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This thing gonna work with 15.12 or will it be updated further?

    IMBriefwinters Does it say 15.12? NO it don't so it wont, fix it yourself if you want it to work

      kola2134 Dang bro relax. Not everyone can code and I was just asking.

        AncientPaviliic Oh sick imma try it out then. Thanks

          ConnCraft Hey I went to a guitar lesson but I'm back now I'll try it out now and let you know if I have any ideas.

            Update out now.

            • ONI likes this.
            ConnCraft changed the title to Naval Vengeance Mod for 0.15.13..

              ConnCraft I've been using this version since the old one got abandoned, thanks dude.

              • ONI likes this.

              Can someone tell me if this is a problem, but are there thrusters included in this mod? I just noticed there are larger thrusters shown on the pictures for the built in ships, but when I try to load them, there are none. There are also no modded thrusters listed under the parts. Also, I was running it with version 0.15.12b, with Galactic Allegiance and SW Cosmos Divided as well.

              The_Space_Core Yeah there was the giant thrusters

                The_Space_Core IIRC, an older version had some, but they got removed. I wouldn't recommend trying to load default ships, they haven't been updated.

                  Ah, okay. Thank you!

                    3 months later

                    sorry for necroposting but when i selected the ammo factory to supply the bomber catapult it crashed my game without sending a logfile can anyone help me out plz?

                      i figured it out whenever a vanilla part like control rooms, factorys and reactors are selected i think the code is interacting with cosmoteers vanillas parts

                        Chompsky Weird, I'll look at it tomorrow. Also dont worry about necro posting, this mod doesnt get much talk 😃

                        8 months later

                        Cthulaid442 can you please not be rude and also not necropost, thanks
                        Also why get mad at someone when there not even talking to you?????

                          its crush so much, how fix it, i dont get log

                            2 months later

                            Hey! Sorry if I'm necro posting, but whenever I try to use NV, it simply crashes within a minute into gameplay. Another person I've been talking with recently is having the same problem. I was wondering why this is and if it's fixable?
                            Addendum - before you ask, no, there is no crash log...