentarism. It states the equality and rights of every sentient being in the galaxy and how immortality and cloning will never be used again.

The GBE always despised the Bloodcult. In a declaration of war to the galaxy, the bloodcult was met by a direct invasion of its territory in the core. The GBE had officially re-emerged and had formed the first coalition, a mutual trust between nations that were unfamiliar to one another. When the Bloodcult mysteriously went silent during the invasion the coalition served no purpose and it disbanded, but the emergence would have dire consequences on the people, however the first noticeable change was an increase in economic development. As the nation isolated itself it only traded with a few neighbouring nations and had fallen behind in the galaxy and its own sector.

War with TIE
When TIE (Thrawn’s Infinite Empire) attacked the GSR (German Space Regime) it was Stantines idea of a coalition to defend the GSR. The Reich Shield Coalition was formed, the second coalition. The GBE brought in many allies to the Coalition. Using a portal, TIE launched a surprise ground assault upon Anrillia, the GBE coreworld. The attack hurt the British economy severely. The GBE launched the assault fleet at TIE’s capital in response. The battle of Yashinda was one-sided with the GBE destroying almost the entire defensive fleet, until the High Imperiums sudden return with reinforcements to Yashinda multiple times stronger than the GBE fleet. Upon the High Imperium’s return, the British navy would not falter, though the Delta threat launched the Dooms Strike, a massive simultaneous internal bio-bomb attack across the entire RSC, hurting the GBE’s economy enough to bring them out of the war and the coalition collapsed. To everyone’s surprise, TIE has won the TIE-RSC war, forcing the GBE to pay war reparations. The economic shock from the Doom Strike threw them into an economic crisis.

Judgement day
The Brits were definitely not over their defeat in the war. The GBE formed the third coalition, the Union of Judgement. The GBEs population had been awaiting Judgement Day since the constitution was written. High minister Kayelin Astra announced Judgement day when revealing the Reckoning fleet and declaring war on Thrawn’s Infinite Empire and the Viridian Remnant once again. The GBEs great crusade has begun. Ex-TIE admiral Ezekiel and a fleet of the High Imperium formed the Infinite Dominion which attempted to stop the invasion of TIE. They allied themselves with the GSR who had the intentions of fighting the GBE’s allies, the Vaiaelon War Pact.


Politics and policy:

The empocracy is a social democracy with a mixed economy. The GBE has a welfare state and the economic model is based on socialism within a capitalist framework. Corporations work in a free market together with private people with collective bargaining and government interventionism to prevent economic and moral failures in that free market. Through these policies the GBE has essentially eradicated poverty and granted social and economic prosperity to all its people. The welfare system has allowed for incredible economic equality. Discriminating any group of people is strictly unallowed and there’s a large emphasis on social equality. As such the GBE is characterised by economic and social equality and prosperity.

Government structure:
Decisions are made by the council, which are selected members of the different parties. The seats are determined by a proportional representation system. The more votes a party has, the more seats it has in the council. There are a total of 549 members or seats in the council. The head of government of the empocracy has the title of High minister while the head of state is the chairperson. The chairperson is a nonpolitical person who acts as a way to get decisions made instead of endless discussion, they will make sure the voting happens on time. A decision made by the high minister must be voted by the council, as such the High Minister does not have legislative power. Instead it is their task to form and lead the executive branch. The high minister is a part of the directorate. The parties must vote and form a directorate every election. But only if the high minister and directorate is voted in by the council. The directorate is the government's executive branch. The current High minister is Kayelin Astra who was the former Minister of war who sits in a minority government for her block. Smaller decisions and general things on individual topics are made by respective ministries. The largest ministries are the ministry of war, ministry of foreign relations and ministry of politics. The ministries are controlled by a minister. The ministries are divided into departments. A department's leader is called a director.
The tax rate is high in the GBE.

Current council seats:

Fundamental rights:
Poorer people pay less tax in proportion to richer people. Poverty is considered a failure by the government or a crime (not literally or legally). This causes hostility towards nations that allow for living conditions that are not acceptable to them. The GBE’s organisations, culture, systems and declarations to prevent poverty, mental illness and homelessness is their masterpiece and the GBE has entire archives dedicated to plans to give other nations the utopian living conditions, often beginning with force. Not only that, for the cases that poverty arises, maybe from immigrants that have not taken part in that culture, the welfare state helps them, supporting those who recently lost their job, cannot find employment or suffer from illness.
School is completely free. Who gets into a certain school or university is decided by the grades of the student. The morals and schools are designed to, together with the good living standards, craft loyalty and educate the people in the ways of democracy. As good education is so accessible and widespread, the population is highly educated. Healthcare is also free and the national healthcare services ensure the fastest and best treatment. There are private options for healthcare to allow for a wider reach, more jobs, hospitals and the option for those who can afford it. Poverty is extremely rare and the GBE has ensured that all citizens have all basic rights; food and water, shelter (housing), security, freedom of expression, equal treatment, democracy, healthcare and education.

Economic policies:
The GBE has a mix of socialist and capitalist ideas. The government has control over markets to prevent monopolies and to destroy companies which are immoral for the sake of monetary gain or using people for their own advantage. A system similar to Rhine capitalism is used to force companies to compete, awarding innovation and low prices. The government also is completely responsible for the production and distribution of essential services such as education and healthcare. Private businesses dominate the distribution and cooking of food. Private people also sell older technology to other private persons which is a large market in the GBE. The GBE provides good business opportunities to individuals with future growth in both technology and markets.
Media is encouraged to be unbiased. AI check or even write articles or scripts to make sure they are not biased. This type of knews are called “Factionals.” National news is aimed at providing information only. Opinion pieces are not checked though since they’re supposed to reflect an opinion.

Since the GBE hates oppression it’s kept to a minimum. But all nations must oppress. The state never decides to oppress but organizations like MI8 and MI9 do censor prompts to violence against different races, prompts for terrorist attack and propaganda employed by authoritarian nations or terrorist organizations. MI8 is a state organisation that protects the nation from foreign threats, while MI9 focuses on threats within the nation and is subject to a large number of conspiracies.

War- and conventional crimes:
War crimes are strictly unallowed. There is no official list of war crimes in G-S16, but the GBE employs its own list of war crimes for its own forces. As of yet the current government of the GBE has committed no major war crimes, unless counting defecting extremists. The punishment for war crimes is one of the harshest in the nation and the current only way to get the death penalty other than slavery. As written in the constitution, the GBE is hostile to foreign use of war crimes even within conflicts in which it is not involved. This may cause interventionism.
The nation has a rehabilitory policy on punishment, with a low crime rate on most worlds. Prison is actually pretty pleasant and is considered a place to learn, not be punished.


Infrastructure and corporate landscape (wip)

GBE territory is covered in a net of civilian warp lines, gateways and interdiction. Apart from the systemwide interdiction and the blockade, the GBE has several classified interdiction strips that block off many routes to parts of GBE space apart from civilians lines, which are still stopped at certain points for security reasons and for tolls. For quicker travel the GBE has a network of gateways. Each gateway can be remotely shut down incase an enemy attempts to use it. The gateway net is currently being expanded for easier transport. High power laser lines are being constructed like a type of space railway. When transporting objects from a planet's surface, mass drivers are used effectively to catapult ships, parts, goods, resources etc into space. Space tethers are utilised to cheaply distribute supplies and resources around a system cheaply.
Because of the growing demand for products because of the expansion and development of colony worlds and the new availability of military grade materials and their production facilities, the GBE industry is rapidly growing. So is the amount of business. The state welfare creates business opportunities for every individual in the nation allowing for a massive growth in businesses. These businesses have started profiting by using a growing market to sell internationally. With more corporations wanting to produce products cheaply, the construction industry, which had grown during the reconstruction efforts after the dooms strike, has begun constructing factories and industry rapidly. The increase in businesses has not only increased the need for innovation, but curbed unemployment, increasing the population purchasing power. With a lowering of inflation, the business boom is likely to cause a new golden age for the GBE.



Cars and ships:
Ownership of hovercars is standard for many families/adults. Loans are taken or rent is paid to afford hovercars. Your average family car will last about 8 years before needing to replace parts or being replaced. Cars are only used for travel across a planet if there are skyroads of course. Though GBE transport infrastructure is focused on public transport. Vacuum mag-lev railways, metros, sky-busses and massdriver bullets dominate local transportation. Ships however are used for space travel between planets. Your average family does not own a ship. Some do though. Traders, haulers, transporters etc own ships or just people who don’t want to pay for space flights throughout the GBE and the galaxy. They might do space travel as a hobby, or do exploration. Companies and private people may charge to transport people to different planets. There are quite a few people who live on their ship.

Food (and drink?):
The GBE’s food culture is diverse as many different cultures were brought to the GBE during the expansion and the golden age. GBE food is often stereotyped for being based around different types of cheese and artificially grown meat. The average lunch is a savoury packaged meal from a corporation similar to a fast food meal, prepped in a heat-point-oven for 20 seconds at home. Breakfast typically is a large high-calorie meal with a diverse selection of things to eat. Commonly people like to go out late to eat dinner in one of many restaurants from hundreds of different cultures. Sweet foods in the GBE are often packaged snacks. The GBE citizen does not care much about food being “unhealthy” as they use advanced medicine and nanomachines to eliminate or remove things like fat and calories. As a result of this GBE citizens don’t have bad teeth. Alcohol was deemed as a danger by the state. Bars and pubs are still commonplace in the empocracy, but there is a regulation on the percentage of alcohol a drink can have.

GBE is a nation in which a lot of people continue studying beyond the mandatory school point to get a higher form of education. Like many school systems, the schools of the GBE are flawed. Universities are infamous for giving their students a copious amount of work. There is a lot of debate around education systems and rules.

British influence:
The GBE is obsessed with old Britain. Its history, its artefacts. Anything. Their flag and their name are in honour of the valiant men and women who gave up their lives, so that the GBE can continue their legacy. True selflessness. Does the GBE even consider itself worthy of the title? Do they live up to the name? That’s what they’ll strive for. Most artefacts of old Britain have been lost or destroyed. Most information in archives and books has been lost, deleted, altered, locked, the location of the Milky Way unknown. The GBE swore to never forget their sacrifice, and as such began the obsession with anything British.

Historically the national language of the GBE would be Anglish (known as Inglish, English, Earthspeak). But as to adapt to the galactic front Bastonian schools have shifted into teaching galactic standard as the first language. The state declared G-S16 galactic standard as the national language of the GBE.

Since drones do the most work the GBE has established a culture to create jobs out of it. A lot of people own a drone for maybe farming, exploration, mining or recon. They might send it out for its designated mission as a side job, or one can own an entire army of drones and do it for a living.

The most common forms of agriculture are corporate city farming and large-scale agriculture farming. Corporate city farming usually involves tight packets of rooms with perfect conditions within, on top of or under buildings in a residential area. Typically they are fully automated with drones handling the plants. The other form of agriculture is done over vast sections of land. Typically a farmer will use large automated machines to harvest an area of genetically modified crops, or they will release drones and genetically modified pollinators over an even bigger natural landscape to harvest fruits, berries, oils and other naturally occurring resources. Genetically modified animals do exist but they are a dying industry as lab grown meat is more popular.

