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KrankysFirebrand48 I would, if not for the Alliance leaders laughing my idea out of the conference room

    Altraxia Alliance Leaders Be like: Yeah yeah yeah, AS IF WE CAN MASS PRODUCE DEATH STARS, WHO ARE WE? THE EMPIRE?!?!?! (Laughter)

      Altraxia TIE Fury

      double r: helo

        Super_Mapper What do you mean?

          Altraxia Furry



            7 months later

            Repainted the A-Wing,made the New Republic T-85 X-Wing and added a bunch of alphabet wing fighters. Will redo some of the older ones like Y wing and V wing and maybe the V 19 torrent later today

            (Oh shoot it's been seven months)

              11 days later

              Are you gonna update the frigates corvettes and escorts with more ships like you did this one?

              also srry if your tired of people asking but your sw ships are some of my favs sooooo....whats da progress of the capital ships?

                LiamTheShipmaster I will,when I make/rework enough to matter.

                LiamTheShipmaster It's fine,I don't mind because I actively take my time to redo my ships
                So far I've only made 1 ship--
                the Harrower class dreadnought:

                --because I've been doing some faction ships and playing Terraria for the last few weeks
                btw this got SotD but my new fac ship I made which I'm really proud of didn't

                Here is the Tie Experimental Line I made recently.

                  Adenn_Gratua what's with the red dots?

                    LiamTheShipmaster That is suicide hotline

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