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The Recusant-class light destroyer also known as the Recusant-class support destroyer, commonly referred to as the Commerce Guild destroyer, and additionally known as the Separatist destroyer, were a class of starship used by the CIS Navy during the Clone Wars.

The Recusant-class was based on technical schematics stolen from the Mon Calamari by Quarren Separatists. It was mass-produced by zealous workers led by Techno Union Foremen, using materials from many Commerce Guild worlds. The Commerce Guild destroyer was manufactured by Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc. and Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps.

In game Size : (40x206)

The Recusant

The stock Recusant was not equipped with hangars for ground based forces, but carried about 40,000 battle droids for boarding actions. The Recusant-class could also carry droid starfighters for fleet engagements in hollow spaces inside the ship. A 2,544 meter-long variant model was shown to have both a built-in hangar on the side of each vessel, as well as a docking clamp to carry one C-9979 landing craft.

Recusant destroyer was used by the Alliance to Restore the Republic after the Civil War

  • Support ship
  • Light destroyer
  • Command Ship

Required Mods

Star Wars: A Cosmos Divided, By: @ClassicJam

Warhammer 40K, By: @Stormi_chan

Kroom's Forge, By: @Kroom
You can enable the bigger ships in the mod section of the game, is practically a vanilla feature
Use and modify as you want, but give us some credit 😉


    OOH make a subjagator next!

    That or a diamond class cruiser, a sabaoth destroyer would be good

      LiamTheShipmaster Yeah, Malevolence and Sabaoth are good ideas, but diamond-class...

        You can just use the circle tool and then cut it in half and there is

        • ONI likes this.

        yeah, but i'll never be able to replicate the efficiency and power of your ships!

        LiamTheShipmaster Who says you must?

          LiamTheShipmaster Just learn,and try over and over. And also what Roasted said,you don't really have to copy his style. Everyone has their own styles

            LiamTheShipmaster As the others say, try and try until you succeed, don't ever give up.

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