Random culture facts:

  • The currency of the GBE is the credit sterling. Otherwise known as the Bastonian credit.

  • Military personnel that rescue slaves in a high-risk missions are praised as national heroes.

  • Referring to someone by their surname is disrespectful and dismissive in the GBE.

  • The GBE has a national food, which is in fact not food. Rather it is the beverage tea.

  • The word xeno is offensive in the GBE.



The GBE is a human nation. The majority of the population in the GBE are humans. But because of the large expansion of the golden age, migration and the GBE xenophilic policies, there are hundreds of different races in the GBE. They are all registered and all species have to be checked before entering the empocracy after the delta crisis.
Human: The main race. The GBE human is rather adaptive. Rare GBE humans have high psionic potential. Stantine is slightly psionic. Most psionics are offered large amounts to join the military, often the SSS. The GBE humans are genetically modified, for increased intelligence (which was already above average), decreased stubbornness and increased ability to see things from other perspectives and more adaptiveness for other gravitational and atmospheric environments. They have the ability to “close their ears” to lower the volume of sound they hear. The average GBE human lifespan is 150 Earth years. The GBE human has enhanced organs and an advanced immune system that will deploy biophages.
Ash'ka'nach: A race of slightly furry people with brown-orange-ish skin and a horse-like face. Nicknamed "Ka" they come from the nation formerly known as the Free Marketing Confederation. Their homeworld Quasar has the highest percentage of non-human inhabitants in the empocracy at 90%.
Ienfs: A formerly primitive race, forced to be enlightened by the golden age GBE, some may be found roaming around. They have two “claws” by their mouth much like an arthropod. They have four small beady eyes and brown beige-ish skin. They’re like humanoids in other bodily features.
A species with green skin which is kind of loose and a shrinkly face. Hair only grows very short and is grey with exceptions like brown facial hair on younger Crangus. The average lifespan for a Crangus is 170 earth years and their intellect is superior to those of humans.



The empocracy has 49 systems. Each system has 1 or 2 populated planets and some other planets are used for mining. Systems are often referred to as their main planet name, such as the Gelu system, unless they’re a larger system such as Novetera. Keep in mind I cannot specify every planet, Just because the planet doesn’t exist here doesn’t mean the GBE doesn’t possess it.



(art by Marco Gorlei, not mine)
system: Eteruo
moons: three
This coreworld is the main planet of military production and the development of technology in the Great Bastonian Empocracy. Factories cover the entire surface. It was made a production world because two of its moons are rich with resources for military ships and advanced technology. If the empocracy had the money and resources, this world could crank out an entire armada. Xolvia houses a large number of shipyards and habitats in orbit.
The planet is very grey with an orange tint. The sky is often grey and the gravity is 4 (earth is 5). Size is rated 6 (earth is 5)

Anrillia (formerly Gnar):
system: Novetera
moons: one


This is the political and social centre of the empocracy. It has most of the iconic buildings and the largest population of all the planets in the nation, which means the Bastonian state gets a large portion of its income from this planet. The Council sits there. Almost the entire land surface is covered in the city. The great city has three levels. The upper levels do not block those under them but are more like massive balconies. They often connect to the tall buildings and connect via bridges. Most platforms don’t exceed 7500m2. The streets have green bushes, plants and trees and there are plenty of green spots. One can often spot a red banner with the Bastonian lion on. The winter often coats everything with a thin layer of snow if you’re above the equator. The planet's gravity is rated 5. The size is rated 7. The only surface not covered by buildings are parts of the ocean. It is the trade and market capital of the sector. The planet's surface has massive markets, companies, empires come here to trade.
The city centre is one of the GBE’s ten great wonders.


(art by Marco Gorlei, not mine)
system: Eteruo
moons: two
The capital of military bases and academies. This planet is used more by the army as most of the ships shouldn't have to travel from the other planets. All the reserves are located there. The planet also has significant production. Size is 3 and gravity 5.

system: Novetera
moons: none
Though outshined by the glory of Anrillia, Antaka’s significance is not to be understated. Its rings have valuable resources and its surface is more natural. there’s still forests and rivers, waterfalls and tropical islands integrated beautifully into the massive city and industry (mainly refineries) that cover 50% of the surface. Size 5 and gravity 5. The planet's environment is diverse and different throughout the entire planet thanks to its strong electromagnetic field.

Inner-rim worlds:

A pleasure planet, for vacations. Though not as beautiful as Giathia Prime, this world's environment is controlled to an impressive degree for tourists. Brightus’ cities provide a rich experience for those who don’t want to sit on a beach all day. The Brightus system is home to the Erusikam belt where mining operations are conducted. The planet houses many beautiful environments inside paradise domes, though the planet's natural beauty lies in the rich jungles.

Important mining world in the inner rim. Has high amounts of neosteel and Arcite. It has no breathable atmosphere and the people live on floating platforms or paradise domes. Its size is rated 3 and gravity 8.

A multi-environmental planet with a large population. Production is also good. Is home to an aggressive Feline known as the Petcat.
Petovs capital city is called Tanphis. Petov is home to the great wonder: The Ice City. The northern part has frozen over in an incredible landscape of ice clear as glass. The sky often lights up in blue and yellow light shows by particles from the blue sun hitting the atmosphere.
Size 5 and gravity 6.

Mid-rim worlds

Giathia Prime:

(art by Marco Gorlei, not mine)
A mountain-lake-forest hybrid, Giathia Prime is considered the naturally most beautiful world in the GBE. It has important resources often used in military-grade tech. It has large cities and is one of the GBE’s most important planets for income. The planet is paradise, the mountains reach to the skies and waterfalls and lakes flow through the planet. Size 6, gravity 5. This world also houses plenty of refineries. It’s the main hub for tourism and modern architecture.

Melody Prime:
A tropical world with a harsh environment. It is a massive supporter of food as the large variety of animals and tropical fruits provide a large part of the GBE’s food production. Port Onnius, a major GBE military base, lies in the Melody system.
size 7, gravity 5

Catrina IX:
Catrina nine is a cold rocky planet with important resources. Its people live in habitats on the ground and in orbit. Its atmosphere isn’t breathable so the habitats are covered by “bubbles” of carboflexglass which are the precursor to the paradise dome. Trains carry people from different habitats to others.

Melody VI:
A continental world undergoing an ice age. The southern part houses a large population as the northern part has various research bases studying the strange reasoning for the sudden ice age.
Size 5, gravity 4.

A continental world with many different cultures and specializations.
This planet is moderately populated and a popular destination for tourists and merchants. a lot of trade is conducted here.

Returx V:
The fifth planet in the Returx system. It appears to be an ocean world but the navy jams scans of this world. The planet has a military presence and ships trying to get close are intercepted. Civilians are not permitted to visit.

Outer rim worlds:

An outer rim arctic world with a breathable atmosphere. Has multiple bases and is an all-round kind of planet. It is an important forward operations base for the GBE forces being the closest point to their rival “The Planetary Coiss’oa Hegemony”. Under its thick ice it has common resources. It also has important listening posts on orbit. Size: 4 gravity: 5

An agricultural world with vast fields and hills. The planet has massive dome environments for growing or raising animals, crops and fruit. Near the equator, unlike the rest of the planet, has warm beaches and vast island networks and small local cities.

A desert world with construction resources.

Continental colony with a central warp gateway.

Jeyt prime:
Newly established outer colony. The Jeyt system is home to the volatile recourse used in torpedoes called Bedryllium.


The great wonders of the GBE

The ice city:
The ice city, built by a GBE sub-culture long ago is an area covered in towers made out of compressed water on Petov. The water has become a brilliant see-through type of ice into pointy buildings that form a city. One can live in only one part of the city, if you can afford it of course.

The Flying City:
The flying city was made by the GBE to intimidate the unhappy population of its planet. It was unstable and was easily destroyed by a small group of terrorists. The flying city has been crowned as one of the top three “most stupid ideas” in the GBE.

The Waterfalls of Giathia Prime
Water running down natural platforms between the rich surface of Giathia Prime, a sight that attracts many tourists.

The Royal Palace:
A beautifully architectured building in the city of Gnar, it stands tall and proud, glimmering in gold and banners waving in the wind

The Monarchs Hall:
Just like the Royal Palace it is one of the most beautiful buildings made, a collection of different cultures. It was eventually vandalized and taken over during the great uprising

The City of Gnar:
The grandest and largest collection of the grandest and largest buildings in the empocracy. It is considered, by the Bastonian people, the ultimate, most glorious thing ever created by man. A true utopia.

Black Hole Bomb:
The King once proposed the idea of building a Dyson sphere, a megastructure that would certainly make the GBE be looked upon with great admiration. Though it was considered a waste. Instead, they built a black hole bomb around the smallest black hole in the empocracy, generating more power than a Dyson Sphere would.

The HMS Imperial:
A mega-ship, though being small to a lot of ships during that time it was a bane of all its enemies. During the great uprising, it was disabled and thrown into a star.


The Great Bastonian Empocracy focuses on fighters (inspired by modern combat) that use missiles as their main weapons and are hard to hit. These fighters are expensive and have a short-range. Few have warp drives. (They might come across as OP in combat but are extremely limited.)

SP-4 Cthulhu-a:


class: Bomber
Description: At first glance, this bomber may seem fragile since it sacrifices the energy and speed the other fighters rely on. But its devastating firepower makes up for this.
(ship no longer in service)

Emperor C-5e:


class: Fighter
Description: This legendary fighter line was the saving grace for the empire during the darkest ages. Its ability to simply get out of the way of any incoming fire made it almost unkillable to the opposing forces when first introduced. It remains the main fighter of the Great Bastonian Empocracy. If it loses too much energy its shield can tank a missile.

Emperor C-5f:


With new tech comes new fighters. Seeing the e-variants poor performance in combat against laser-based point defence the new f-variant has discarded some manoeuvrability for stronger shields.

Shark CN-3

Class: fighter
Description: These fighters were made to be operated cheaply out of larger ships but ended up still costing more than desired. It has a tiny range and has a small profile. The ship is barely in service, never participating in anything important.
(Being replaced)

Colonizer C-8a:


Class: Fighter
Description: This ship is the creation of decades of research. It is one of the most advanced creations ever to enter the empocracy. Only the best pilots (storm, reptile and golden green squadron) are trusted with it. It can dance around other nations fighters with its extra thrusters which allows it to hover in the air and pull incredible manoeuvres. It rarely loses energy. Its stealth technology allows it to become invisible to sensors. It has a considerably smaller and lighter airframe which limits its firepower but increases performance.

