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Ultranova I see 14 beds,where are the other 4?

in the vents


    Altraxia There's only 10 crew on the ship, the other four beds are emulating the beds in medbay

    I was going to do this too lol

    ONI Same

    just noticed how c h o n k y the skeld is lol

      GenericUser984 he is quite a chonky boi

        IvanBerni ONI

        lololololollololololool too fast 4 u

          Ultranova your sus i watched you vent

          ONI C.L.U. acting kinda sus

            New DLC

            Ultranova was not an impostor...

            darkgalaxy30 look at how you murdered my forum handle

              RedAndCosmoteer forum handle?

                RedAndCosmoteer oh idk XD