Reever SP-5a:

Class: Attacker
The new attacker designed for combat against the uncivil! The Cthulhu had limited protection and performed poorly against dedicated point defence. The Reever has more powerful shields as well as improved nuclear payloads

Salamander SP-6a, b, c, d, e, f:

Class: Bomber, long-range strike craft, escort, special operations ships, gunship
The Salamander is an advanced multirole platform that can be modified with low cost and effort to go on different missions. The main configuration has three large torpedoes and a large Gatling gun attached to the nose. Its firepower is unmatched in the starfighter category. It carries a warp drive which means it can operate outside of a fleet.

C-13a Sky Hawk:

In atmosphere its pilots claim it to be immortal. A fighter which no one can see. A shadow that moves above the enemies head and rains down destruction. Fast, heavy firepower and most importantly, stealth. Considered undetectable, the C-15 supports the groundies safe from anti-air fire.

C-15b Archon:

One of the first fighters developed to carry mainly guns in the assault fleet. It is also the first military fighter in mass production for the Royal Navy which is not made by any national company. It was made by the company Guardian Aerospace, from the GBEs demands. It has missile hardpoints that are used to carry plasma cannons or railguns. It has more ECM and countermeasures than other fighters and it is also equipped with a warp drive. The ship is the go-to aerial celebration vessel and it is used in the royal guard.

C-18a Sky Warden:
BAe systems latest fighter. An expensive fighter. However it is almost impossible to hit by capital ships by using countermeasures, stealth technologies and misleading countermeasures which lead up to the ships being detectable, but being detected in the wrong place. Its shields can be set in a mode to reflect light, or the ship can be modified to cloak, with the expense of armour. The fighter is supermaneuverable and can outperform any ship in the GBE arsenal. It is only slower in space than the newer variants of the emperor. Its performance in atmosphere is poor. It can only carry a payload of about 12 larger missiles as opposed to the C-8f’s 18. But it features a nuke missile swarm system that launches tiny nuclear missiles at disabled, slow or unmaneuverable targets.



HMS Lokion:



Flagship of the navy and part of the assault fleet.
length: 17 km

Arrow of Justice:
Created to be the second GBE battleship in service, it started production, but alas, due to the delta crisis the project had to be stopped since the GBE realised they could not support or create such a ship if the Reckoning fleet was to be complete. So it was stopped mid-production. It is ready to continue production when the ministry of war decides to.
planned length: 14 km

Capital ships

(just because it says it has a certain weapon doesn't mean it only has them. Every weapon isn't worth a mention. And if a ship has a lot of missiles expect it to have fewer normal cannons for example.)

GBE ship doctrine:
GBE ships are generally very tough. The armour of the ships can take considerably more damage than the shielding can. GBE ships use long-range weapons and computers to calculate how to shoot for maximum accuracy. Computers also calculate incoming projectiles and how to evade as many as possible. Since there’s an exclusive use of long-range weapons, evasion and toughness GBE ships are extremely hard to destroy to fight at long range. The GBE employs a heavy quality over quantity mindset as the time and cost for each ship is considerably high because of their complex nature. Each GBE ship as a result are very effective and powerful with the complexity and overengineering of their design.

Pride-class battlecruiser:

There is only one Pride-class as of yet and it wields the most powerful weapon owned exclusively by the GBE, named the Liberator, the ship's spinal neutral particle lance. The Pride-class is so heavily armed it destroys fleets, if not using fleet sized munitions and supplies to upkeep it. Its armour is just the GBEs budget composite stacked in layers. The behemoth has a complex electromagnetic “train” system that transports supplies, drones and personnel across the ship. The ship is barely atmospherically capable and is one of the few GBE Battlecruisers in service. The Pride-class is designed to be a mobile base. This ship can be the base of an entire campaign or even wars. It is also made to dish out as much firepower as possible. The coil guns mounted on the battlecruiser are tremendous and required the GBE engineers to try to reach the level of technology and engineered perfection they did with the Sunrise-class. The amount of weapons mounted on the ship does make the frame less sturdy and the reactor a lot larger, making it more explosive.
length: 7 km

Raider-class battlecruiser:
The Raider-class is a heavy battlecruiser. It has long-range heavy missiles as well as torpedoes for maximizing its potential in tactical combat. It is meant as a flagship for various fleets. It is optimal for leading fleets and operations. The flagship of the entire reserve fleet commanded by fleet admiral Phoenix, the HMS Chariot, is a Raider-class.
length: 7 km

Hurricane-class battlecarrier:
The hurricane is supposedly the biggest single threat to the fleets of the “uncivilised galaxy”. The GBE is still producing enough fighters for it, and once it is full its total cost will be equal to a battleship. The ship is filled to the brim with fighter upkeep drones, deck personnel bunks, fighter rehabilitation systems and repair drones and nanobots as well as fuel tanks and missile storages and arming machines.

Archangel-class heavy cruiser:

The largest ship that’s atmospherically capable without support, the Archangel is a gleaming beacon of the GBE navy and a symbol for sophisticated and fine Bastonian engineering. A new addition to the GBE navy and the only heavy cruiser in service, this ship is of the 5th generation of Royal Navy ships. However, it is a logistical nightmare, fitting all the extra radiators for the weapons, the weapons, their ammo transportation systems, hangars and the repair systems. But through this they have made an insanely heavily armed ship. It has mastered what youngsters call “the gun spam”. Essentially an insane amount of weapon systems. The hull is quite fragile because of this, that is why it has heavy shielding instead of advanced armour. Another reason for this is that heavy armour increases the ship’s mass and the ultradense layers require anti-grav that could instead be used to support it in flight. All the cooling systems, interdiction and radiators eat up power. To solve this the auxiliary reactors were switched out for an additional, though smaller, KAEPE reactor. It does have a spinal mount lance. It is equipped with plenty of casaba howitzers, a fairly new addition to the GBE arsenal. The Archangel has compressed boxes of materials onboard converted into shells onboard the ship’s factories.
Length: 3.5 km

Yorkshire-class bombardment platform:
Quite a large and sluggish ship that acts as an orbital bombardment platform. It has deployable satellites to target places on the ground. The underside of the ship has massive amounts of armour. It has quite a strong shield. When it takes too much damage it will move outside range. It has a massive amount of exposed radiators on the top side. The ship utilizes weapons that can all fire downwards. Casaba howitzers, railguns, ion cannons, missiles launchers, pretty much the GBEs entire weapons arsenal.
Length: 2 km

Calamity-class cruiser:
Cruiser made for orbital bombardment and fleet combat. The Calamity is made for direct fleet combat and engagements from long to medium range. It uses primarily torpedoes and railguns to rain down fire. The shields are strong and the ship has a modular spinal mount slot in which it can equip the standard particle lance or a unique spinal mount weapon, the arc pacifier cannon, a weapon that intercepts and destroys all shells and missiles in an area. It is also armed with ion missiles for efficiency against enemy shields.
Length: 2 km

Sunrise class cruiser:

The Sunrise-class cruiser is considered the peak of GBE engineering. With a high upfront build cost and a low upkeep cost, the Sunrise-class is made for long time use. The ship is undoubtedly the most polished and refined ship in the GBEs recent history. The armour used is made with all the knowledge the GBE can muster as well as the best materials the GBE has access to. This ship has proved its effectiveness in combat in training. The ship is less flexible than other cruisers though, making it laser-focused in ship to ship combat. It is not atmospherically capable and it doesn’t have an orbital bombardment cannon. It also lacks many systems which would increase its performance on its own. Instead, it has replaced these systems with shields (six layers), carrier capabilities, repair systems and advanced combat computers. The firepower on the Sunrise-class is unrivalled in the GBE combat doctrine. The particle lance is refined and the railguns are of the newest iteration. The first refit will soon arrive with a 8L 5077 aura shield system which is the BAe latest iteration of shielding, new armour, shell interception methods, new propulsion and modernized versions of the railgun family.
length: 1.7 km

Moonlight-class cruiser:

The moonlight-class is a flexible gen III cruiser. The moonlight-class lost the title as mainstay ship because of its high maintenance cost. It has two "wings" to stay stable during atmospheric flight, cruise missiles and precursor to the GBE’s mainstay gen IV main battery.
length: 1.5 km

Eclipse-class cruiser:

The Eclipse-class appeared first on Judgement Day. It is gen V’s Solaric, a cheap, easy, reliable and flexible ship-class which is the GBE’s new mainstay ship. The ship's cannons have an extremely high fire rate and its detection system is powerful. The ship has new drones to crew the ships that have increased resilience against electronic warfare. New and improved shields with 6 shields layers.
Length: 1.5 km

Eternity-class atmospheric cruiser:
A cruiser that is effective within atmosphere. It excels at medium range combat. It is not armed with torpedoes or any nuclear-type missiles or worse in any larger numbers. Otherwise it’s quite light, somewhat agile, it has a spinal mount, railguns and hangar bays. The ship is operated by the sky corps, and therefore it needs to be self-dependent in battle, thus why it carries quite a bit of point defence. The ship has quite heavy shields and lighter armour.
Length: 1.5 km

Rotorblade-class battltransport:
The support ship carries munitions, fuel and long-range railguns. They lie at the back of each formation ready to resupply missiles or maybe even shells for the fleet. The ship is a mobile factory and farm, growing artificial meat through genetically modified cells. It has light space mining equipment for use on asteroids.
Length: 1.3 km

Cethershire-class supply cruiser:
A mobile factory and mining hub. Initiates mining operations and proceeds to repair other ships with replacement parts and systems as well as refilling shells, fuel, air, missiles etc. It can mine from planets, asteroids, get air and fuel, replace railgun barrels and do general repairs all in enemy territory. The factory part is modular and it can be given different factory modules, some of which can produce fighters or corvettes to replace losses or just to bolster the fleet. It also grows food,

Coventry-class destroyer:

Generation V’s new destroyer. Evasive and agile. The lack of firepower, a spinal mount it makes up for with shielding and evasion, making Coventrys extremely hard to take down. The AI has been improved and it displays actually capable close-range capabilities. It is tanky from the front with its front armour ram. The ship does however have a lack of radiators. Though since the ship has a minimum amount of guns to fire it is often not an issue unless the engines are on a high power setting during prolonged periods of time.
Length: 1 km

Colony-class destroyer:

One of the newer additions made to replace the Solaric, it has a large armament of torpedoes and turrets. Its Lance is smaller than usual. It leans more towards shields than armour than normally. The Colony carries heavy thrusters. It’s a part of the fourth generation of GBE ships. The ship was initially a concept for the Moonlight-class, the director of naval production liked it so much they made it into another ship.
Length: 1 km

Solaric-class destroyer:


One of the more iconic ships though its mainstay role was going to be handed to the Moonlight then the Sunrise-class and now the Eclipse-class. But it will still play an important role in the navy. It balances out cannons, turrets, point defence, missiles and torpedoes. Its armour is reinforced but not as strong as the other ships in the navy. It is becoming old and will be entirely replaced by the Colony-class outside of the reserves when the new fleet is completed. The Solaric remains the only BAe in-service combat ship sold outside the GBE in the post-Golden era.
length: 1 km

Resolve-class destroyer:
The GBE realized that during gen V as the Solaric was being forced out of service that they needed a cheap all-round multi-role and flexible destroyer that could operate at a lower scale and lower maintenance cost than the Eclipse. BAe quickly designed the new Resolve destroyer, a modular, effective, cheap and adaptable destroyer with high refit capability. Heavy armour, slow forward acceleration, ok firepower (particle lance) and good evasion allows for the Resolve to be used in a combat scenario while being compatible with fleets. Escort, long-range patrol, large scale patrol, small scale operations base, fleet combat, evac, hit and run assaults, you name it, it can do it.
length: 1 km

Anrillia-class escort:
The Anrillia-class introduced a new class to the GBE. The escort-destroyer. A quick, agile and heavy-hitting ship used for the protection of specific target ships. The Anrillia-class is fast, quiet and deadly. It excels at close and medium range. It has positron beam cannons and a spinal early variant ETA cannon.
Length: 1 km

Monarch-class stealth escort:
The monarch is an advanced stealth escort-destroyer. It hides from detection systems and it’s perfect for ambushes or traps. The ship's weaponry is effective at long and medium ranges while its broadside is great at point-blank. It has a strong missile alpha strike, and guns for firing in every direction. It hides with an outside layer of PCTM, a stealthy geometry, running low on most electromagnetical emotions.
Length: 1 km

Obliviate-class Destroyer:


The obliviate class has the new blue flamed thruster engines and single cannon turrets making it the ideal weapon in flanking manoeuvres. The destroyers can lay down an incredible amount of fire. It isn't armed with torpedoes or missiles to maximize on the guns. It doesn't use reinforced armour but uses a UPR produced advanced shield to protect itself. It is armed with the Lance in the "nose" section. The ship is very unusual and rarely seen.
length: 700 m

Storm-class bombardment ship:
The storm class is a small and agile bombardment ship. It is quite fragile and armed with a few powerful railguns on the bottom. The ship is very manoeuvrable and equipped with quite a lot of point defence. The shields are more powerful than the armour by quite a margin. The ship needs a larger flagships computer system to calculate where its own projectiles will land and where the ship should go to evade incoming fire. It uses mobility to its advantage, something planets don’t have.
length: 700m

Sython-class frigate:
A new frigate equipped with a lance and a high amount of point defence. The ship isn’t very common as it doesn’t serve an effective role in large scale fleet combat. It is used in patrols and hunting pirates.
Length: 600 m

Stantine-class frigate:

Named after Stantine himself the missile frigate lays down support fire during a battle. It only has one dual cannon turret but is heavily armed with thermo-nuclear missiles. It’s a support ship that can project shields in front of other ships in the fleet.
length: 550 m

Stargazer-class frigate:

This frigate is armed to the teeth. The new launchers allow for varying payloads. The ship can intercept projectiles, destroy fighters and launch long-range nukes. The Stargazers armour is very weak so it relies on speed to evade danger. Despite being a frigate, an overlooked class by the enemies, this ship is a danger to any fleet. Any enemies who see a Stargazer should be as afraid as if they saw a Sunrise.

River-class littoral combat ship:
Previously known as the multi-purpose carrier, this ship the size of a small frigate is used to extend the GBE's influence. The ship is capable of operating and patroling far from base and extending the range of strike craft. Littoral combat ships may be seen when the GBE attempts to control an area of suppressing targets far away from GBE territory.
length: 340m

Wasp-class corvette



In case the GBE fighters are unable to deal with enemy fighters the corvette is armed with almost only point defence to defend the fleet. Refit mk III gives the corvette spinal railgun to be used against enemy capital ships.
length: 260 m

Redeemer-class corvette:

The Redeemer is one of the newest ships to come to the GBE. It was described by one of Admiral Blue’s officers as “annoying as frig, more deserving of the name ‘wasp’.” The ship is very fast with acceleration and max speed. Its signature can be masked for brief moments confusing enemy sensors. It has point defence cannons for missiles and fighters, missiles and projectiles. It also has a large superplasma cannon for doing damage to capital ships at point-blank. The shields are rather heavy and armour somewhat light.
length: 260 m





The standard legacy cannons are generally on turrets as batteries. They are heavy rail- or coilguns that fire shells with nuclear explosive payloads (HE) or without (AP) (sometimes ion, incendiary, atmospheric or interception shells). Gen VI upgrades the standard shells' nuclear explosives to VIMY type warheads and adds newer types of shells. The most common are flak, cluster munitions, casaba delivery system, magnetic decay shells and missiles (shells with improved guidance). The shells are set to explode while penetrating into the target or to hit slightly or right after the slug hits the shield or armour. Calculating the moment the shell hits the target is impossible; they will set a proximity or impact fuse. The shells use plasma fusion warheads as a default warhead. The compartment with the explosives is detached and a laser fires at a reflective object, which reflects the radiation, which pushes the explosives slightly behind the shell to not be obliterated upon impact or interception and instead detonating after the shell impacts. As the shells of main and secondary capital-grade batteries are so dense and large, interception of them requires a large amount of energy. As an addition to gen VI, all main and secondary batteries' main ammo must have guidance. While not being able to fully manoeuvre like a missile, it allows the shell to make small adjustments that over range makes large differences and makes evading them harder.
Railguns: Railguns are the bread and butter of GBE weaponry serving as both main batteries and high-rate/volume of fire autoweapons.
Coilguns: Coilguns are an upgrade to the legacy railguns, essentially being a more effective and stronger railgun. They can fire shells faster and quicker with improved cooling. As they are superior to railguns they essentially replace them on gen V ships and above.
Gravitcannons: Were first considered a failed technology, gravicannons were just a much less effective version of a railgun, though the GBE is trying to develop a more effective variant as it sees that the graviton cannon has more potential. However, graviton support has been implemented in order to bolster and accelerate railgun or coilgun shells even more. Though it is doubtful that a weapon that uses gravity as its primary acceleration is unlikely.
ETA cannon (Coil gun propelled plasma torch accelerator): Electromagnetic torch accelerators are a gen VI addition used primarily in large main battery or secondary battery turrets. An ETA cannon fills the plasma with torch drive fuel (hydrogen) on the brink of burning. As the shell is accelerated by a coilgun into the barrel at hypersonic speeds, the compression from the shockwave burns the fuel, which shoots out of the barrel also assisted by the electromagnetic coils, essentially pushing out the projectile with the generated plasma as if it had a plasma thruster. This allows even the relatively early ETA cannons to surpass coilguns. An additional advantage with ETA cannons is that the plasma heats up the shell when exiting the barrel that the shell's material passes the Curie point and loses its magnetism. Because of this it is not affected significantly by magnetic shields. To not damage the explosives or manoeuvring segment, the shell has a discarding protective layer around them.

Lance: The GBE neutral particle lance fires a sustained beam of particles toward the target through an artificial redirection crystal that maximises range. As the crystal is produced with accuracy down to every single particle, the production cycle is long and expensive. The Bastonian lances work exceptionally well at long range since the beam is highly focused. The lance is very power-hungry and cannot hold sustained fire for long. It takes considerable energy to charge up.

Nuclear-boosted particle lance (casaba accelerator): a spinal particle accelerator coupled up with a VIMY fusion casaba howitzer that fires the output of a large nuclear explosive as a focused beam which is greatly more powerful than a standard GBE particle lance. As the nuke detonates it releases a wave of plasma, some of which needs redirection assistance from electromagnetic fields. A long plasma propellant absorbs the blast and turns itself into plasma which reaches high velocities. The plasma is then focused by a magnetic lens into a particle accelerator where the plasma is accelerated to a significant portion of the speed of light and focused into a narrow beam. As it is about to exit the nozzle an electron stream neutralises the plasma to prevent bloom and increasing the range of the weapon. Another factor adding to the range is time dilation which increases with the velocity. The beam’s heat will dissipate over time but it will not lose kinetic energy. As the beam is travelling so quickly the plasma reaches its target before major energy loss has been achieved. Another plus side is that radiothermal generators from the detonation can help with powering the accelerator allowing for increased fire rate. Downsides however are that it requires ammunition and the necessary logistics for it. The detonation case is also maintenance heavy.

Torpedoes: Are armed on most ships. A torpedo is essentially a massive missile with its own shields, ECM and point defence. They carry a heavy payload of sustained fusion explosives or antimatter warheads. Each launcher can load about two torpedoes.

Cruise missiles: Are armed on larger ships. These missiles have extremely long range and certain types can be launched from another sector. They can be armed with their own warp drive. The shields are often quite powerful as they have to be launched against entire fleets worth of point defence. A GBE ship has to be quite large (destroyer or above) in order to carry cruise missile launchers that can only load one. Typically cruise missiles have large clusters of nuclear warheads, anti-matter or are relativistic kill missiles,

Ship-Ship Missiles: Missiles are a common weapon within the GBE. The missiles have fusion plasma explosives. Pure fusion nukes are launched in massive swarms causing devastating damage. Gen VI missiles are larger and better protected with shields and decoys. They field VIMY fusion warhead which essentially boosts the fusion of a central warhead by detonating a surrounding array of thermonuclear warheads.

Point defence: If the highly advanced fighters were not enough, ships, especially corvettes ,are equipped with accurate point defence systems for taking down fighters and torpedoes. The point defence can vary from lasers to kinetic. The earlier ships used kinetic point defence but GBE has come to prefer lasers.

Casaba howitzer: When BAe systems requested the development of the casaba howitzer to the director of naval weapon development she heard the words N U K E G U N she immediately approved. Or so the rumours say. The casaba howitzers are essentially a plasma gun that turns the power of a fusion explosive into a projectile of plasma. GBE utilises electromagnetic fields to fire casaba howitzers in an arc where the shots fly in an arc upwards before turning and flying down onto the enemy ship (art purposes, no actual functionality). It is quite possibly the only standard weapon that is not made for long range combat on Royal Navy capital ships.


Particle shields: The Great Bastonian Empocracy relies mostly on armour to protect their ships even though their standard shields were originally produced by the UPR. GBE standard particle screen shields generate an encasing of engineered Phorion-particles to create a solid barrier around the ship. The particles constantly deteriorate and constant power is needed to the generators in order to generate from projectors when an incoming projectile is about to hit the ship. The shields are stacked in layers. Each layer is actually two different particle screens. The first layer consists of a shield that is only aimed towards stopping lasers and near-speed-of-light particle accelerators. The second is effective against ballistics such as nuclear explosives and conventional explosives as well as plasma weaponry.

Plasma shields: Typically the lowest level of shield, is most often not online in order to save power. Used against energy weapons. Generation VI ships typically replace the particulate layers against lasers and particle beams with a primary plasma shield.

Gravity shields: Gravity shields generate gravitational waves that make ripples in space-time. These are generated through the acceleration of mass. This is done by oscillating a massive orb which creates very weak ripples. However at long range the change in direction from the ripples will be significant enough for the projectile to miss. When in a fleet, the ships armed with grav shields (frigates and above) will coordinate to add up each other's effects. Because of the kinetic energy required they shield is very power hungry.


The Empocracy has an exceptional understanding of armour and have every effective combination of materials, mostly artificial and rarely natural, you could think of. GBE utilises “particle composite” armour. Most legacy GBE armour combinations are more effective against energy weapons than kinetic, however, generation VI armour focuses primarily on lasers for energy weapons, otherwise the armour is mainly focused on kinetics including kinetic particle beams. Each layer varies in thickness, however layers that repeat may have different thicknesses based on the calculations and simulation of the most powerful quantum computer AI in the nation for their conclusions to maximum flexibility and effectiveness. While a main strikeplate may be relatively thick, nanocomposites may arise where neosteel layered with other metals and superplastics are packed together in sections with space in between. In total the armour of capital ships is very thick and massive. Internet protection like spall liners, superconducting faraday layers and radiation shielding are located throughout the ship internally around certain sections. The medical bays would have intense radiation shielding and faraday layers while the reactor might have additional spall liners and faraday layers. Standard capital ship grade armour uses all materials/layers below:
Neosteel: Armour generally has a layer of part neosteel, a rare resource that needs refining that is extremely durable and not that heavy. The neosteel after refinement is compressed to the extreme. Neosteel after the GBE’s entire process is so dense it requires anti-gravity generators to not mess with gravity inside the ship. Neosteel is compressed through a similar process to KAEPA and with electromagnetism, with extreme precision to create an almost crystalline structure. Mass driver may also be used to smash pieces of neosteel together at relativistic speeds early on in the refinement process. Each molecule has one of their electrons replaced with an artificial subatomic particle with a much higher mass similar to muons which is assembled from quark level, which drives the atoms closer together allowing for the atoms in the molecules to be situated closer together. Neosteel molecules have an extraordinary amount of bonds shortening the bond length dramatically. Because of the stability of each of the neosteels components, it is very hard for neosteel to undergo fusion making it ideal for extreme compression and armour against weapons that fuse with a ship's hull. Neosteel is hyperdense, stable and extremely hard and is used as strikeplates and doubles radiation shielding.
Carbium: The GBE has manufactured a 3d carbon lattice. The atoms are modified on particle levels to make sure they can be as tightly packed together in the lattice as possible, creating an extremely strong layer of armour. The carbon atoms that make up the lattice have negatively charged particles assembled synthetically that act as a “reverse shielding effect” that pushes the valence electrons closer to the nuclei and reduces the atomic radius. As it is lighter than neosteel it is used as a lighter strike plate and is prevalent in spaced armour.
Agnosite: Agnosite is an artificial metal that distributes and absorbs heat well. Lines of heat superconductors go from Agnosite to the ship’s thermal generators and thermal ludge or the auxiliary radiators to waste the heat. Agnosite mesh threads through the armour preventing lasers from localising their heat into one area of the armour and spreading it out across the ship, eventually dumping the heat into radiators or molten salts.
Hardlight layer: Between two solid layers, there’s one layer which is a medium of gas where a hardlight shield is located. The shield does not cover the entire ship however but it is moved to different locations around the ship to stop projectiles. While the layers itself may act as spacing for armour, the hardlight shield can be positioned in the same area as multiple layers of shielding.
Latision-carbide: This material is a synthetic refractory ceramic with an extremely high melting point and heat resistance. The material is also hard and can be used as spaced armour. Often it is combined into a composite with layers of aerogel.
Ablative foaming: consists of aluminium with neosteel balls within it. It is structurally supported by “nets” of graphite. The ablative layer is designed for ablation of kinetic projectiles and the scattering of lasers. The aluminium may in some layers be replaced with aerogel for more thermal protection. This armour layer is very thick but also light.
Electric reactive armour: *IRA is a type of reactive armour that consists of supercapacitors with superconductors. They work by discharging enormous amounts of electricity into a projectile, vaporizing it and significantly diffusing the attack. It works very well against plasma and kinetic weapons.
Shock absorber: Flexible superplastics or carbon polymers as structural and shock absorbing layers. Layers of shock absorbers and sandwiched between almost every hard or is made as a mesh that structurally supports layers
Replaceables: This is a set of artificial materials that are used for quick or mid-battle “patchups” of armours. Which consist of materials that can be melted into a liquid and injected into holes on destroyed parts of armour that turn solid when dumping heat into the superconductors. Replaceable armour materials may be a less effective version of certain armour materials or simply act as a medium to fill in the gaps for attaching solid armour pieces. Attachable chunks of reactive armour are also considered replaceables.
Other: Spall liners are used. Shock absorbing bulkheads are installed to mitigate impacts to the armour. Armour add on may include whipple shields and explosive reactive armour. Certain ships may have formed penetrator reactive armour.

Force interdiction: Interdiction is a very advanced piece of tech. It can stop ships from entering any type of FTL travel and pull ships out of it to a specified location. That location is the focus point of the interdiction field. When being thrown into the focus point the ship or ships may always be a certain distance away from other gravitational anomalies. The more mass the object has, the further away the ship exists FTL from it. Because of this it cannot be used to ram ships into each other or make ships fly into stars or planets.

Blanket interdiction: blanket interdiction is a type of interdiction that prevents FTL through it. A ship that hits blanket interdiction will exit at its border. Blanket interdiction nodes are an extremely cheap type of station or probe that creates a networked interdiction net. The net can be controlled to create openings in the field.

PCTM (Photon Collection Trap Material): A type of synthetic material used on the outside of most ships' armour that “charges” up by absorbing photons and storing them in traps. The material is vantablack as it absorbs all light that touches it until the traps reach maximum capacity and the material returns to its normal colour. When there is incoming fire an electric pulse is used to trigger the photons to be released in a hardlight barrier that lasts a few seconds. Not all the photons are released at once so it can be triggered for some time or multiple times. The barrier is quite brittle and can help with incoming kinetic projectiles, it is also effective against certain lasers as it can absorb and release photons and cool down quickly before being overwhelmed. PCTM has to be charged by being exposed to light or photons. Light sources generated by the ship of a station are far too weak and therefore for effective charging of the PCTM the ship has to be exposed to a star, though it doesn’t have to be closeby. Newer PCTM systems have a vast laser cooling system with millions of tiny lasers embedded beneath it. These serve as cooling to get the photons to gain more mass but also to eliminate the high amount of heat absorbed by the material. This allows for PCTM to be an extremely effective radar absorption material. Because it can absorb photons it means it can mask a craft from a large selection of detection systems, including infrared, x-ray, gamma and optics detection systems. The lasers can be reconfigured with high power where they can instead charge the PCTM with their own photons.


An Interception net is the term for all the defensive capabilities linking up and using information from all ships in the fleet to protect from incoming fire. Gen VI introduced the idea of an enclosed fleet I-net or single ship I-net which would supplement the capabilities of existing PD and evasion. With combined information and better coordination, more tools and weapons to use the I-net of gen VI ships are highly potent defences. What makes an I-net superior to earlier GBE defensive capabilities are the addition of large PD ship screens, flak screens, increased missile interceptability from fighters, more powerful PD and I-net defensive drones. Earlier laser PD and kinetic APS were the only reliable interception systems for GBE ships.
Flak and cluster bomb screens: A new type of ammunition increases the effectiveness of the use of main batteries or autorailguns as flak munitions as the shell is shattered from the inside launching its fragments at relativistic speeds that can cover large areas. Increased size and use of defensive missiles with cluster munitions.
Bomb pumped laser: a much larger and more powerful defensive weapon that the standard laser PD, these are commonly seen on I-net assistance vessels like escorts or frigates. They can intercept much larger shells or heavy missiles and disrupt plasma, hardlight and certain particle beams.
Shield projection: frigates will typically assist by projecting defensive shields at ships that fail to evade. Usually hardlight is used but since gen VI projecting particle screens has become practical. With shared information multiple ships within a fleet may add the effects of their gravity shields together to make evasion routes possible against large amounts of projectiles
I-net drones: The largest addition to the I-net provides powerful interception tools. The drones are practically flying hard-kill APS guns. The burst kinetic drone is armed with a burst cannon that fires bursts of smart shells with a shotgun-like effect geared towards interception of enemy missiles and lighter kinetics. The arsenal drone carries a heavier, slow firing cannon that fires interception rounds that propel a thermonuclear shaped charge, which fires a projectile accelerated by a casaba-howitzer type device that deposits all its energy into a beryllium filter. The resulting blast fires the shaped charge at impressive power. This type of shell is especially useful against very heavy capital-grade shells or weapons that are hard to intercept. The casaba drone is armed with a cheap fission casaba howitzer. This more close-range system utilises a casaba howitzer to hit the target with an intense beam of plasma generated from the detonation of the nuclear device.
Missiles: as the standard size for missiles increases, the legacy standard missile launchers will act as dedicated interception missile platforms on newer ships.

general naval tech:

Radiators: An essential part of each ship. The radiators are where all the heat is dumped, where then it is exposed to space, or a medium such as a liquid metal or molten salts to get rid of said heat. Ships might have auxiliary radiators which are quite vulnerable, though the main radiators are often protected by shields or whatever else. Molten tin may be used as a medium to transport heat between systems to the radiators.

Onboard computing: AI a shipboard takes care of most tasks which traditionally crew would do. The ships computers have to compute sensor-data, tactics analysis, evasion paths, FTL routes, navigation routes etc. As such computers on warships are large and have redundant secondary computers in case of failure or destruction. The main computer is typically linked with a ship captain or fleet commander's brain via their neural link allowing them to take in and compute the same information the AI is receiving and process it within their minds and allowing for an increase in calculations of outcomes. Typically military computer models are typically quantum models which through a mechanical system that uses infinite superposition of states to compute. They are extremely fast and powerful, being able to cycle through or conduct multiple demanding tasks simultaneously.

Heat point cooling: A system in which massive amounts of heat are funnelled into small thin sheets of metal. The system uses laser cooling which covers the entire sheet, no matter how much heat is funnelled into the sheet. However, the sheet must not exceed a certain temperature, at which it melts.

KAEPE reactors: Kinetic artificial ergosphere power extraction reactors are a type of power source which relies on creating a spinning gravitational anomaly with ultra-dense matter and gravity generators to create an artificial ergosphere in which electromagnetic waves are shot through, which gain momentum when entering the ergosphere. The anomaly is surrounded by reflective plates which bounce the electromagnetic waves. Small gaps are opened in the reflective plates, letting out the electromagnetic waves onto plates that convert the kinetic energy. KAEPE reactors are very similar to black hole bombs/reactoes. The reactors are quite unstable and can mess up the gravity in the ship if damaged, which in turn might destroy the ship itself. The energy put into the process of making KAEPE reactors typically come from industrial antimatter reactors. KAEPE reactors can be set to self-destruct in a devastating explosion.

Fusion reactors: typically used for auxiliary or secondary reactors, fusion makes up a significant portion of a ship's power generation. Smaller ships such as frigates and smaller ships may not be able to have KAEPE reactors and as such use fusion as their primary source of energy. Fusion reactors are commonly at the back of the ship, linked directly to the torch drive, providing plasma to it. Cold fusion may also be utilised in stealth ships. Fusion reactors are extremely common in the GBE and with decades of producing them the process has been streamlined and effective making smaller scale fusion reactos very cheap and common in civilian applications.

Sensors: The Royal Navy uses a variety of detection systems. Most common are active/passive hyperfrequency radar and lower frequency high range radar, optical, infrared sensors, LIDAR and FTL detection (detecting ships entering/exiting FTL). FTL sensors such as tachyon sensors and quantum radar which uses entangled photons instead of reflecting radiowaves. Larger ships such as cruisers and above are often equipped with x-ray and neutrino sensors.

Stealth: Royal Navy ships often make no effort to conceal themselves at medium ranges. However, GBE ships do like to be undetectable from further than long combat range. Essentially outside the GBE’s most effective fighting range in order to position themselves properly for engagement. However, there are a few select dedicated stealth capital ships in the GBE. Certain properties of systems used may make GBE ships highly detectable from long ranges with the correct equipment.

Propulsion: The general method of propulsion for ships of the Royal Navy is the torch drive, an engine that propels the ships through accelerating plasma through a particle accelerator. Otherwise, ion engines are used. Ion engines are the most popular choice for stealthier ships as they do not generate as much heat or neutrinos. Ultra-cheap vessels such as patrol craft or drones may use fission drives. For atmosphere jet engines are common.

Faster-than-light travel: Warp space travel or warp travel is a type of FTL travel that requires a warp drive. The GBE warp drives are only fielded by the GBE and make a distinct THUD sound as the ship exits warp space. Warp drives tear a hole through spacetime to create a rift to another dimension where the laws of physics don’t apply the same. The ship travels larger distances relative to realspace in warp space. Warp space is described as a white and sometimes blue tunnel with no end. When entering warp space the ship appears to, in realspace, to accelerate extremely quickly and shoot off into the distance like a projectile. This is visible because the ship has entered the “link”. A stage in between warp space and realspace in which the ship is suspended in both dimensions, making part of the increased speed happen in realspace. The link is a result of realspace “leaking” into warp space and vice versa, creating an effect where the ship is momentarily suspended within realspace that is being subjected to the laws of warp space, but as it is still connected to the rift and normal real space, the ship still remains within real space for this time before it collapses. Ships within warp space generate a bubble of real space around themselves preventing the ship from being crushed. This is done by generating a distinct type of dimensional interdiction which keeps the real space around the ship in place as it travels through warp space. The dimensional interdiction manifests in normal real space. This is called a warp shadow which connects the ship’s positions in warp space to its equivalent in real space. When the warp shadow hits an interdiction field, the ship is ripped out of warp space.

Fighter specific tech:

Guns: Fighters are often equipped with high calibre gatling guns or plasma launcher guns. Sometimes even emp weapons. Fighters can often carry laser pods for intercepting missiles or enemy fighters. Interceptors such as the CDI-5 can carry high power laser pods on their backs or bellies. High power railguns may be set on the bottom of certain fighters.
Missiles: These are the main weapons of the fighters. The missiles are stupidly expensive making continuous battle encourage the GBE to back out their fighters. The missiles use combined information from many different detection systems, as well as using ECM and countermeasures systems in order to prevent targeting. The newest iteration of missiles are even shielded with particle screens dedicated against their lasers or kinetic fire, depending on what was brough. There are also heavier missiles made for taking down capital ships such as the surface wiper missiles that launch a group of warheads that spread out across the entire ship to take out guns on the surface. Torpedoes are anti-capital ship missiles that have long range and good survivability, which hurt the manoeuvrability and speed of the torpedoes. They are often shielded. Most GBE fighters can’t carry any torpedoes with larger payloads however the bombers carry extremely devistating payloads.
Armour: Fighters are not armoured heavily as they would lose their ability to dance around the enemy. This means if the shields are down the ship will most likely get destroyed by a single missile hit or a lucky gun hit. However, the hull of the fighter can however survive for quite long when being shot by a laser. Gen VI fighters have improved survivability with light composites now containing heat superconductor mesh within the aerogel and electroreactive armouring.



Civilian technology:

Neural link: A type of brainchip that acts as a kind of “brain phone”. It is essentially a computer connected to the brain and the nervous system. It can artificially simulate hormones, experiences and even stop signals to the brain. There are very strict rules for neural links. People travelling into the GBE with unapproved Neural Links cannot enter with them. Neural links sit in slots in the back of the head or behind the ear. Surgery is required to have a chip slot. Illegal neural link smuggling and selling is highly illegal. An alpha Ai system (representing the GBE's and the constitutions will) is specifically programmed to stop monitoring thoughts and location. It stops tracking, broadcasting literally anything the person thinks, feels, sees etc. A neural link cannot be dangerous to remove, no installed software is allowed to track location without the user agreeing. The injection of thoughts, dreams, experiences or others memories is not allowed. It is not allowed to mess with the flow of hormones and general things and signals to the brain (with a few exceptions such as depression and extreme pain), the chip must make sure the user prioritises reality in front of chilling in virtual realities (a lot), the chip cannot store someone else’s memories, memories must naturally decay, the chip cannot increase the thinking speed of said individual drastically, it cannot decrease intelligence or any other ability, it cannot cause unnecessary pain, the chip must not alter memories or thoughts etc. most of all it cannot monitor thoughts or experiences, simulate them, control the individual’s free will and body or make them think a certain way. “Any attempt to breach this AI’s protection will be eliminated, any attempt to end this protocol, even from the state, will be declined for the state is not above the constitution.”
There has been a lot of debate about neural links and the massive disadvantages of not having one, most notably in the education system. It is however extremely uncommon to find someone without a neural link in the GBE.

Xeno-compatibility (cross-race-compatibility): Cross-race-compatibility, perhaps more known as xeno-compatibility outside the GBE, is a technology that allows for different races to have children. With the wonders and glory of genetic modification, different species can finally do the (redacted). Species have to be registered as compatible with approved and tested gene modification so that the child doesn’t suffer from any types of problems or horrors of mixing up species. One part of xeno-compatibility is cross-species crossing. It works like this: only one species of the cross-species is selected for the child. Of course, this requires even more tampering with the fertilized egg. Imagine that an Irri-Human and a Ka-Human had a child. That child could be Irri-Human, Ka-human, Ka-Irri or just plain Human.

Nanohunterphages: A type of nanobot that acts as an immune system. Nanohunterphages are a large upgrade to the GBE previous biomodified bacterio and virophages. Every GBE citizen is to have a nanohunterphage immune system. Nanohunterphages are mechanical machines. They use a variety of methods. Ramming, spraying gas inside bacteria sometimes even guns. Yes, microscopic guns to fight diseases.

Holograms: Holograms is the preferred method of screens in the GBE. Older holograms often only show green or blue. Holograms typically are in colour now. Holopads are the equivalent of mobile phones, other than neural link chips. Holopads are round and quite small with a projector and a holocamera. Flatscreens are also common however mostly in cities of computing devices.

Car: Cars in the GBE can fly within the atmosphere. Anti-grav and jets allow for cars to safely travel. Cars can hover just above the ground, which they might do in many cities, or just to preserve fuel. Cars travel in sky lanes marked by floating glowing markers. Most adult GBE citizens own a car. Cars are only for local travel across a single world.

Wetware: Wetware is a type of living computer that uses neurons. Typically wetware computers in the GBE are linked into people as an extension of the brain. However the practice of installing it requires government approval. Professions that would use wetware would be researchers, engineers and military commanders.


Superior Nations of the Spiral:
An ancient precursor nation that keeps their secrets hidden. They vanished mysteriously and the GBE are studying their Psionic tech and abilities.

A psi-blade, developed with the understanding of the Nations’ tech



Royal Navy:

Defence fleets: The defence fleets are in “”blockades”” around the planets and stations of the empocracy. Their core objective is to make sure no asset of the empocracy lays undefended. Military stations are part of the defence fleet.

(defence fleet paint scheme)

Assault fleet: The assault fleet’s ships are with the defence fleet or reserve until they get the scramble order, where they rendezvous make a joint force. They are always the attacking force within the empocracy. High ranking members can add ships to the fleet as they like. Assault fleet crew are the most highly trained and all the most expensive ships go to the assault fleet. This is because the defence fleet rarely sees combat. The entire assault fleet is about half the GBE navy. The entire assault fleet has not appeared in any battle as of yet. It is often divided into smaller battle fleets, battle groups, strike fleets, strike groups, task forces, task groups etc.

(Assault fleet paint scheme)

Reserve fleet: Out of service when it’s not war to minimise costs. When active they join the defence and assault fleet.

(Reserve fleet paint scheme)

Marines: Part of the assault fleet. Marines are the most well trained and equipped soldiers in the empocracy. They make the army look like kindergarteners. They are specialised troops with various ships at their command, including exclusively marine ships.

SSS: There is little known about the SSS. From what information has been gathered they’re some sort of super soldiers armed with psionic tech. Genetic and biological engineering, quantum computing and psionic enhancement are technologies deeply classified, suspected to be related to the SSS.

Royal Dragoons: A branch of the assault fleet, the Royal Dragoons, with their distinct blue colour scheme, specialise in boarding and extraction operations. It was founded after national hero Commodore Aphani Hadren successfully rescued a large shipping of slaves from an armed slaver fleet. Her task force’s group makes up the Royal Dragoons with the HMS Preserver, HMS Raisonnable and HMS Fortitude as their main ships.


Royal Shield:

Home Legions: Often kept as reserves but are responsible for defending their world. Home Legion troopers are often not on duty, just living normal lives just like civilians, going to training about once a month until an order comes in. They then grab their weapons, equipment, mobilize and head to defend their planet. Artillery platforms, vehicles and ground-to-space weapons belong to the Home legions.

Heavy mechanized battalions:
Tanks, Cars and Mechs glimmering in gold. The heavy mechanized battalions are military vehicles supported by a few troops. They are both in the Royal Guard and the Royal shield.

Sky corps:
The Royal Shields “air force” consists of fighters launched from planetary bases.

Adaptable forces:
Used for missions in exotic or alien territory.


Royal Guard:

The Guard: The iconic troops in the red armour, capes and energy spears. They stand out with gold and red, with energy shields and tanks with golden wings gleaming behind them. The Royal Guards symbol is an Ethrosian Crownbird, and eagle-like bird of prey, the most popular symbol of High Minister, Admiral, Lord, and Grand Founder Lokion.

Sky Protectors: The navy of the Royal Guards, giant golden palaces with hundreds of red banners, golden crownbirds watching over the floating golden tools of Lokions will.



The highest-ranking member of the armed forces is Grand Admiral Stantine

The Gate

The gate is believed to be impassable by the GBE. It’s the blockade around the main systems of the GBE. It has a strong interdiction field which only allows one to only warp into a certain location within the system, on top of blanket interdiction. Right into the jaws of the defence fleets. Stations, mines, traps from the High Imperium and alike are placed in the gate.

(named characters so I can remember they exist:
Grand admiral Stantine: he just wants to help people and he likes to spit on slavers
Fleet admiral Phoenix: obese guy who probably doesn't even hate authoritarians
Admiral Estrix: extremely cold person, in reality she just wants to cuddle people
Envoy Arra: probably participates in peace protests
Former-High Minister Jordan Erix: Boris Johnson but even more people hate him
High Minister Kayelin Astra: probably wants to murder everyone, also the leader of the entire GBE
Fordun Cordson: angrier than the average dad, abuses his furniture and probably wants to torture every authoritarian
Admiral Blue: idk he has a big gun and is depressed over it)




the Embassy:
(a lot of people)

Union of Judgment:
Redford Republic - @BattleCruiserCommander
Jinaris Empire - @ShadowZero
United Earth Government - @Flubbery
Vaiaelon War Pact - @Soundbust11
Galactic Federation of Mantle - @HarryRocks101

Redford Republic - @BattleCruiserCommander
United Earth Government- @Flubbery
Vaiaelon War Pact - @Soundbust11

Thrawn’s Infinite Empire - N/A
Bloodcult - @Drakador_Chaos
Crimson Imperium - @kola2134
Pact of the old blood:
Infinite Dominion - @Brank
German Space Regime - @boombox

Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves!
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves

”Negative. Our archives are in ruins. We have lost knowledge of this forgotten world,” he started to sound excited, ”Tell me, how great was the British empire.”

”No, I do not mind. Go ahead.”

The soldiers jumped out of the firing line, taking cover, or just getting out of the door way. They tossed in two grenades that erupted into light once the fire subsided. It caused a sharp pain, though it hadn’t appeared to have exploded conventionally in a way that would damage the ship. The light was so blinding and smoke filled the room. The noise the grenades made made their ears ring loudly. Confusion. Then gunfire erupted. Streaks of yellow cut through the air towards the hostiles. Through the smoke you could see the glowing visors of the marines.

The now sweating Stantine realized the speed of the projectiles. The slower Moonlight cruisers were taking damage, with shields down on one, both the ships reverse engine were hit. Leaving it dead in the water until it could come about and travel forwards.
”I want back energy to our guns. Set nuclear explosive shells. AI?”
estimated 13 minutes until within optimal range
”Target the Bloodcult group heading with the projectile.”
Fire control moved about some holograms and selected the fleet. A green marker appeared on the window before Stantine marking the targeted fleet. This was his favorite part.
within optimal engagement range
”The fleet is responding.”
Stantine out his arms behind his back. He commanded slowly as if he enjoyed every moment of it:
”Open fire.”
The hulking main batteries made quick adjustments until the thunderous noise of a railgun firing went of. Every main batteries massive barrel shooting what appeared to be cyan streaks, which was in reality massive shells fired at impossible speeds on their course to slam into each Bloodcult beast with a tremendous force.
”Fire missiles 14% capacity. Launch starfighters.”
Tiny red lights erupted with trails from the sides of the ships, turning toward the Bloodcult fleet. Nuclear missile volley had been launched. Fighters and bombers in the hangars rolled across the floor and attached to the catapult. Only when you stood next to a Salamander you appreciate the beasts size. The massive blue bomber folded its wings forward. The catapult shot it away. The pilot was pushed back against his seat as he retracted the landing gear and gently turned the ship toward the target. The comms emitted garbled voices.
”Harvester Squadron heading 1-1-2, cruising speed. Target has been verified north-east-east-autem bearing 6-5.”
”Roger that.”
The bombers formed up in formation with the fighters headed to the projectile following group behind the missile volley.

KrankysFirebrand48 _The cultists screamed a warcry, and as soon as they saw the glowing visors they began to retreat saying demons, demons. Odd. They must have mistaken the soldiers as something else. As they retreated the gunfire cut through them mowing them down. Some were killed and others were wounded, perfect for questioning.

Whilst the fleet was still getting away, the two red orbs, upon reaching the former position of the fleets center, detonated into another flash of red light, though rather than simply exploding, a... rather horrifying display played out in front of them.
As the red light intensified, the sensors detected a intense gravity well, drawing in all nearby debris from fallen ships and anything that hadn´t been fast enough or was too weak to stay out of the effective radius with a seemingly insatiable hunger, eventually, for just a brief moment, the light of it´s own explosion was drawn in as well, compressed to a tiny spot in the void...
A moment of silence, darkness...
That stretched time like eternity...
Then there was the third flash of red light, all energy and mass absorbed during the brief moment of terror, detonated outwards in blinding light and fire, consuming anything nearby and dwarfing the brute force of all other ship based weapons Stantine had witnessed to this day...
They were lucky Stantine had remembered the weapon and evaded in time, even though not all of them had made it the consequences of this attack could´ve been, so much worse...
As the explosion was still going the beasts which had headed to the projectiles, did a sharp turn, they split, avoiding the explosion and instead heading towards the scattered gbe fleet on either side, only to be met by heavy railgun shells and a volley of missiles, hard to avoid at the distance and the explosion behind them, strings of red light and plasma sparked through the void taking down missile after missile, but even they couldn´t take out the full volley under these circumstances, about a dozen of the smaller beasts fell, erupting into red mist and being drawn back to the rift, under an excessively violent telepathic screeching, now considerably more potent as the dying beasts were closer. Along with them two of the mid sized beasts took heavy damages, ones shell cracked open after being hit by a heavy railgun shell in seemingly lucky shot, another one lost two of it´s main weapons, to a volley of missiles intercepted too late...
Another two of the medium sized beasts were taken down completely having taken a hit or several by the railgun shells and then a volley of missiles to the same area, their screeches rolled almost like a shockwave through the area, if one were to be too close it would´ve been likely lethal.
Even the larger beasts didn´t go unscathed this time, one them losing a chunk of it´s sidespines, the other losing one of it´s heavy turrets, although their massive jaws prevented damaged to the eyes...
The beasts responded in kind, once the initially volley of missiles had either hit or been taken down, another, this time smaller, volley of their heavy turrets was fired towards the gbe fleet, as they GBE fleet was tracking the projectiles, another volley suddenly popped up on the sensors, but this one from the side, it came from the groups which had detached from the main pack, putting the British forces into the crossfire...
The situation grew more dire every moment, the beasts had reached the optimal firing range of the GBE weaponry, however, that also meant they weren´t too far away anymore from the fleet itself...

  • Edited

A small group of ships emerges on the edge of GBE space. An escort group for a ship carrying data on the ever so powerful VIMY Tactical Bomb dubbed planet killers by some. Recent discussions from UEG and GBE leaders have decided that it would be beneficial to share nuclear arms technology. (Done on discord lol)

The ships hail the GBE ships in the area hoping they are aware of why they are here.

Ships present are four heavy frigates and a super cruiser.

Nearby a Prowler lurks watching for anything. The entire group is on high alert due to the package they have.

7 days later

The soldiers didn’t stop. They’re flashlights searched the room before advancing slowly on high alert, as the others scanned around, while two marines faced backwards, searching behind the group.

The HMS Fortune started to get pulled in towards the gravity well. The ship shaked, Stantine almost fell.
”Full thrust back!”
He watched in horror as a few cruisers and destroyers were pulled towards the spot. He shielded is eyes from the blinding light as the engulfing explosion slammed into the shield. The protective blue aura turned red, before it shattered. Then the explosion reached side of the ship, though this time much weaker. Stantine fell over this time, and quickly stood up. On the fleet status screen he could see the indicators HMS Domination, HMS Valiant and other cap ships turn red, as they’d been obliterated.
”Prepare lance firing sequence. Target: warpriest 1 jaws.”
Affirmative, sire. Opening gates
The front of the ship opened up, behind the shield lay the spinal lance. It started rotating and emitted some sort of energy.
”The weapon is ready, sire.”
Another blinding light. Like a screech, the massive battlecruiser spinal weapon fired a blue particle beam at almost the speed of light at one of the warpriests, passing the bomber squadrons heading to the same target. The doors closed rapidly after the weapon had been fired when the incoming shots from both sides. Multiple shots slammed into the Fortune’s hull. The fleet took heavy damage with the ships advanced armour protecting the ships from annihilation.
One enemy shell hit a Sunrise-class from the side, it shattered multiple layers of armour before being stopped by the forged neosteel. The Sunrise turned its guns and unloaded a volley of its railguns. The entire fleet retaliated as the auto-cannons unleashed wrath and the main coilguns and railguns fired humongous explosive shells with an extremely powerful electromagnetic force.
”Missiles, 28% capacity. I want torpedoes in the air.”
Each ship launched missiles out of their broadsides. They raced towards their targets of the bloodcult groups with the warpriests followed by torpedoes.

Two dark blue, almost black, Monarch-class escort destroyers from the border fleet move up to board the ships.

Faced with an considerable volley of missiles the beasts seemed to cease fire for a couple of moments, instead focusing their efforts on point defense and evasion, thin streaks of light pierced through the darkness impaling missile after missile, erupting into raging explosions, however taking down the missiles did take away from their over all attention, as the blue light of the particle beam reached the beasts it was too late for accurate reactions, in a last ditch effort the massive beast dived upwards, though it was hit regardless, with terrifying telepathic screeching one of it´s massive tusks was cleaved right off, with the beam having enough power to still damage the medium sized beast behind it...
More fire lighted up the void as the missiles and torpedos which hadn´t been taken down reached the beasts, turning another dozen of the smaller ones into red mist, a torpedo hit an already injured mid sized beast and tore it to pieces, ending it´s life in a fountain of red mist and more terrifying telepathic screeching, explosive shells continued to rain down however coordinating fire with how scattered the fleet was after the explosion had become an issue, whilst damaging the beasts overall, it was hard to land killing blows like this...
Whilst at least the eye of the beasts seemed to be silent for a while, that advantage was almost immedietly tainted by the fact the beasts would likely soon reach mid-range, additionally to the other group which was still heading towards them from the side...

In the distance, cut off from his own half of the fleet by the slowly subsiding explosion of the eyes and a horde of Cultbeasts, Stantine saw the other half of his fleet fighting the other two groups of Cultbeasts, although he had managed to take down almost half of the small beasts at this point and a few of the mid sized ones, saying that his own fleet is 'not in best shape' would be a severe understatement...

KrankysFirebrand48 The carnage is bad. The bodies were all torn apart but the marines weapons. A sole survivor sat there holding his hands to stop the light. They notice how pale he is and how he is wearing nothing. His genitals seemed to have been crudely castrated. Probably from some ritual when he was younger.

Talking to him could lead to something.

The ships docks and personnel are welcomed aboard the lead cruiser.

Shortly outside of the borders of the GBE a small force of unknown origin exits FTL, hailing the GBE border guard should there be any:
//Transmission: GSR Code//*
"Diplomatic Taskforce "Ingenborg A-25" of allegiance to zhe German Space Regime requesting a meeting with an official of zhe Galactic British Empire. Ve come in peace, Wir kommen in Frieden."
//Transmission End//

The diplomatic force, consisting of a light cruiser, a light destroyer and two patrol boats, slowly drifts towards the border.

Battle group Quebec leaves slipspace. Multiple blue exit portal close and Chekhov radiation oozes everywhere. First into the new battleground are the battlegroups frigate strike groups, then destroyers, and cruisers. Then out of the final portal which is larger then the rests emerges a behemoth. A 3.5km super carrier capable of carrying destroyers in its hangars. The grey titanium armour of the fleet gives a sense of hope to the Galactic British Empire naval ships in the area.

This is UNSC battlegroup Quebec standing by.

In some spots the stars were missing. Odd as it may be these splotches of dark black were actually the battlegroups prowler attachment. Stealth craft to monitor and provide intelligence, watch and listen.

//UNSC.FLEETCOM.//Request// comes up on the comms channels of the GBE ships. Once accepted a mans voice is heard. This is Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb the man says in a heavy Texas drawl. From the gossip papers back home it was said he was descendent of Russian Cossacks.

He then goes on to say “we heard your cries and have given an answer. Frigates and Destroyers break. Atlas deploy fighters. Cruisers lay down covering fire for our allies. Whitcomb out.

On the UNSC ships view screens the bridge of the Atlas and Danforth snap out of existence.

The destroyers and frigates break off and move to get into range.

11 days later

Drakador_Chaos ONI

(fleet positions something like this:


// transmission start //
”Brothers, we’re glad you’ve heeded our call. Please engage the group closest to you and stop that group from chasing our battlegroup. Don’t allow them to get into close range.”
// transmission end //
The telepathic screeching instilled terror in the ships crew. The bomber pilots, bring close were hit the hardest as some died, their AI taking over control. The ships AI connected to their brain kept them alive and flying.
Most of the battlegroup’s shields were down, now the bulk of the defences were protecting them. Their armour. As they evaded projectile after projectile by using their computers and small profile to make them the hardest possible target, as they tanked bolt after bolt slamming into their advanced armour, they continued their retaliation of nuclear railgun shells and now continuous missile and torpedo fire. The fleets armour was very good at taking hits from energy weapons such as lasers and plasma. However the primal hunter shells were devastating and effective though the fleet prioritized evading them.
The fleet continued backing up as the beasts drew closer. The warpriest with the broken jaw was immediately engaged by the bombers. When they were close enough their torpedoes deployed out of the bay and launched with their payloads all straight into the eye of doom.

”Do you think it would work twice?” Stantine asked his advisor. ”I don’t see any possibility to stop it, said his advisor, ”Maybe some unexpected acceleration?”
”It’s worth trying. Slow passive charge on warp drives please. Transfer the power directed at the lances once they fire.”
The war drives started spinning up as the fleets cruisers opened their gates like jaws as the HMS Fortune had.
”Fire lance volley!”
The blue beams erupted out of their bows as the cruiser fleet unleashed their spinal particles weapons at the second bloodcult warpriest, all of them converging on the same target, warpriest 2’s jaws. More bombers launched converging on the second warpriest.

One marine and a medic stayed behind to tend to his wounds and bring him out the breach. The marines then continued down the path of were the enemies had come from.

The escort destroyers launched shuttles that eventually land in the hangars if the great cruiser.
Out of the shuttle steps the director of naval weapon development, Eylen Catolion, and her escort of 8 marines.

The comms operator picked up the transmission.
”That’s impossible... Officer!” The officer that was already very excited about finding the SAS came running. ”What now?”
”They claim to be the GSR. Listen.” The transmission plays. ”That’s impossible. Identify those ships!”
”They are GSR designs, sir.”
”Very well. Transfer it over to the Gladius.”

// transmission start //
”Greetings brother. Unfortunately due to the last wars result, which you should be familiar with, you need to go through an extremely long and complicated process of scanning your bodies and your ships to enter our borders. This meeting needs to be digital.”
// transmission end //

KrankysFirebrand48 The marines clear the rest of the ship. Finding more of the cultists. They even find the commander of the ship who tried to take his own life but is stopped by the marines grabbing him. The dark ship is clean of the cult filth.

KrankysFirebrand48 ONI
By the time the torpedos approached the massive weakened beast, it was already too late to react, at least in the state it was in right now, the shells of torpedos ran through space glistening in the light of passing lasers and plasmabolts, both smaller and larger beasts offered retaliation fire to the fighters and torpedoes, hailing down projectiles almost like a destructive rain on the assailants...
Alas, it wasn´t enough, one torpedo came through, one more, another one, until a good dozen of them had crashed into the massive, beast, engulfing it in an enormous ball of nuclear fury...
The explosion raged for several moments and showed no sign of stopping. Then...
Nothing moved out of the cloud... one of the massive beasts seemed beaten.
There was a certain relief in teh thought that even these massive ancient beasts were not immortal.
Yet, it wasn´t the end.
Moments later, the feeling of relief would come to an abrupt and disillusioning end, a mind-numbing terrifying telepathic roar rolled over the battlefield, like the shockwave of a thermonuclear blast, minds strained, some shattered irredeemably into thousands of pieces and drove the untrained who survived to the brink of madness, the death roar of the Warpriest killed everything which had been in its immediate vicinity, be it fighter pilots or minor beasts...
...and yet, it wasn´t the end, the energy released in the last moments of the beasts life, compressed, concentrated.
The center of the site of the beasts death flared up like an eye of doom projectile...
...and then detonated like one, fighters, minor beasts and mid sized beasts, even the still raging cloud of plasma from the explosion, were all drawn in alike, although the mid sized beasts seemed to have enough force to outrun the gravitational pull of the Warpriests last breath and escaped, then...
...the energy released, like the first time when the eye fired a massive explosion erupted although this time localized on location of its death...
As the explosion raged between the UEG fleet and the remaining fleet of the Cultbeasts, those beasts from the now leaderless fleet re-united with the remaining one, which charged the GBE fleet...
As the lances fired, the beasts were prepared this time, the massive Cultbeast they had been directed at rolled to the side and whilst the intensity of the passive lance shots scorched the armour on its lower side it remained functionally undamaged, or at least it seemed like it...
The horde of beasts reached mid-range and along with a large volley of their roof mounted weaponry, smaller hunter cannons and large flak turrets began firing highly penetrative and explosive shells their opponents way, adding a addittional level to their offensive power, unlike the heavy weaponry which was concentrated on the larger ships, these however seemed to be more spread out, the flak even shooting seemingly at randomized toargets or even empty space, saturating it with explosions and making evasive manouvers considerably more difficult no matter the size of the craft...
However, this torrent was only directed towards the british fleet...
Were they ignoring the UEG?
A couple of moments later they would notice, why that was.
As the deathroar of the massive Warpriest had died down...
A second roar came over the battlefield, weaker, because it´s source seemed to be farther away, it was almost... if the rift had answered, it´s surface boiled, raged and then a cloud of the eerie red mist poured into the battlefield like a geyser, drawing a broad red line into space behind the cultfleet, slowly spreading but still too dense to make anything out...
However, something was evident, although the mist covered most of the sight and seemed to heavily interfere with the scanners, something...
Visual scanners across the UEG fleet could bareley make out... silhouettes? ...and something seemed to be moving within the cloud, causing disturbances in it´s natural flow...
Another telepathic roar, closer, instilling terror in the incoming UEG crews, it was almost like a challenge, whatever was moving within... seemed to be moving towards the UEG reinforcements with a primal fury.

6 days later

The prisoners are escorted onto some of the shuttles. The commander stats for interrogation. The ship is now being scanned and analyzed by experts on the ships.
”Who are you?” asks one of the marines, ”and why did you attack us?”



@ONI Drakador_Chaos
The strike craft lost total control and started spinning violently towards the gravitation center. The crew would have panicked if they weren’t all dead. The strike craft were obliterated. The telepathic roar hit everyone on the ships like hammers. Some fell over, went unconscious or insane. The ship AI was now taking hand of more tasks.

// transmission start //
”We’re about to make a short range tactical warp jump in this direction.

”Please be aware and stand clear of the enemy fleets next redirection. Attempt to target them from long range.”
// transmission end //

As the Bloodcult fire intensified losses were racking up. A Solaric’s reactor was hit and detonated as the ship became debris. Frigates were burning and falling like empty husks as escape pods launched. Some shields recovered after being recharged and temporality protected some ships. The GBE fleet was down to two thirds of its original size with plenty of ships damaged racking up to one half of its original strength.

As Stantine was waiting for the warp drives the charge he was ordered the firing of the only weapon he hadn’t yet fired. The signature armament of the battlecruisers massive cruise torpedoes. Half the crew on the bridge were being escorted out, some unconscious, some insane. Fire control made sure the torpedoes would follow a path were they flew away from the Bloodcult fleet and then turned around to accelerate at the Bloodcult fleet and hit the warpriest’s jaw just after the fleet jump. They’d hit one after the other. All the torpedoes launch out of their silos. They made an 180 degree turn and flew away from both the fleets.
”More power to the warp drives. Decrease power to weapons.” ordered Stantine.
”Roger abating firepower.”
”Focus fire on the medium sized beasts.”
”Directing firepower, sire.”
The main batteries and all the other missiles and guns started directing their wrath at the weaponry of the medium sized beasts.
”Advisor,” Stantine asked, ”how unwise would it be to send in the Redeemers if distancing with warp wouldn’t be possible?”
”Drawing out the full potential if their firepower is a bad idea, but I would serve as a distraction.”
”Yes, but with lives lost. They have lasers. We better stay at range.”
The torpedoes, after getting some distance, turned around and started accelerating toward the target, warpriest 2’s jaw and the eye of doom.

Drakador_Chaos The UEG ships hang back a few couple thousand kilometres from the enemy. As the unidentified craft draws closer the fleet opens up with barrages of missile fire and MAC fire after the effects of the roar wear off. The roar affected the crew differently by either causing severe migraines or knocking out the crew members entirely.

Some of the ships are knocked out completely but the ships AI took over in these situations allowing the ships to still operate efficiently and under their original orders.

The prisoners are escorted onto some of the shuttles. The commander stats for interrogation. The ship is now being scanned and analyzed by experts on the ships.
”Who are you?” asks one of the marines, ”and why did you attack us?”
The prisoners blink and stare off into space. Their pale skin shines almost translucent and hangs off some of the prisoners' bodies, suggesting that they don't have many resources and are operating on fumes.

We....we came here because of


The prisoners point towards the location of the cult rift. Almost like they were drawn to it. Upon further investigation of the ships, symbols are scratched into the walls, as well as the dead bodies as if it was some sort of ritual or whorship.

//Transmission: GSR Code//
"Understandable. In zhis case ve will activate a visual channel."

After a few seconds the silhouette of an officer appears. Seemingly rather old, he looks over into the camera.

"Long time, no see."

//Transmission End//